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Georgia’s E.N.E.R.G.E. Grant A Federal Department of Labor High Growth Job Training Initiative Recipients Georgia Energy and Industrial Construction Consortia.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia’s E.N.E.R.G.E. Grant A Federal Department of Labor High Growth Job Training Initiative Recipients Georgia Energy and Industrial Construction Consortia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia’s E.N.E.R.G.E. Grant A Federal Department of Labor High Growth Job Training Initiative Recipients Georgia Energy and Industrial Construction Consortia * Technical College System of Georgia * Construction Education Foundation of Georgia * North Georgia Building and Construction Trades Council * Albany Tech * Altamaha Tech * Augusta Tech * Lanier Tech * Okefenokee Tech * North Metro Tech * North Georgia Tech * South Georgia Tech Engaged Networking Energy Regional Georgia Education

2 Technical College Network Energy Centers (NECs) 1. Albany 2. Altamaha 3. Augusta 4. DeKalb 5. Lanier 6. North Metro 7. North GA 8. Okefenokee 9. South GA

3 Industry Partners Georgia Energy and Industrial Construction Consortium (GEICC) Construction Education Foundation of Georgia (CEFGA) North Georgia Building & Construction Trades Council

4 The Focus To promote career awareness and career opportunities in the energy industry while focusing on underrepresented populations and untapped labor pools. To enhance and increase capacity for 23 existing energy targeted training programs at the 9 technical colleges. To pursue energy industry test preparation, work ready certificates, work habits and work ethic. To unify energy industries’ stories through a unique distance learning energy course. To implement the guaranteed pre-interview with the appropriate energy industry.

5 Promoting “Get into Energy” marketing material already exists (see sample handout). NEC college and Industrial Partner logos will be added to keep marketing efforts consistent and concise statewide. NECs and Industrial Partners will work with a single appointed printer that will act as the “hub” for your orders to be placed with and shipped from…contact info will be forthcoming. These posters, brochures, and pocket cards are the only approved marketing material at this time.

6 Increasing Capacity Marketing/branding Referrals by local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) Implementing articulation agreements that strengthen secondary to postsecondary career pathways Internships, pre-apprenticeships, and co-ops Career Expos, industry speakers, and website resources

7 Industry Test Preparation Edison Electric Institute (EEI) pre-employment screening test…required and given at the end of each energy training program GA Work Ready certificates…leveraged resource from the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Work ethics instruction imbedded in all TC energy courses

8 Distance Learning FORD Partnership for Advanced Studies (PAS) has provided the curriculum, “We All Run On Energy” to use. My office will do the development work to create it as an on-line course. Instructional designers are being sought to contract the conversion…this will not affect local budgets. It is proposed to be a two-credit, 100% on-line self-paced course that does not become a required part of any TCC. Because the course would not be attached to a HOPE program, students would need to pay for the course with non HOPE resources.

9 Guaranteed Pre-Interviews Defined By Program ◦Businesses utilizing “targeted programs” are defining and developing pre-interview criteria and scheduling, which may include the completion of the “Introduction to Energy Industries” course developed by FORD Partnership for Advanced Studies. ◦GA Power guarantees interviews in ELAC and EUT programs for each student.

10 Reporting Process Programmatic Data ◦Demographics - pulled from Banner, as prescribed by DOL reporting criteria (see handout) ◦ Capacity Buildi ng- provided by NECs (see handout) ◦ Leveraged Resources – Federal and Non-Federal in-kind donations converted to cash values, provided by NECs (see handout) ◦ Data on Individuals/Common Measures – individual records pulled from Banner, Common measures: entered employment rate employment retention, average earnings ◦Narrative – a few paragraphs summarizing activities that took place during the quarter including Issues, Technical Assistance needs and Best Practices. Fiscal ◦Invoices submitted with backup documents (see handout)

11 Reporting Timeline Federal report due to DOL 45 days after the end of each calendar year quarter ◦1 st Quarter (July 15 th -September 30 th ) due on November 14, 08 ◦2 nd Quarter (October 1 st –December 31 st ) due on February 13, 09 ◦3 rd Quarter (January 1 st – March 31 st ) due on May 15, 09 ◦4 th Quarter (April 1 st – June 30 th ) due on August 14, 09 NEC reports due to TCSG 20 days after the end of each calendar year quarter ◦1 st Quarter – will work with P.O.C. to attain ◦2 ND Quarter due January 20 th ◦3 rd Quarter due April 20 th ◦4 th Quarter due July 20 th

12 Questions

13 Contact Info Jenny Williams Project Director 404-679-1691 Sharon Haworth Project Specialist 404-679-1689

14 “This product was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment & Training Administration. The information contained in this product was created by a grantee organization and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. All references to non-governmental companies or organizations, their services, products, or resources are offered for informational purposes and should not be construed as an endorsement by the Department of Labor. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it and is intended for individual organizations, non-commercial use only.”

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