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Finding the Titanic Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 1 - Journeys Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 1 - Journeys Created by.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding the Titanic Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 1 - Journeys Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 1 - Journeys Created by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding the Titanic Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 1 - Journeys Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 1 - Journeys Created by Mike Brewer  2008

2 See if you can correctly identify the following vocabulary words.

3 If necessary, use the context clues from the sample sentences to help you.

4 funnelfunnel

5 funnelfunnel Sample Sentence: The funnel of the ship blew out big, thick, clouds of smoke.

6 funnelfunnel Definition:Definition: n. A vertical pipe from which smoke and exhaust gases escape; smokestacks.

7 plaqueplaque

8 plaqueplaque Sample Sentence: The plaque on the wall told the passengers where to go.

9 plaqueplaque Definition:Definition: n. A small piece of metal, stone, or other material with words engraved on it.

10 survivorsurvivor

11 survivorsurvivor Sample Sentence: The two survivors of the car crash were taken to a hospital.

12 survivorsurvivor Definition:Definition: n. people who have remained alive after an accident or war.

13 unsinkableunsinkable

14 unsinkableunsinkable Sample Sentence: The Titanic was thought to be an unsinkable ship.

15 unsinkableunsinkable Definition:Definition: adj. impossible to sink; incapable of sinking

16 voyagevoyage

17 voyagevoyage Sample Sentence: The voyage across the ocean took two months to complete.

18 unsinkableunsinkable Definition:Definition: n. A journey by sea or air, especially to a distant place

19 wreckagewreckage

20 wreckagewreckage Sample Sentence: The wreckage from the crash was scattered across the street.

21 wreckagewreckage Definition:Definition: n. the broken pieces left after something has been damaged or destroyed

22 hullhull

23 hullhull Sample Sentence: The engines were plaaced deep inside the hull of the ship.

24 hullhull Definition:Definition: n. The body of a ship; the main frame

25 bowbow

26 bowbow Sample Sentence: The bow of the ship plowed into each wave and slapped it away.

27 bowbow Definition:Definition: n. the front of a boat or other vessel

28 stewardsteward

29 stewardsteward Sample Sentence: The steward walked down the corridor checking on each passenger.

30 bowbow Definition:Definition: n. the front of a boat or other vessel

31 distressdistress

32 distressdistress Sample Sentence: The group of people found themselves in distress after their plane crashed.

33 distressdistress Definition:Definition: n. needing immediate help; mental suffering,

34 sternstern

35 sternstern Sample Sentence: The little boy caught the fish on the stern of the boat.

36 sternstern Definition:Definition: n. the rear part of a vessel; the rear part of something

37 drencheddrenched

38 drencheddrenched Sample Sentence: The wave crashed over the boat and drenched the two children.

39 sternstern Definition:Definition: n. the rear part of a vessel; the rear part of something

40 loomedloomed

41 loomedloomed Sample Sentence: Suddenly an enormous black wall loomed in the fog.

42 loomedloomed Definition:Definition: n. A distorted, threatening appearance of something, as through fog or darkness

43 monumentmonument

44 monumentmonument Sample Sentence: A monument was placed at the site of the disaster.

45 monumentmonument Definition:Definition: n. something designed and built as a lasting public tribute to a person or group

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