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Discrepancy Minimization by Walking on the Edges Raghu Meka (IAS & DIMACS) Shachar Lovett (IAS)

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Presentation on theme: "Discrepancy Minimization by Walking on the Edges Raghu Meka (IAS & DIMACS) Shachar Lovett (IAS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discrepancy Minimization by Walking on the Edges Raghu Meka (IAS & DIMACS) Shachar Lovett (IAS)

2 1 2 3 4 5 Discrepancy 1*11* *11*1 11111 ***11 1*1*1 1 2 3 4 5 1*11* *11*1 11111 ***11 1*1*1 3 1 1 0 1

3 Discrepancy Examples Fundamental combinatorial concept Arithmetic Progressions

4 Discrepancy Examples Fundamental combinatorial concept Halfspaces Alexander 90: Matousek 95:

5 Discrepancy Examples Fundamental combinatorial concept Axis-aligned boxes Beck 81: Srinivasan 97:

6 Why Discrepancy? Complexity theory Communication Complexity Computational Geometry Pseudorandomness Many more!

7 Spencer’s Six Sigma Theorem Central result in discrepancy theory. Beats random: Tight: Hadamard. Spencer 85: System with n sets has discrepancy at most. “Six standard deviations suffice”

8 Conjecture (Alon, Spencer): No efficient algorithm can find one. Bansal 10: Can efficiently get discrepancy. A Conjecture and a Disproof Non-constructive pigeon-hole proof Spencer 85: System with n sets has discrepancy at most.

9 This Work Truly constructive Algorithmic partial coloring lemma Extends to other settings New elemantary constructive proof of Spencer’s result EDGE-WALK: New algorithmic tool

10 1 2 3 4 5 Beck-Fiala Setting 1*1** *11*1 *1*1* ***1* 1***1

11 Matches Bansal 10

12 Outline 1.Partial coloring Method 2.EDGE-WALK: Geometric picture 3.Analysis of algorithm

13 Partial Coloring Method 1*11* *11*1 11111 ***11 1*1*1 1*11* *11*1 11111 ***11 1*1*1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1*11* *11*1 11111 ***11 1*1*1 1 -1 0 0 0 1*11* *11*1 11111 ***11 1*1*1 1*11* *11*1 11111 ***11 1*1*1 1 1 0

14 Focus on m = n case. Lemma: Can do this in randomized time. Partial Coloring Method Input: Output:

15 Outline 1.Partial coloring Method 2.EDGE-WALK: Geometric picture 3.Analysis of algorithm

16 1*11* *11*1 11111 ***11 1*1*1 Discrepancy: Geometric View 1 1 1 3 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 5

17 1*11* *11*1 11111 ***11 1*1*1 Discrepancy: Geometric View 1 1 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 5

18 Discrepancy: Geometric View Goal: Find non-zero lattice point inside Polytope view used earlier by Gluskin’ 88.

19 Claim: Will find good partial coloring. Edge-Walk Start at origin Gaussian walk until you hit a face Gaussian walk within the face Goal: Find non-zero lattice point in

20 Edge-Walk: Algorithm Gaussian random walk in subspaces Standard normal in V: Orthonormal basis change

21 Edge-Walk Algorithm Discretization issues: hitting faces Might not hit face Slack: face hit if close to it.

22 Edge-Walk: Algorithm

23 Edge-Walk: Intuition 1 100 Hit cube more often! Discrepancy faces much farther than cube’s

24 Outline 1.Partial coloring Method 2.EDGE-WALK: Geometric picture 3.Analysis of algorithm

25 Edge-Walk: Analysis Lem: For with prob 0.1 and

26 Edge-Walk Analysis

27 Claim 1: Never cross polytope

28 Edge-Walk Analysis 100

29 Edge-Walk Analysis Claim 3: Hit many cube faces -

30 Main Partial Coloring Lemma Algorithmic partial coloring lemma

31 Summary 1.Edge-Walk: Algorithmic partial coloring lemma 2.Recurse on unfixed variables Spencer’s Theorem Beck-Fiala setting similar

32 Open Problems Q: Other applications? General IP’s, Minkowski’s theorem? Some promise: our PCL “stronger” than Beck’s Q: Constructive version of Banszczyk’s bound?

33 Thank you

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