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 Introduction  National and state scenario of tomato  Policies for marketing tomato  National Horticulture Board Schemes  State Plan Schemes for.

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Presentation on theme: " Introduction  National and state scenario of tomato  Policies for marketing tomato  National Horticulture Board Schemes  State Plan Schemes for."— Presentation transcript:


2  Introduction  National and state scenario of tomato  Policies for marketing tomato  National Horticulture Board Schemes  State Plan Schemes for tomato  Central Government Schemes  Questions  References

3 Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) belongs to the genus Lycopersicon under Solanaceae family. Tomato is a herbaceous sprawling plant growing to 1-3 m in height with weak woody stem. The flowers are yellow in colour and the fruits of cultivated varieties vary in size from cherry tomatoes, about 1–2 cm in size to beefsteak tomatoes, about 10 cm or more in diameter. Most cultivars produce red fruits when ripe. Tomato is a native to Peruvian and Mexican region. Though there are no definite records of when and how it came to India, the Portuguese perhaps introduced it to India

4 Source : FAO Website

5 India is the fruit and vegetable basket of the world. India being a home of wide variety of fruits and vegetables holds a unique position in production figures among other countries. Over 90% of India's exports in fresh products goes to west Asia and East European markets. However, it needs to augment its food and processing industry at a mega scale, according to an agriculture consultant.

6 One of the main vegetables grown in Tamil Nadu is Tomato. Major production area of Tamil Nadu are Coimbatore, Dharmapuri, Salem, Krishnagiri districts.

7 Rythu Bazaar – Started in Andra Pradesh To avoid the exploitation of both the farmers and the consumers by the middlemen As of now, there are 96 RaythuBazaars operating in the state. Apni Mandi - First started in Punjab This system does away with the middlemen.-‘Apni Mandis’are similar to the Saturday markets of UK and USA. Cont…

8 Rushakbazars-Established in the state of Orissa The purpose is to empower farmer-producer to compete effectively in the open market to get a remunerative price and ensure products at affordable prices to the consumer Hardaspar Vegetable Market Hadaspar vegetable market is a model market for direct marketing of vegetables in Pune city This is one of the ideal markets in the country for marketing of vegetables-The market has modern weighing machines To facilitate direct contact between the farmers and public. To provide fresh vegetables and fruits at reasonable price daily without any interference of middlemen. Cont…

9 To provide correct measurement to the consumers. To give full satisfaction to the farmers and public. To aim for providing higher price than that of wholesale price to the farmers for their vegetables and fruits. To provide the fresh fruits and vegetables at the lesser price than that of retail price to consumers.

10 The AEZs and the Food Parks are two important linkage points which helps in absorption of Fruits and Vegetables for further value addition. Agri Export Zones (AEZs) are promoted with the objective of promoting exports of agricultural produce from selected areas of productivity prominence. Food parks provide an opportunity of increasing processing capabilities in the state.

11 Indian Food Park The food park is a private sector unit situated at Palavanatham (Virudhunagar) has an area of 68 acres of land A pilot plant for food processing, four cold storage units and a quality control lab are available Nilakottai Food park (Dindigul Dist) – Proposed Facilities like pack house, fruits and vegetables dehydration unit and fruits and vegetables processing unit are proposed

12 National Horticulture Board (NHB) was setup with a Mandate to promote integrated development in horticulture To help in coordinating, stimulating and sustaining the production and processing of fruits and vegetables and to establish a sound infrastructure in the field of production processing and marketing with a focus on post harvest management to reduce losses. Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post-Harvest Management Production Related PHM/ Processing related

13 Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post Harvest Management of Horticulture Crops Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for construction/ expansion/ modernization of Cold Storages/Storages of Horticulture Produce Technology Development and Transfer for promotion of Horticulture Market Information Service for Horticulture Crops Horticulture Promotion Service

14 STATE PLAN SCHEMES Integrated Horticulture Development Scheme This scheme is being implemented in 29 districts excluding Chennai. Under this scheme elite planting materials, high yielding / hybrid vegetable seeds are being distributed to horticultural crops cultivating farmers at 50% subsidised cost. During 2006-07, this scheme is being implemented with an outlay of Rs.266.340 lakhs. The scheme is proposed to be continued with an outlay of Rs.280.82 lakhs during 2007-08.

15 Under this scheme, pedigree fruit plants, high yielding vegetable seeds, spices, plants, farm equipments like sprayers, oil engines etc. are distributed to the horticultural growers of The Nilgiris district at 25% subsidy. During 2006-07, a sum of Rs.278.250 lakhs has been allotted to implement the scheme. The Nilgiris district has been included under National Horticulture Mission, the scheme is proposed to be continued with an outlay of Rs.344.93 lakhs during 2007-08.

16 During the year 2006-07, the scheme was implemented with an outlay of Rs.3.00 lakhs and the scheme is proposed to be continued with an outlay of Rs.3.00 lakhs during 2007-08. Under this scheme planting materials, fertilizers and plant protection chemicals are distributed to Chennai city dwellers besides providing technical know-how to them.

17 Tamil Nadu Precision Farming Project is being implemented in Vellore, Erode, Madurai, Theni, Tirunelveli, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur districts involving 90% subsidy for which an amount of Rs.992.950 lakhs was sanctioned during 2005-06. The Scheme is being implemented during 2006-07. Under this scheme, annual fruits, vegetables and flowers will be cultivated in an area of 735 Ha. adopting precision farming technologies.

18 Micro Irrigation (Government of India 80% and State Government 20%) Under this scheme, micro irrigation (Drip and Sprinkler irrigation system) will be promoted to horticultural crops for which 50% subsidy will be given to the growers. Each beneficiary will be assisted to install micro irrigation systems in their holdings to a maximum extent of 5 hectares. During 2007-08, an area of 1,30,100 acres is proposed to be covered with an outlay of Rs104.00 Crores.

19 The scheme will be implemented through the District Micro Irrigation Committee headed by the District Collectors in 29 districts (except Chennai.) As micro Irrigation with fertigation can reduce requirement of water for sugarcane crop by 40% and protected from drought, this will be taken up in 74,100 acres with 50% subsidy to benefit sugarcane farmers.

20 National Horticulture Mission This scheme aims at holistic development of Horticulture involving appropriate cultivars, good agronomical practices, post harvest handling, processing and marketing with an end to end approach. The potential 14 districts selected for the implementation of National Horticulture Mission are Coimbatore, Erode, The Nilgiris, Salem, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, Cuddalore, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Trichy, Sivagangai, Tirunelveli and Ramanathapuram.

21 Under this scheme, focus crops viz., mango, aonla, banana, cashew, chillies, turmeric, aromatic plants and flowers are promoted adopting cluster approach. This scheme has been implemented in the focus districts incurring an expenditure of Rs.46.00 crores during 2006-07. During 2007-08, this scheme is proposed to be implemented with a financial outlay of Rs.98.00 crores in 77300 acres, with 15% state share and 85% Government of India share. The scheme is implemented through District Mission Committees headed by District Collector and the District Assistant Director of Horticulture is the Member-Secretary of the Committee.


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