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By Rory.  Mexican people like to eat tacos, burritos, quesadillas and lots of spicy foods.

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Presentation on theme: "By Rory.  Mexican people like to eat tacos, burritos, quesadillas and lots of spicy foods."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Rory

2  Mexican people like to eat tacos, burritos, quesadillas and lots of spicy foods.

3  The currency that the Mexicans use is Mexican peso.

4  The population of Mexico is 112,336,538 and the capital city is Mexico city

5  The main animals of Mexico are Eagle,Bears,Racoons and squirrels

6  The sports Mexicans play are soccer, bull fighting, lucho wrestling and boxing

7  There are lots of tourist attractions like Accapulo, rivera maya, Chichen Itza, Los cabons and copper canyon.

8  Mexicos farmers grow crops like corn, coffee, sugar, vegetables, tropical fruits and nuts. Mexico is famous for making cars and have a lot of factories that make BMW NISSAN VOLKSWAGAN and many more.

9  The national day of Mexico is the 16 th of September. To celebrate they have parades, bull fighting, rodeos and feasts.

10  The Mexican flag is made up of Green, White, and Red. The Green is on the left to show for independence. White is in the middle to show for Mexican religion. The red is on the right to show for union.

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