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Presentation on theme: "Implantation-Birth BRENDON DEGNER AND REUBEN MIDDEL."— Presentation transcript:


2 First trimester  Starts with implantation  The first 12 weeks of pregnancy.  The embryotic stage occurs within this time  It ends just after the baby begins fetal development  The baby is roughly 9cm and 60g at this point.

3 Implantation  Implantation occurs when the fertilized egg “zygote” is embedded in the uterus.  Occurs 6-10 days after ovulation  After fertilization the zygote remains within the fallopian tube for 3 days until it is implanted within the uterus.

4 Embryotic period (first-fifth week)  The embryotic stage occurs from fertilization until roughly 8 th week.  fertilization (first day)  implantation (first week)  Central nervous system begins to develop (third week)  Heart is almost fully developed beating begins (third week)  upper limbs develop (fourth week)  Brain and spinal cord structure is developed (fifth week)  The baby is still tiny roughly once centimeter in length and weight less than a gram

5 Embryotic period (6-8 th )  Hands and feet can be seen (8 th week)  Becomes reactive to external stimuli (8 th week)  Testes within a male become active. (8 th week)  No change in female sex development (8 th week)

6 Fetal period (9-12)  Fetal stage begins (week 9)  Placenta is well established at this point (week 12)  Very little is developed within weeks 9-12

7 Effects on the mother (first trimester)  Pregnancy hormones are released  The developing baby can be seen with ultrasounds  Routine ultrasounds are common  Breasts will begin to produce milk  Symptoms  Flatulence  Cramping  Constipation  Heartburn  Fatigue

8 Second trimester (fetal period)  14 th -20 th week  Makes up the first part of the Fetal period  The brain is developed so the body can undergo basic functions (14 th -16 th week)  Move  Swallow  Heart beat noticeable  The sex of the Baby is distinguishable (week 16)  Hair begins to grow (20 th week)  By the 20 th week the baby is roughly 20cm and 300g

9 Effects on the mother  Appetite increases  Breast tenderness subsides  Movement of the baby can become noticeable  Baby grows within the womb  A “baby bump” can be seen  Stomach gets sore due to stretching  Frequent voiding of the bladder  Gums are sensitive

10 Third trimester (fetal period)  28 th -birth, makes up the last of the fetal stage  It has all body functions developed (28 th week)  Organs are still developing (lungs especially)  Skin becomes red and wrinkly (32 nd week)  The baby's head is turned down. (32 nd week)  Finger nails grow (36 th week)  At birth the baby is roughly 51cm and 2.4kg (this number varies greatly) (40 th week)

11 Effects on the mother  The baby begins to kick  Lower back pain  Swollen legs, feet and ankles  Lactation can occur  Stretch marks may occur  Heartburn  Interrupted sleep

12 PG 534

13 Works sited  trimester-changes.php trimester-changes.php   cy_and_childbirth/second_trimester_85,P01234/ cy_and_childbirth/second_trimester_85,P01234/  nataldevelop.htm nataldevelop.htm   Ritter, Bob, Douglas Fraser, K. L. Burley, and Bob Ritter. Nelson Biology, Alberta 20-30. Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2008

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