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ACS Careers Adviser Seminar 18 August 2009 Trevor Williams Chief Executive Officer.

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1 ACS Careers Adviser Seminar 18 August 2009 Trevor Williams Chief Executive Officer

2 About the ATC – Perth South What is the ATC-Perth South? A registered independent senior secondary College - Year 11 and 12 only A Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Commenced operating in 2007 Offers a unique educational model, focussed on the transition from school to work via an Australian School-based Apprenticeship (ASbA) What is an ASbA? An ASbA is a combination of academic, vocational and technical education and paid employment where a student’s school studies, training and work are integrated in the College curriculum. Young people can achieve their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and commence an apprenticeship (on a part-time basis) in their trade of choice. Where is the ATC – Perth South located? Maddington – Canning Park Avenue (200m from Maddington Train Station) Armadale – 41 – 45 Commerce Avenue (100m from Armadale Train Station)

3 About the ATC – Perth South How is the program structured? Students spend the first semester of Year 11 learning vital trade skills (including first aid and safety training), employability skills and studying their WACE subjects During first semester students will complete one or two x 2-week blocks of unpaid work experience to get a feel for the workplace and for employers to gauge readiness for an ASbA Upon completion of work experience the student will work with the College Employment Coordinator to secure an ASBA with an employer. Once a student-apprentice is indentured with an employer they will commence a 5 week at work - 5 week at College rotation until they graduate from Year 12 When the student-apprentice graduates from the ATC – Perth South they will have obtained their Western Australian Certificate of Education (Year 12 Graduation) and completed up to one year of their chosen trade apprenticeship

4 About the ATC – Perth South Benefits of becoming an Australian School-based Apprentice at the ATC – Perth South: ATC – Perth South focuses on workplace and project-based learning which builds student confidence, self esteem and personal satisfaction. Industry led and industry driven – representation on the Board, frequent feedback from employers Small work teams (optimum 15, max 20 student-apprentices) Over the course of the two-year program students have the opportunity to complete in excess of 800 hours of trade training in a state of the art College workshop and up to 1300 hours of industry training with an employer The student-apprentice earns an income when on indentured workplace rotation (can earn up to approx $10 000 - $12 000 over two years). Many will graduate high school and become 2 nd Year apprentices on 2 nd year apprentice wages Year 12 graduation keeps the door open for future study College has a full-time student Counsellor at each campus to mentor and support student apprentices College has a full-time Employment Coordinator to assist student-apprentice to find employment

5 Trades offered at the ATC – Perth South: Maddington Campus Automotive Mechanic Metals and Engineering – Boiler Making/ Welding Armadale Campus Cabinet Making Bricklaying Carpentry and Joinery Electrical About the ATC – Perth South

6 Costs College Fees for 2010 are set at $1100.00 per year Fees cover the cost of: Tuition, WACE books/stationary, trade consumables, safety equipment, blue card training and first aid training Scholarships There are a number of community and industry scholarships available. Student-apprentices are encouraged to apply for these scholarships on commencement In 2009 the College received $80,000 sponsorship from local industry and community organisations Application Process 1. Fill out application form 2. Applicant to sit multiple choice aptitude test 3. Applicant to sit 20minute interview with ATC – Perth South Staff member and industry representative when available 4. Letter of offer sent to applicant Currently accepting 2010 applications for ALL trades........ About the ATC – Perth South


8 2008 Year 12 ATC – Perth South Graduates into Full time Apprenticeships – 96% 2008 Year 11’s in Australian School-based Apprenticeships – 77% 2009 Year 12’s in Australian School-based Apprenticeships – 81% 2009 Year 11’s due to commence now – labour market is tight.

9 Access Programs for Youth at Risk What is an Access Program? The ATC – Perth South runs short courses for youth who are considered at risk and are currently disengaged from school, training, full time work or employment All courses are delivered by experienced and qualified Trade Facilitators using state of the art equipment Participants receive a nationally recognised Certificate upon completion of the course or Statement of Attainment on partial completion of the course Minimal cost associated to the program Up Coming courses: Certificate I – General Construction Date:29 September – 30 October 2009 (5 week Course) Time:8:30 – 4:30 / Monday - Friday What: This course allows participants to gain skills and knowledge specific to entry level of the General ConstructionIndustry. Certificate II – General Construction Date:29 September – 4 December 2009 (10 week Course) Time:8:30 – 4:30 / Monday - Friday What: This course allows participants to gain skills and knowledge specific to employment in the General Construction Industry

10 Working with Schools Auspicing Arrangements The College is an ideal partner to auspice the delivery of VET within schools and/or provide delivery and assessment at the College campuses in Armadale and Maddington. The College is also well placed to assist your school through the development of a delivery and assessment plan, for a desired qualification, to ensure that the program delivered meets national standards. The College can partner with Schools in delivery of VET in the following qualifications: NTIS CODETITLE BSB20107Cert II in Business MEM10105 Cert I in Engineering MEM20105Cert II in Engineering MEM30305Cert III in Engineering AUR10105Cert I in Automotive AUR20505Cert II in Automotive Vehicle Servicing AUR20105Cert II in Automotive Mechanical AUR30405Cert III in Automotive Mechanical Technology BCG10103Cert I in General Construction BCG20103Cert II in General Construction BCG30103Cert III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying LMF10102Cert I in Furnishing LMF20302Cert II in Furniture Making LMF30302Cert III in Furniture Making (Cabinet Making) 51409 Cert III in Carpentry and Joinery

11 QUESTIONS???? For further information on: Australian School-based Apprenticeships Access Programs; or Auspicing arrangements with schools Contact the College on: 1300 303 677 Or

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