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The Mind of Christ Philippians 2:5
Good Morning! Today we will discuss what I consider to be one of the most important topics that we could address: The mind of Christ. The lesson is based on Philippians 2:5 which says (advance slide) The Mind of Christ Dr. Tom Steed
“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus”
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. That is pretty simple to understand and pretty difficult to implement. I would say that we should adopt this as a “bumper sticker” approach to Christianity. In other words, if I had to boil the story of the Christian life to just a few words, these would be the words. Have the same attitude as Jesus had. Approach the world as Jesus did. In every thing you do, seek to be like Jesus. But we do not always do this. We can be guilty of letting other things—less important things take priority over this maxim. Let me give you a couple of examples. I visited a woman recently who did as she often does—she runs down other religious groups that do not have the same doctrine as we have. She mentioned several people who belong to other groups, then she mentioned one group with whom we would have some very serious doctrinal disagreements. She said that her son-in-law and daughter belonged to this group, then she immediately said, “they are so good to me. I can really count on them.” Somehow, we must admit that these people were demonstrating the mind of Christ toward her despite their doctrinal errors. And she failed to acknowledge it, despite her fondness for them. In Churches of Christ, we are very interested in following God’s word exactly—and well we should be. But sometimes we can get so interested in determining the minor points of doctrine that we forget to emphasize the mind of Christ. It is even possible to not have the mind of Christ while we wrestle over doctrinal items. If we lose the spirit of love as we contend for the truth, we have failed to “speak the truth in love”. A few years ago a new minister moved to the same area that I lived in. I invited him to ride with me to visit some members in the hospital, about thirty minutes away. As we rode together, I checked him out to see if I thought we could work well together--would he be my kind of person, approach the world and ministry the same way that I did. “What is your philosophy of ministry,” I asked him. “Do you have a particular approach to doing ministry?” “Well,” he said, “I will just try to create the mind of Christ in those of my congregation--if I can.” I can tell you this—I liked this guy a lot. He can seek to improve on this philosophy of ministry for the rest of his life but he probably had it absolutely correct right from the start. (advance slide)
We must seek above everything else to be like Christ!
In other words, in the church, we must seek above everything else to be like Christ. Other things are important as they are a part of being like Christ. Don’t you think that if you seek to be like Christ you will be interested in correct doctrine? Yes I do. I will talk about that in a minute, but being like Christ is far bigger than just having the correct doctrine.
What does the mind of Christ look like?
In using these Power Point presentations, I have the ability to project pictures up on the screen. But here is my question for you—what would a picture of the mind of Christ look like? (Pause) I could put a graphic of a crinkled brain with a cross on it, but that wouldn’t tell the whole story. I could preach for quite a while about the mind of Christ. As you know, our time is limited so I have picked out a few characteristics of the mind of Christ that are mentioned or implied in this passage. Let’s talk about them. (advance slide)
Obedience “Not my will but thine be done.” Luke 22:42
I have three boys and I am close to each one of them. Sometimes, it seems hardest to talk to the youngest--no doubt because he is close to his older brothers and he confides in them. But he is very interested in sports. He watches ESPN all the time. He even knows the rules for women’s field hockey. That is knowing too much about sports!!! --- but that is who he is. Josh is away at college. The St. Louis Cardinals were playing Atlanta the other day. The Cardinals got far ahead in the first inning. I picked up the phone to call Josh. I knew he would be watching in his room. When he answered, I said—How about those Cardinals! Josh said, “Dad I had the phone in my hand trying to call you when it rang!” Since then I have talked with several others whose parents also call them when their favorite team is playing. Since my dad taught me how to BBQ, I often call him when I am BBQing. I tell him, “I’m doing it just like you taught me.” Sons want to please their fathers because they love them. Jesus was very interested in doing the will of His father in Heaven. If we are like Jesus we will absolutely be interested in doing the will of our father in Heaven, down to the specific details. We will be interested in practicing our religion just as our father wants it done. But we will do it because we love him. We will be motivated by love—not a legalistic mentality. Christians who are like Christ are willing to submit to the will of God and obey him in everything. When Jesus prayed, he said, “If it be possible, let this cup pass from me, but nevertheless let not my will but thine be done.” The self-willed Christian is an oxymoron. There is a conflict in terms. We live not to please ourselves but our father in heaven. (advance slide)
Jesus associated with those with whom others would not associate.
Compassion Jesus associated with those with whom others would not associate. Almost everyone knows that one of the greatest things about Jesus was his compassionate nature. He healed the sick, he fed the hungry. He associated with people that others scorned. In fact, it was this tendency to hang out with sinners that led to some of his greatest criticism, from those who did not know what they were talking about. If we are to have the mind of Christ, we will not be a snob, but a humble person who does not consider himself or herself too good to be with others. Whether in the school yard or the work place or in church, we will be a person of compassion, especially for those who are not the brightest or best. Every person was important to Christ (advance slide)
“The greatest is he who is servant of all.”
Service “The greatest is he who is servant of all.” If we would be like Jesus, we must serve others. Jesus himself said, the son of man came not to be served but to serve. If I could put a picture of service up on the screen what would it look like? We might see a fifty year old woman--whose knees creak a little--down in the floor teaching Sunday School. We might see a young mother staying up at night caring for a sick child. We might see two 70+ year olds taking an 80+ year old to the doctor. We might see a person shoveling the snow off the sidewalk of a neighbor. We might see someone listening to another’s problems. Don Whistle, on of the members of our congregation (who passed away recently) used to walk through the door of the church on Sunday morning with a hand full of paper that he picked up off the parking lot. He knew that serving was as important as being served. Anyone who has ever perused the church auditorium after a worship service knows that some people strew paper without thinking of who will pick it up. Others go about picking up the mess that others leave. We have fellowship on a regular basis. Did it ever occur to you that the greatest person in the church may be the one who washes the dishes on Sunday evening? I intend to put two signs above the sink: There is no dish fairy. And “(S)he who is greatest is servant of all.” Service looks like many things, but it looks like Christ. A cocky young man told me one time, “I don’t see why I should come to Bible study with all the old folks. I don’t get anything out of it.” I guess it never occurred to him that he might come and give something to others since he had all the answers. The true picture of service looks just like Jesus (advance slide).
Forgiveness “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do…”
Luke 23:34 If I live to be 100, I do not think that I will be able to understand those who claim to be Christians, but cannot forgive those around them. If you come to church to worship, but refuse to speak to the person across the isle, you have something out of place. As a minister, I have had people get mad at me and refuse to speak. Some have gotten over it and returned to a good relationship. Others continue to maintain their unforgiving spirit. In one sense, everything Jesus did was about forgiveness. His whole life was lived so that you and I could be forgiven. He demonstrated forgiveness as he hung on the cross. Some people say, “I would forgive others if they deserved to be forgiven, but they don’t.” As Jesus hung on the cross, he looked down at the very people who were crucifying him, The ones who had flogged him and nailed him to the cross. At the very people who cried out—Crucify Him!. And he said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Did these people deserve to be forgiven? I don’t think so. But He did! Do I deserve to be forgiven? Not really. But Jesus died for me. When Jesus told the parable of the unforgiving servant, he told of a man who had had a huge debt forgiven, but then failed to forgive someone who owed him a small amount. If I refuse to practice forgiveness, then I am just like this man, and Jesus said he would not be forgiven and neither will I.
Humility “He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on the cross.” Phil 2:8 Everything that Jesus did involved humility. His death on the cross was the ultimate demonstration of humility. Jesus himself “became obedient” even unto death. Our world is a bold and brash world. Athletes and everyone else is quick to brag on themselves. Humility for Christ was as much action as talk. The things that he did in service and obedience demonstrated his humility. Jesus did have certain assurance however. He knew that when he showed humility and obedience, God would lift him up. (advance slide)
Every knee shall bow …. and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the father
The next section tells us, that “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the Glory of the father.” The assurance for both Christ and the Christian is that when we humble ourselves and obey, God will richly reward us eventually. This scripture shows that everyone will bow down and acknowledge the greatness of Jesus. Why? I would like to think that when we see the Glory of Jesus face to face, whether we have done so or not up to this point, we will be so moved by his greatness and beauty that we will be driven to our knees. It may not be that way, however. I recently witnessed a criminal on television who was so vile---he continued to taunt the families of the victims—that when he was led into the courtroom, not only was he shackled hand and foot and sporting a prison jumpsuit, his mouth was taped with duct tape. The officers of the court led him in and stood him up for sentencing. Those mighty angels with flaming fire will certainly have the ability to see to it that every knee will bow. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. The only question is (Advance slide) Phil 2:10
Will you confess Christ in this life for salvation or at the judgment for condemnation?
Will you confess Christ in this life and receive salvation or will you wait until the judgment and receive condemnation? It should be clear that we should acknowledge Jesus on this side of time and eternity. But the choice is up to you.
STEED’S SERMONS This PowerPoint based sermon is an example of the material being developed by Tom Steed and being distributed by Although copyrighted, users may present this material in their own churches provided that they leave the footnote at the bottom of the page. This material may be edited but may not be edited and redistributed. If someone wants a copy you must either give them the original version or send them to the webpage to obtain their own version. You may remove this page from your slide show prior to your presentation. Some notes are included with this presentation. View the presentation in the “Notes mode” to see the notes text. View the presentation in “presentation” mode to see the special transitions. Visit for resources for Preachers and Sunday School teachers that use the computers & digital projectors to teach.
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