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REDESIGN PROPOSAL Team 1 Jon Anscher, Carolyn Campbell, Conrado Tapado & Jim Sanders.

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Presentation on theme: "REDESIGN PROPOSAL Team 1 Jon Anscher, Carolyn Campbell, Conrado Tapado & Jim Sanders."— Presentation transcript:


2 REDESIGN PROPOSAL Team 1 Jon Anscher, Carolyn Campbell, Conrado Tapado & Jim Sanders

3 Karen …just gave birth

4 Noah …was just born

5 Nursing is the most natural thing in the world. Right?

6 Wrong, it’s harder than it looks

7 Karen is tired and so sore

8 Noah’s not latching on right

9 He falls asleep after only a few minutes of nursing

10 The doctor asks when Noah last nursed…

11 Karen can’t remember.

12 There’s an app for that


14 Karen tried Baby Nursing

15 But it didn't work for her. She switched to iOS Notes

16 Karen's story inspired this redesign

17 Improve usability Boost engagement Grow user base Explore business models Redesign Goals

18 Formative - Interviews Talk to nursing moms and watch them use nursing apps. Research

19 Evaluative - Prototypes Build and test prototypes with new moms to see what they think. Research

20 Interviews & Testing We talked with 13 moms…

21 Interviews & Testing And watched them use 5 apps.

22 Interviews We gained valuable insights into wants, needs, and behaviors that lead to three prototypes.

23 Prototype Testing We showed our prototypes to 3 moms and 1 postpartum doula

24 Prototype Testing Their feedback helped shape our final design recommendations.

25 Distribute via B2B Business Model Restructure Information Architecture Simplify the User Interface Include Tips & Resources Recommendations


27 New moms are anxious, many regretted not reaching out to professionals earlier. Insight

28 “I had questions like… Is this right? She was making so much noise. I was fretting.”

29 Healthcare providers want moms to log their feedings. Insight

30 All of the moms received paper charts to record feedings. Insight

31 Solution Provide a white label app that connects moms to their doctor and a lactation consultant.

32 Looks good! 2:12am R 5min Solution Cloud based data that moms and health care providers can access.

33 10 of the moms we spoke to had never considered using an app to help with nursing, despite the fact that they were all iPhone users. Insight

34 “I never looked for a nursing app before. It’s great to track to show/bring to doctors when you’re going to the doctor.”

35 Solution Hand deliver the pediatric care branded app in the hospital. St Marks

36 10 of the Moms said that a nursing app would be most valuable in the hospital and during the first few weeks. Insight

37 All of the moms said they had mastered nursing by 3 months. Insight

38 “We had a very long labor and the baby slept for a day an a half, then I had to give him formula because my milk didn’t come in, then he got thrush, it was super hard. Finally after about 2 months things leveled out.”

39 Solution Limit the scope of the app to the first 12 weeks. Offer moms who have completed the 12-week period a baby book of their nursing record. Promote other apps that focus on needs of older babies after that time.


41 The information architecture of the current app is overly complex and is difficult to navigate. Insight

42 None of the moms we interviewed preferred the Baby Nursing navigation above the other apps shown. Insight




46 Solution Re-design the home screen with simple icons that focus on primary activities. We’ve focused on the 6 primary activities

47 USER INTERFACE Simplify the

48 Moms saw value in having features and options, but the said that recording detailed information was time consuming. Insight


50 Two moms nursed during the interview, both of them were juggling a phone and a baby at the same time. Insight

51 Any successful interface needs to be very simple. So mom can use just one hand. Insight

52 “I like it when you click on the big Left or Right circle. It’s very easy.”

53 Solution

54 Moms mentioned that banner ads and feature unlocking offers were a turnoff. Insight

55 “They want you to buy, buy, buy. That turns me off.”

56 Solution Remove the in app banner ads and unlock-able features. Lost revenue will be made up for via enterprise licensing and sales of additional products.

57 Moms want charts so they can see how their baby is doing. Insight

58 “I’m a data nerd like that, I love graphs.”

59 Solution Show the feeding diary data in a easy to understand format.

60 Moms worried that it would be difficult to go back and edit or log a feeding they had missed. Insight

61 “I don’t always want to have my phone with me when I’m nursing him… Can I write it in later?”

62 Change the + to an ‘Add a Feeding’ label Solution



65 5 Moms said they were unaware of the resources and support options available. Insight

66 “I wish I had known about the plastic bubbles to help with healing and the breast shields. I wish I had seen a consultant sooner because I would have gotten a breast pump earlier.” Insight

67 Solution Include tips, articles, and videos inside the app.

68 All 13 moms felt isolated and felt like nursing was difficult the first time around. Insight

69 Moms want to know if their baby is okay, if this is normal. Insight

70 “There’s so much fear and anxiety as a new mom. Luckily the doctor told me to expect the anxiety and that those types of feelings. That feelings of hopelessness are normal.” Insight

71 Solution Give them the option to email, chat, or call a lactation consultant or their pediatrician.


73 Karen …just gave birth Imagine if soon after giving birth the nurse who was helping Karen showed her how to download Baby Nursing onto her phone.

74 Karen …just gave birth The nurse walked Karen through how to log a feeding and showed her the resources available to her.

75 Karen …just gave birth Days after Noah’s birth Karen is still struggling with nursing.

76 Karen …just gave birth She can’t remember everything the nurse told her in the hospital.

77 Karen …just gave birth She has the app. She looks up the right way to latch on.

78 Karen …just gave birth She is able to chat with her lactation consultant right in the app.

79 Karen …just gave birth Karen is reassured and she and Noah finally get a few hours sleep.

80 Thank You Questions?

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