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Atlantic Bluefin Tuna By

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Presentation on theme: "Atlantic Bluefin Tuna By"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atlantic Bluefin Tuna By
Varian Bosch, Sam Lincoln, Celia Smith, Michael Schillawski, and Keith Casadei

2 Objective To determine what weaknesses exist in the current institutional framework of the Bluefin tuna fishery management INTERNATIONAL GOVERNING BODIES MARKET COMMUNITY (Nations and NGOs)

3 The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
Up to 15 feet long Up to 1,506 lbs Little known about life history Highly migratory Two Populations Mediterranean Gulf of Mexico

4 Problem Population crash Continued overfishing
90% reduction since 1950s Possibility of extinction Continued overfishing Lax regulations and enforcement

5 Current Institutional Framework

6 The Market Cooking High Price Inelastic Japanese Sushi Luxury good
$172,400 for a fish Inelastic No matter the price people will still pay for it

7 International Bodies ICCAT recommends
Quota catch limits Total Divides quota to member states Size limits ICCAT conducts bi-annual stock assessments to determine their recommendations Countries typically amend the recommendations

8 Community Governments Allocated quota subdivided by Enforces quotas
Nation (Europe) Technique Enforces quotas Monitors fleets and ports Insures and maintains accurate records of: Catch Vessel Port of landing

9 Community NGOs Research Organizations Sports fishermen
Tag a Giant Research life biology Sports fishermen Push for conservation of stocks and policy changes Conservation Agencies WWF, WCS, and others Pushing for policy change

10 Implementation Problems
Highly migratory International coordination Illegal and unreported catches, driven by high market demand Data collection

11 Solutions Continued international cooperation Boycott Heavy tax
Stricter regulations Stricter enforcement Farming Moratorium

12 Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Questions? By
Varian Bosch, Sam Lincoln, Celia Smith, Michael Schillawski, and Keith Casadei

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