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Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web

2 The ABCD learning objectives framework and web searches Aural skill-building websites and bookmarks with Delicious Reading/writing websites and technology- enhanced lesson plans Project-based learning, WebQuests, and rubrics

3 Student-centered large classes and interactive PowerPoint Learner autonomy, the one-computer classroom, and mobile devices Teacher resources online Learning styles: technology connections

4 ABCD Objectives Audience (A) – Who? Who are your learners? Behavior (B) – What? What do you expect them to be able to do? Condition (C) – How? Under what circumstances or context will the learning occur? What will the student be given or already be expected to know to accomplish the learning? Degree (D) – How much? How much will be accomplished and to what level? Do you want total mastery (100%), do you want them to respond correctly 80% of the time, etc.

5 C: Given a sentence written in the past or present tense, A: the student B: will be able to re-write the sentence in future tense D: with no errors in tense or tense contradiction (i.e., I will see her yesterday.).

6 Social Bookmarking

7 Rubrics Recommended Internet tool for creating rubrics: RubiStar at Creating a Rubric in Rubistar(1) (2).pdf

8 Plan Rubric.pdf

9 On-line Resources Speaking lesson plans at One Stop English EFL/ESL Lessons and Lesson Plans at Speaking lesson plans EFL/ESL Lessons and Lesson Plans More lessons and resources from the English Teaching Forum. Speaking resources from American English. More lessons and resources Speaking resources

10 Randall's Cyber Listening Lab - This is one of the few websites that includes pre-, during, and post- activities. It's organized by topic and level. Students might be able to use this on their own at advanced levels, but beginners and intermediate students would do best with guidance. Best Sites for Learning English Pronunciation. This site contains many recommendations for pronunciation websites. It is a teacher site, not a student site. Best Sites to Practice Speaking English. This site contains many recommendations for speaking. The teacher should go through these to decide which ones are appropriate for his/her students. It is a teacher site, not a student site. Randall's Cyber Listening Lab Best Sites for Learning English PronunciationBest Sites to Practice Speaking English The American English Mobile App is a great resource for improving language skills while on the go.American English Mobile App

11 Make exercises online to print out Tools for educators - word search, bingo, crossword puzzles, and board games: Bingo card maker: Easy Test Maker (paper tests): Make your own flash cards: Flash CardsFlash Cards Word Search Maker: Word SearchWord Search Crossword Puzzle Games - create crosswords to save and use on a computer or print out:

12 Make exercises online to use online: Web Poster Wizard - free website for teachers and students to use as part of a course. It uses a very plain format, but it's very easy to create something with text, one graphic, and links on each of 4 pages: Games: This website from the US Department of State offers downloadable games. GamesGames Here is another page of links to more games. More games More games

13 Hot Potatoes - download this program at to use it on your computer. hotpotatoes6-howto.pdf

14 NiceNet Create a Nicenet class for your course. cfm?anID=150323131023 cfm?anID=150323131023 Creating and Using Nicenet – Teachers(1).pdf


16 WikiPages Creating a Wiki on Wikispaces.pdf http://www.screencast-o- http://www.screencast-o- wiki/ wiki/ wikiwinter2015/ wikiwinter2015/

17 Padlet

18 pozoe9an pozoe9an

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