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CLIC Kickers: Status and activities for 2013 in view of the budget discussions for 2013 CTC #65 M.J. Barnes CLIC Technical Committee, November 20121 M.J.

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Presentation on theme: "CLIC Kickers: Status and activities for 2013 in view of the budget discussions for 2013 CTC #65 M.J. Barnes CLIC Technical Committee, November 20121 M.J."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLIC Kickers: Status and activities for 2013 in view of the budget discussions for 2013 CTC #65 M.J. Barnes CLIC Technical Committee, November 20121 M.J. Barnes

2 Damping Ring Striplines  The design of prototype striplines for the extraction kicker of the Damping Rings is being finalized. Two cross-section shapes have been selected: flat electrode shape and halfmoon electrode shape, both inside a cylindrical beam pipe.  The striplines will be built in Spanish Industry, starting in the next two months.  Testing:  Test and measurement at IFIC and CIEMAT, and then shipped to CERN for further test and measurements (Carolina will spend some time at CERN) – a major difficulty is measuring field uniformity to determine whether it meets the specifications …..  Plan is to send the striplines to ALBA (without inductive adder) and/or KEK (with inductive adder, from 2014) for testing in an accelerator (beam impedance, field uniformity e.g. with a DC power supply).  Estimate for shipment, travel to test facility, accommodation, etc. during 2013: 30 kCHF. Flat electrodesHalfmoon electrodes CLIC Technical Committee, November 20122 M.J. Barnes

3 Damping Ring Inductive Adder  Some components, such as a high precision DC power supply and the required capacitors, have been ordered.  Not all components originally envisaged for procurement during 2012 have been ordered….  One layer to be built by early 2013 and tests commenced soon after;  20 layer inductive adder to be built and tested during 2013;  Parts of a 2 nd inductive adder to be ordered during 2013, and assembly started.  Envisaged for installation, together with striplines, in an accelerator facility during 2014.  Estimate for parts to be ordered and received 2013: 205 kCHF  Manpower for 2013: 65 kCHF (PhD Student [9 months] and then a Fellow [3 months]) CLIC Technical Committee, November 20123 M.J. Barnes

4 EU/FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) Joint proposal made to “EU/FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN)”: … In the present work, it is proposed to study and carry out precision measurements, in an accelerator facility, of a recently prototype stripline kicker and pulse generator (inductive adder). The measurement data will be compared in detail with predictions and thus a second generation stripline kicker and pulse generator will be designed, built and tested. CLIC Technical Committee, November 20124 M.J. Barnes

5 Combiner Ring Extraction Kicker Pulse Generator SLAC RF Accelerator Research & Engineering Division estimate that 3 man-months of work are required to complete the following 2 tasks: 1) a first-order electrical design of the pulse generator required – this will identify the most promising approach for the pulse generator. 2) based on the approach identified in item 1, above: a detailed electrical design of the pulse generator required. The man-power cost for the 3 man-months of work is 75k$ - to be requested for 2013. CLIC Technical Committee, November 20125 M.J. Barnes

6 SPARE SLIDES CLIC Technical Committee, November 20126 M.J. Barnes

7 EXPERIMENTAL TESTS  Verification of the stripline dimensions.  Vacuum compatibility.  High voltage performance.  Longitudinal and transverse beam coupling impedance measurements.  Field homogeneity.  Others… Tests in the laboratory: IFIC, CIEMAT, CERN CLIC Technical Committee, November 20127 M.J. Barnes

8 EXPERIMENTAL TESTS Tests in a Test Facility ALBA: ATF2: Using DC power supplies instead of the inductive adder  Transverse beam coupling impedance  Longitudinal beam coupling impedance (if possible)  Field homogeneity measurements with the DC power supplies and a closed bump. The kicker will be installed in a straight section in the Final Focus System, where many cavity BPMs with high resolution can be used to measure the stability and jitter of the beam deflection. Using the inductive adder, presently being designed CLIC Technical Committee, November 20128 M.J. Barnes

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