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CLIMATE CHANGE & INDIGENOUS PEOPLES: The Maasai case Daniel Salau Rogei Simba Maasai Outreach Organization. Tel: 254 202044579.

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Presentation on theme: "CLIMATE CHANGE & INDIGENOUS PEOPLES: The Maasai case Daniel Salau Rogei Simba Maasai Outreach Organization. Tel: 254 202044579."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLIMATE CHANGE & INDIGENOUS PEOPLES: The Maasai case Daniel Salau Rogei Simba Maasai Outreach Organization. Email: Tel: 254 202044579 CLIMATE CHANGE: Its Impact on Indigenous Peoples, their cultures and Traditional knowledge. 5 th -7 th Sept 2007, NY, USA.

2 IPs distinctive features…. Embodies and depend on the natural environment. Practice their socio- cultural lifestyle, Ik Depended on their traditional economic livelihood. Have been politically and economically marginalized.

3 IPs and their environments.. Livelihoods & spiritual reverence Link between biodiversity and cultural diversity. Stewards & custodians through TK.

4 Socio cultural lifestyle… Known for their resilient and beautiful culture and languages Strong social ties and networks Rich Indigenous knowledge Respect for social Justice & nature

5 Economic livelihoods –Hunter gatherers e.g bushmen –Nomadic Pastoralists e.g the Maasai –Small scale farmers - use indigenous seeds –Traditional fisher folks –

6 Our thermometer… Mt. Kilimanjaro

7 Why IPs are Vulnerable.. Loss of land Encroachment to forests/concessions. IPs non-recognition, discrimination/margin alization eg Africa Lack of awareness. Unfavorable policies/laws. Victims of capitalism and globalization

8 Indicators.. Unpredictable weather patterns. Frequent droughts, famines and floods Shrinking resources eg water and foliage Extreme temperatures Disappearance of biodiversity. Desertification

9 Its Impacts…. Threatened livelihoods Increased poverty Disintegration of cultures and loss of indigenous knowledge Loss of Biodiversity Instability /conflicts Chaos! - Early warning systems

10 Challenges… Lack of access to information. Commercialization of forests through carbon trade. Lack of capacity to address and mitigate Limited participation in climate change processes especially the youth.

11 Solutions….. IPs are willing to be part of the solution Capacity building of IPs for preparedness and mitigation. Recognition and inclusion of IPs in the climate change processes. Respect of indigenous knowledge systems and Intellectual property rights. Promote organic farming and revert to indigenous foods and means of production

12 Solutions Cont… Embrace cleaner and sustainable energy sources e.g solar, wind, biogas etc Adoption of Draft Declaration on IPs Rights as a ‘first aid’ measure. Create a special adaptation fund for IPs. Actions!

13 Thank You!

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