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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT & PARENT ELECTIVES MEETING Welcome to the 7 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT & PARENT ELECTIVES MEETING Welcome to the 7 th Grade

2 Middle School French French -every other day Fun/Fieldtrip to Milwaukee You must start in 7 th grade or wait until High School Academic course with homework Can take multiple languages Both 7 th & 8 th grade years = French 1 Can move on to French 2 in HS

3 Middle School Spanish 2 Options (Based on 6 th grade placement)  Introductory Spanish— (Every Other Day)  Will take Continuing Spanish in 8 th grade, Spanish 2 in HS  Units= Spanish speaking world, Who am I?, Activities of a Teen, and Family & Celebrations (this includes making piñatas at the end of the year!)  Continuing Spanish— (Every Other Day)  Will take Spanish 2 in 8 th grade, Spanish 3 in HS  Units = School, Life of a Teen, Family, House, Clothing & Shopping (including a fun fashion show) and end the year learning about and eating food from Mexico! Both classes also offer opportunity for Fun Milwaukee Field Trip!

4 Middle School Mandarin Chinese Mandarin Chinese - every other day Fun/Fieldtrip to Milwaukee You must start in 7 th grade or wait until High School Academic course with homework Can take multiple languages Both 7 th & 8 th grade years = Mandarin Chinese 1 Can move on to Mandarin Chinese 2 in High School

5 Middle School Art Gain experience with a variety of media… Make connections with different cultures, artists and periods in art history. Learn how to talk and write about art. Focus on improving skills, not being a perfect artist. Risk taking! Creative problem solving… Fun and relaxing!

6 General Music General Music:  Every other day class  Listen, Analyze, Compose  Read, Sing, and Play Music (from Classical to Pop) MAJOR UNITS:  Composition (everyday sounds and computer music)  Music Notation (drum rhythms, note name games)  Keyboard  Guitar

7 Middle School Chorus Rehearsals  Large group ensemble every other day  Small group instruction once every six days, pulled from homeroom Performances  Evening concerts  Co-Curricular opportunities.. Jazzicalz, Solo and Ensemble and Middle School Musical

8 Middle School Band 7 th grade Band is a continuation of 6 th grade Band  Every other day rehearsals  Lessons once every 6 days, pulled from homeroom NEW activities and Performances include:  December concert in the HS Performing Arts Center &  Spring Band Concert  Solo and ensemble unit  Spring marching unit  Computer technology  Jazz Band as Co-curricular

9 Middle School Orchestra MS Orchestra is a continuation of 5 th -6 th grade  Every other day rehearsals  Lessons once every 6 days, pulled from homeroom NEW activities and Performances include:  Variety of Concerts and Events:  January MS Orchestra Concert in the HS Performing Arts Center  February Solo & Ensemble Recital  May Orchestra Festival  Solo & Ensemble Unit (co-curricular): Perform a solo or a duet at festival

10 A day at the Middle School…. Change classes every 45 minutes, 8 periods a day. Member of 1 of 3 “Teams” (Gems, Eagles, Comets) “Team” consists of 4 core subject areas (Math, Comm. Arts, Social Studies, Science) & Homeroom/Resource Students choose elective classes in addition to required core classes A Day/B Day schedule

11 Required Classes – Every Day Math Communication Arts Social Studies Science Technology Education/Family & Consumer Science Homeroom/Resource (w/ one of student’s “team” teachers) Required every other day : Physical Education

12 Elective Options Choose 4, receive 3  Fill out green sheet, and return to 6 th grade homeroom teacher by Thursday, January 22 nd World Language (Intro. to Spanish, Continuing Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese) Music (Band, Chorus, Orchestra, General Music) Art Classes may be scheduled for any hour of the day

13 Reminders Return signed green elective sheet to homeroom teacher by Thursday, January 22 rd No more changes after Friday, April 24 th  the earlier the better, and no guarantees Schedules will be mailed home during the summer (August)

14 Joe: Average Schedule A Day 1 st HourTransition Math 2 nd HourPhy. Ed7 Nutrition Break (10 min.) 3 rd HourComm. Arts 4 th Hour Tech Ed7/FACS7 5 th HourScience L U N C H (30 min.) 6 th HourCont. Spanish 7 th HourHomeroom 8 th HourSocial Studies B Day 1 st HourTransition Math 2 nd HourBand Nutrition Break (10 min.) 3 rd HourComm. Arts 4 th Hour Tech Ed7/FACS7 5 th HourScience L U N C H (30 min.) 6 th HourArt 7 th HourHomeroom 8 th HourSocial Studies

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