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Vocabulary. Vocabulary Background When students graduate from high school their vocabulary is around 25,000 words. Students vocabulary grows about 3000.

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1 Vocabulary

2 Vocabulary Background When students graduate from high school their vocabulary is around 25,000 words. Students vocabulary grows about 3000 words a year. However, if you teach your students 10- 15 words a week then at the end of the school year you will have taught 555 words.

3 How are students learning? Family activities Hobbies Trips Television READING

4 Vocabulary Strategy Morphemes Use your knowledge of morphemes to decode the following word. What does it mean: PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS

5 Need some help? Let’s see if context helps … Because of his proximity to Mt. Saint Helens, he contracted PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS Pneumono - related to the lungs Ultra - transcending; super Micro – small Scopic– related to a viewing instrument Silico- the mineral silicon Volcano- eruption in the earth from which molten rock, steam, and dust issue Coni ( konis) – dust Osis – referring to a disease condition

6 Morphemic Analysis Students can learn meanings of words by locating the words root, prefix, and suffix. Omnivorousomni=all Carnivorouscarno=flesh Herbivorousherb=vegetation vorous=to swallow up

7 Levels of Word Knowledge Unknown word—I don’t know this word Initial recognition—I have seen or heard this word or I can pronounce it Partial word knowledge—I know one meaning of this word and can use it in a sentence Full word knowledge—I know more than one meaning or several ways to use this word.

8 Components of Word Study 1. Concepts and word meanings 2. Multiple meanings 3. Morphemic analysis 4. Synonyms 5. Antonyms 6. Homonyms 7. Etymologies 8. Figurative meanings

9 Concepts and Word Meanings You have 60 seconds to write single words. You have 60 seconds to write single words about summer vacations. Most students can learn more words when they attach them to a concept.

10 Multiple Meanings of Words Students need to be exposed to words in meaningful contexts in order to learn the multiple meanings of words. Write down the meanings you can think of for the word BANK. How would you explain these multiple meanings to students learning English or students of special need?

11 Synonyms Words that have the same or nearly the same meaning as other words Cold: cool, chilly, frigid, icy, frosty, freezing I got hurt yesterday. I cut my foot on a rock.

12 Antonyms Words that express opposite meanings. There are opposites that are more appropriate than others. What is the opposite of loud? She wore a very loud shirt. The plane flying overhead was loud.

13 Homophones Words that sound alike but are spelled differently. The King Who Rained.

14 Etymology—the history of words Zero Tattoo Robot Yogurt Restaurant Dollar Jungle umbrella Italian Czech Turkish Polynesian French Arabic German Hindi

15 answers ZeroArabic TattooPolynesian RobotCzech YogurtTurkish RestaurantFrench DollarGerman JungleHindi UmbrellaItalian

16 Figurative Meanings of Words Idioms—groups of words that have a special meaning. “I’m in hot water” ◦ Amelia Bedilia Metaphors ◦ Compare two things by implying that one is the other without using like or as. Similes ◦ Compare two things by using like or as. He is a hotdog! He is as hot as a dog!

17 Vocabulary KWL + What I think I know about this word What can I do to find out What I have Learned

18 Predict words from a text Linking Literature and Popular Culture Chapter 3: The Case for Popular Culture in American Classrooms What words do you predict would be in the chapter? How could you use this strategy with your students?

19 Word Map ExampleNonexample Antonym Synonym angry

20 PAVE Prediction, Association, Verification, Evaluation 1. Students write the sentence or context in which the word appears. 2. They write the word again. 3. They write a sentence of their own. 4. They check the words meaning in a dictionary. 5. They examine steps 3 and 4 and write a better sentence. 6. They draw an image to help them remember the meaning of the word. I never divulge a secret that a friend has entrusted to me.

21 Knowledge Rating Rate your knowledge of these words WordKnow WellSeen/heard itDon’t Know Pedagogy Semiotics Literacy Hermeneutics Paradigm

22 Verbal/Visual Association WordExample DefinitionNon example

23 Verbal/Visual Association Modified WordPicture DefinitionExample

24 RIVET Academic “Hangman” Introduces or Reinforces Vocabulary Can be used whole group or in student teams

25 Websites ◦ Will create definition links on any webpage ◦ Go to lessons, choose grade level, then “learning about language”, choose vocabulary

26 Activity Choose a topic and a vocabulary activity and explain how you would implement it in your classroom.

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