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Listening Skills. Complete all readings and work before class Have a good attitude about the class and the teacher before you get into the classroom Be.

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Presentation on theme: "Listening Skills. Complete all readings and work before class Have a good attitude about the class and the teacher before you get into the classroom Be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening Skills

2 Complete all readings and work before class Have a good attitude about the class and the teacher before you get into the classroom Be cognitively and emotionally ready to listen in class Sit as close to the teacher as possible to hear, focus and concentrate better Concentrate on what the teacher is saying

3 Listening Skills DO NOT daydream. Give the teacher your undivided attention! Take responsibility for your education. Learning is up to the learner. Keep your mouth shut. You can not listen when you are talking. Don’t be a distraction to others Let the teacher finish before you begin asking questions

4 Listening Skills One person speaks at a time! If you are having trouble hearing, ask the teacher to move. Remove yourself from as many distractions as possible Listen to what is being said, not what you want to hear

5 Listening Skills Try to identify the main points that the teacher is speaking about. Read the textbook before class, look at overheads and identify key words during the lesson Listen for main points and ideas. Pay special attention when the teacher says things like: “Pay special attention to this”; “The big idea here is…”; “You will need to remember this….”

6 Listening Skills Be aware of other cues or hints that an important point has just been made. If the teacher points to something, repeats themselves or changes a voice pattern, they are trying to get your attention. Listening is an active, not passive activity. You must be engaged (paying attention) in order to be able to listen. Active listeners have a pen and paper at the ready to take notes

7 Listening Skills Listening vs. Hearing In one ear and out the other is not what we are looking for

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