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COMBERTON VILLAGE COLLEGE Single Sex Class Trial in Year 9 1997-2001 Mary Martin Published: Educational Action Research Journal Volume 10 No. 1 June 2002.

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1 COMBERTON VILLAGE COLLEGE Single Sex Class Trial in Year 9 1997-2001 Mary Martin Published: Educational Action Research Journal Volume 10 No. 1 June 2002

2 The Problem G.C.S.E. gender differential Boys’ classroom behaviour Boys’ reading – not much fiction Boys’ written work ‘economical’ Boys’ lack of focus Ofsted “Boys & English” (1993)

3 Boys’ Underachievement and Possible Causes 1.Biological Factors 2.Attitudes, Peer Group Pressure and Working Habits 3.Literacy Skills 4.Role Models 5.Employment Prospects 6.Examinations and Assessment 7.Subject Perceptions 8.Teacher – Pupil Interactions

4 English Subject Specific Nature Privileges narrative as against other forms of communication /expression Is largely concerned with the personal and affective Encourages open-endedness rather than closure Concerned more with the implicit than the explicit Offers sanctuary to certain “preferred learning styles” Listening skills important

5 Establishing Classes Informing parents Year Assemblies Strategy development as team Resource decisions Staffing – best fit Climate / tone setting in classes

6 Teaching Strategies for Improving Boys’ Performances Seating Plans Setting Clear Objectives – make explicit Variety of Teaching Styles (video, ICT, Thinking Skills) Use of Diagrams/Graphic Organisers Boy-friendly Materials/Resources e.g.. ‘Macbeth’, ‘Northern Lights’, ‘Touching the Void’

7 Research Methodology Pupil questionnaire evaluation Staff interviews Pupil interviews Lesson observation Results analysis

8 Evaluations of Single Sex Trial Teachers’ Evaluation Improved atmosphere conducive to work Better quality work in all skill areas and more progress Male/Female viewpoint absent in discussion Pupil range wide in some cases necessitates differentiation Overall in favour of trial limited to one year

9 Single Sex Trial Evaluation Pupils’ Survey Some Variety in Reactions between sets and sexes but in general: POSITIVE FEEDBACK: Behaviour: fewer problems no showing off no interruptions boys feel more fairly treated Atmosphere: relaxed quieter more enjoyable teachers relaxed fewer reprimands

10 Single Sex Trial Evaluation Pupils’ Survey POSITIVE FEEDBACK CONTINUED Oral Work pupils more confident more mature attitude Progress Overall more concentration more focus on work more written work done boys preferred different choice of texts Girls appreciated their texts e.g. ‘Pride and Prejudice’

11 Single Sex Trial Evaluation Pupils’ Survey NEGATIVE FEEDBACK Boys miss girls Girls miss boys Fun, buzz, chemistry factor absent Lack of peer group help i.e. girls helping boys Lack of competition between sexes so calming influence of girls absent

12 Interview Evaluation Year 9 Girls’ comments: “It’s less embarrassing – you have the opportunity to gain confidence” “English is more personal – it’s your feelings whereas History is more neutral” “Girls show off to boys as well – you’re learning how to be with girls. You learn more about yourself. When you say what your opinions are, you are finding out what you think – you find out what you are”

13 Interview Evaluation Year 9 Girls’ comments continued: “You have still got pressure but it’s pressure to work” “Girls think about feelings more. Boys express feelings by punching each other. They make fun of each other. They’re horrible to each other”

14 Interview Evaluation Year 9 Boys’ Comments: “You get more chance to express yourself – you feel you do not have to suppress yourself” “I go home and think about my work whereas my sister goes home and looks at her hair” “It should be better next year because you’d have experienced what it’s like to concentrate” “Some people who normally muck about behave better – the`re not showing off”

15 Interview Evaluation Year 9 Boys’ Comments Continued: “In English you speak from your heart – it’s less embarrassing expressing yourself if girls aren’t watching” “When girls are there, you know that girls will do it – you can’t keep up – but without them you have to get involved” “You don’t get feminine advice”

16 Interview Evaluation Comments Continued: “……good relationships …… because she understands that we are going through pubity and she has had a great deal of experience with this” “The boys and the girls are going through changes that they may find embarrassing like voice breaking but all the boys are going through the boys puberty and vice versa with the girls” “You can delve deep into the more grotesque side of things. (Like in W.W.!. For example)”

17 Interview Evaluation Comments Continued: “I think it is best if the teacher is humourous and takes a humourable approach to a class of boys” “For humour it is better in single sex classes, because the teacher knows what things are more funny for boys than girls and vice versa and the teaching is more focused on us” “I think the teachers can speak more freely and say funny and humorous things about the other sex without feeling guilty about saying it in front of them”

18 Interview Evaluation Comments Continued: “It may be beneficial to go back to a unisex class as it will be good for us to expand our spectrum” “There is more humour. It is either near silence or raucous” “I think if the teacher is of the opposite sex, they will often not understand how the students talk and act and that affects their style of working”

19 National Test Results First year of trial – boys more 5s Second year of trial – boys more 6s Third year of trial – boys more 7s Throughout girls achieving up to and beyond expectations Fourth year of trial 92% of boys and girls 5s National differential 17% CVC differential 4%

20 Data Analysis Findings In general: Lessons – improved behaviour Growth of confidence Good work habits established Skills development – speaking/listening, reading, writing Better National Test results Stronger foundation for G.C.S.E.

21 Conclusions and Recommendation 1.Single sex classes:a valuable grouping variation for one year 2.Years 9 a good choice as threshold year – KS3 National Test as goal focus and measuring instrument 3.Opportunity for break from static setting patterns so that pupils can have a fresh start for G.C.S.E. 4.Important for boys and girls to have conscious identity as learners to transcend peer pressure 5.In the end gender differences fall away. Important issues are to do with quality of teaching and learning 6.This trial helped both boys and girls

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