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Peer Pressure Affects of Bullying BY DAWSON EICHHORN & ANNABELLA HARKINS 1.

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2 Peer Pressure Affects of Bullying BY DAWSON EICHHORN & ANNABELLA HARKINS 1

3 Peer Pressure  Peer pressure is influence that a peer group, observers or individual exerts that encourages others to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform to group norms. 2

4 Affects of Peer Pressure  Peer pressure can cause you to do things you would not do unless pressured into.  You can get pressured into things like, drinking, stealing, drugs, and many more.  While peer pressure can seem negative to the populous it can also be used in a positive way such as getting you to achieve better grades because your friends have good grades. 3

5 Just say “NO!”  You can gain respect from your peers by having the strength to say no.  Even if you can say no others might not be able to that why you should help your friends to not give into peer pressure and add a positive environment to your clique. 4

6 The Peer Pressure and Bullying connection  Peer pressure and bullying are related by that in cliques people will encourage others to pick on other peers.  Some teens will start bullying in the hopes of getting along better with their cliques or just hoping to get attention. 5

7 Bullying  Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. 6

8  Most people will bully because they might have problems at there homes where they are abused or spoken down to; so they will pick on other peers to take out their anger or so they have authority over the weaker peers.  Some kids who bully might be unintentionally rewarded by getting your lunch money or belongings so they feel in control of you.  Kids who bullying might like being feared or having someone to boss around most kids like this enjoy being in control of everything. 7 Causes of Bullying

9 Affects of Bullying  Some bullying cases have caused teens to commit suicide or in other cases has gotten them to hate school to where they did not want to go.  People who have been bullied in the past are afraid to be around others.  Some kids who are being bullied have problems with their health physically or mentally, some even stop eating regularly and stop doing sports or their favorite activities because they are being bullied. 8

10 Peer Pressure and Effects of Bullying  Peer pressure can have effects in a good or bad way, but either way people should be able to think for themselves without decisions from others.  Bullying has many negative effects on teens and other children, most kids who are being either bullied or the bully can be helped by others around them. 9

11 Sources     What-Is-The-Connection.htm What-Is-The-Connection.htm  10

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