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Subject search using the thesaurus PsycINFO Library Next = Click.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject search using the thesaurus PsycINFO Library Next = Click."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject search using the thesaurus PsycINFO Library Next = Click

2 Subject search with thesaurus2 Example You are searching for publications on the treatment of sleeplessness with behavior therapy Library

3 Subject search with thesaurus3 Elements: Sleeplessness, Behavior therapy Use the thesaurus to find the relevant search term for each element

4 Subject search with thesaurus4 The thesaurus contains the subject terms of the database and their mutual relations Map term offers a quick search in the thesaurussThe first element is: Sleeplessness sleeplessness

5 Subject search with thesaurus5 The term used for sleeplessness is insomniaThe link leads to related subject terms

6 Subject search with thesaurus6

7 7 3216 publications on Insomnia The second element is Behavior therapy Behavior therapy You can also consult the thesaurus directly

8 Subject search with thesaurus8 The subject has broader, narrower, and related terms See the Scope Note for more information on a subject term

9 Subject search with thesaurus9 The term covers the subject

10 Subject search with thesaurus10 Use Explode to include the narrower terms in your search

11 Subject search with thesaurus11 Combine the search results with AND

12 Subject search with thesaurus12 144 Publications about insomnia and behavior therapy

13 Subject search with thesaurus13 Summary  Formulate the subject as concisely as possible  Determine the elements of the subject  Consult the thesaurus for the most specific subject term(s) for each element  Use these subject terms in your search to find publications relevant to your subject  Combine intermediate results in Search History Library

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