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TSDS UNIQUE ID SYSTEM Mary Treviño-Cortez – Region One ESC.

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Presentation on theme: "TSDS UNIQUE ID SYSTEM Mary Treviño-Cortez – Region One ESC."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSDS UNIQUE ID SYSTEM Mary Treviño-Cortez – Region One ESC

2 Benefits of TSDS TSDS Unique ID Training for ESCs / February 2013 2  TSDS replaces and expands on the existing Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS).Public Education Information Management System  TSDS modernizes the PEIMS data collection process to reduce technology risk and system downtime allowing for more system availability and ease of use.  It puts real-time student performance data in the hands of educators to improve student achievement.  TSDS will become the one common data collection platform for TEA to reduce the data collection burden on districts and charter schools

3 Process TSDS Unique ID Training for ESCs / February 2013 3

4 TSDS Unique ID Source Data TSDS Unique ID Training for ESCs / February 2013 4  A Unique ID is required for each Student and Staff record to be loaded into the TSDS Education Data Warehouse (EDW ). Unique ID PID Link SISHRIS Future web service SIS & HRIS

5 Initial Assignment of IDs TSDS Unique ID Training for ESCs / February 2013 5 For the initial assignment of Unique IDs: 1. LEAs export files from their source systems – one from the SIS for students, one from the HR system for staff. CSV format All students/staff active in the 2012-2013 school year 2. LEAs log into the Unique ID system and upload files. 3. The TSDS Unique ID system processes the files and assigns Unique IDs. 4. LEAs download files with Unique IDs assigned and upload these into their source systems.

6 Rollout Plan TSDS Unique ID Training for ESCs / February 2013 6  September 15, 2012 – Technical specifications and requirements published in TEDS  February, 2013 – TEA trains ESC staff  February – March, 2013- ESCs train LEA staff  March 11, 2013 – TEA creates Unique ID database.  PID and PET updates through EDIT+ are no longer available  PET Files cannot be submitted March 11 – 25, 2013

7 Rollout Plan (Cont.) TSDS Unique ID Training for ESCs / February 2013 7  March 25, 2013 – TSDS Unique ID System in production (except for web services)  Unique IDs are made available to LEAs.  Demographic updates will be made through the TSDS Unique ID system.  April 8, 2013 - LEAs have Unique IDs populated in their student/staff source systems and can submit that information through EDIT+.  June 1, 2013 – TEA provides access to TSDS Unique ID Web Service interface.

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