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Hosted by Mrs. Mackens 100 200 400 300 400 Deaf CultureVocabularyTrue/False5 parameters 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Mrs. Mackens

3 100 200 400 300 400 Deaf CultureVocabularyTrue/False5 parameters 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Fingerspelling of last name is distinguished from the first name by… Pausing in between the first and last name.

5 1,2 The sign for yesterday.

6 1,3 You should “talk” silently while signing to help Deaf people lipread. False

7 1,4 What are the 5 parameters, In order? 1.Handshape 2.Palm Orientation 3.Location 4.Movement 5.NMS

8 2,1 If a hearing friend comes by while you are signing with a Deaf person, it is rude… Not to sign in front of them or to look away while talking.

9 2,2 How would you sign the Following sentence? I like going to school. (Type the question for 2,2 here.)?

10 2,3 The meaning of a sign can be modified by changing facial expression. True

11 2,4 What is the palm orientation For the sign happy? Toward you body.

12 3,1 Name two ways to get the attention of a Deaf person Hand wave or Shoulder tap

13 3,2 Sign the sentences. Hello my name is Juan Pablo. I want to introduce my friend.

14 3,3 In ASL you should not sign “you” in the phrase “see you later.” True

15 3,4 What is the movement for the Sign excited? Alternating left and right hands in an upward motion

16 4,1 When signing a “WH” question and a Yes/No Question something looks different. Explain Specifically which non-manual signal is different and how it is different. Facial Expression; Yes/No eyebrows go up, Wh- eyebrows go down.

17 4,2 Sign the sentences. I don’t mind going to Solon High School. I am not bored. (Type the question for 4,2 here.)?

18 4,3 One English word might be signed several different ways depending on the meaning of the word in a sentence. True

19 4,4 What is this sign? HS: 1 becomes X PO: D starts down ND starts up Then switches Loc: Stomach level; middle Movement: “flips like a pancake” “fingers grab each other” NMS: None Friend

20 5,1 Name three pieces of information that should be included in an introduction in the Deaf community First and last name, Hearing status, Where you live

21 5,2 Sign the following sentences. What’s up? We are going to the Movie, Planet of the Apes, today. Do you want to go? No? Ok. See you later. (Type the question for 5,2 here.)?

22 5,3 The structure of ASL allows many “little words” necessary in English to be omitted when you sign. Give an example. True; to be verbs

23 5,4 Write the parameters for the Sign “tired” (Type the question for 5,4 here.)?

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