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WelcomeWelcome ™ ™ ™ Parcel Mapping and Maintenance within ArcGIS using ®

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Presentation on theme: "WelcomeWelcome ™ ™ ™ Parcel Mapping and Maintenance within ArcGIS using ®"— Presentation transcript:

1 WelcomeWelcome ™ ™ ™ Parcel Mapping and Maintenance within ArcGIS using ®

2 CEDRA-AVseries software operate within ArcGIS without the need of any other third party software AVland AVcad AVsand AVwater AVparcel AVcogo DXF export Data Editor ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ CEDRA-AVseries softwareCEDRA-AVseries software

3 CEDRA-AVparcel COGO Tools PointsLinesCurves Offsets TangenciesRelocationsIntersectionsEchoDimensioningTransformation Over 60 Cogo Tools Text Orientation

4 CEDRA-AVparcel Polygon and Parcel Tools 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Create a Polygon or Parcel using one or four methods Convert Polygons to Parcels with a topological database structure Edit a Parcel’s geometry or database attributes Move line(s)/curve(s) endpoint to point of projection on line/curve Move point to point of projection on line/curve Find the area and perimeter of a polygon or parcel Split a Parcel based upon a user specified line or group of lines Union Polygons or Parcels Combine Polygons or Parcels Delete a Parcel or group of Parcels Square Polygon corners with respect to a Line Create a Polygon given 3 Sides and an Area Perform a Clean Operation

5 Mass annotation of the lot metes and bounds Mass annotation of lot ID’s and areas Automated Mass AnnotationAutomated Mass Annotation Automated Mass Annotation

6 Interface w/ArcGIS 3D AnalystInterface w/ArcGIS 3D Analyst Interface w/ArcGIS 3D Analyst

7 View the site from various points and anglesView the site from various points and angles View the site from various points and angles

8 CEDRA-AVparcel with ArcGIS 3D AnalystCEDRA-AVparcel with ArcGIS 3D Analyst CEDRA-AVparcel with ArcGIS 3D Analyst provides the user a tool to create realistic images from accurate mathematical models

9 CEDRA-AVparcel offers CAD-Like Drafting Functionality

10 Included with CEDRA-AVparcel is the CEDRA-DataEditor software which enables the user to create custom dialog boxes such as the one shown below. The CEDRA-DataEditor software is ideal for data capture and maintenance applications.

11 CEDRA-AVparcel Demo Pack To experience CEDRA-AVparcel’s functionality, The CEDRA Corporation provides a demo pack, which walks the user through a sample parcel definition/editing exercise, and lets users use their own project data. To experience CEDRA-AVparcel’s functionality, The CEDRA Corporation provides a demo pack, which walks the user through a sample parcel definition/editing exercise, and lets users use their own project data. Visit for more details describing the CEDRA- AVparcel demo pack and other ArcGIS based software. Visit for more details describing the CEDRA- AVparcel demo pack and other ArcGIS based

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