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Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship 26 juni 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship 26 juni 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship 26 juni 2015

2 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Horizon2020 pillar: Excellence Science Improving European ‘Human Research Potential’ Creating and strengthening European Research Area All research topics ‘Light up your research career!’ 2

3 Individual Fellowships (IF) in a nutshell Individual, trans-national fellowships For ‘experienced’ researchers (PhD or 4yrs research experience) Awarded to the best or most promising researchers Employment in EU Member States or Associated Countries Based on joint application by researcher and host organisation In academic or non-academic sector 3

4 Aimed at researcher mobility ‘Considered essential for personal and career development of researchers’ Aimed at career development ‘Enhancing your creative and innovative potential’ Aimed at transfer of knowledge ‘Strenghten contact network of both researcher and host’ Aimed at ‘experienced researchers’ ‘Wishing to diversify their individual competence’ 4 Aims MSCA Individual Fellowship

5 Two IF variants European Fellowship European Fellowship: Fellow goes to host organisation in Europe 5 Global Fellowship Global Fellowship: Fellow goes to partner organisation outside Europe and comes back to host organisation in Europe

6 European Fellowship What? 1-2 year Fellowship within EU Who? Researchers going from one EU country to another Researchers from non-EU country coming to EU Why? Career development Diversify skills Transfer of knowledge 6

7 Global Fellowship (GF) What? 1-2 year secondment phase outside EU Followed by 1 year return phase in EU Who? EU researcher going to non-EU country and coming back to EU Beneficiary located in EU Partner organisation in Third Country Why? Career development Diversify skills Transfer of knowledge 7

8 Rules and eligibility Mobility rule: in 3 yrs preceding call deadline, <12 months in country of destination Experienced Researchers: > 4 yrs research experience or in posession of PhD Researcher can have any nationality But, for GF: EU national or previously long-term EU resident (>5 yrs) EU Host Institute applies in collaboration with MC fellow Appliciation to one of 8 disciplinary panels 8

9 Extra panels for European Fellowship In case of ‘Career Restart’ and ‘Reintegration’ Separate multi-disciplinary panels Different mobility conditions 9 Career Restart Panel To resume research after career break of at least 12m prior to deadline CAR mobility rule: not more than 36m in last 5 yr in the EU country where you apply Reintegration Panel To return and reintegrate in EU (move from TC to EU) For EU nationals / long term residents RI mobility rule: not more than 36m in last 5 yr in the EU country where you apply

10 Funding model Note: living allowance is gross gross amount Ask your host institution what your salary will be 10

11 Submitting Participant Portal: your gateway to Horizon 2020 Succes rate 2014: 17, 6% (EU) 20,9% (NL) Call open: 12 March 2015 Deadline: 10 September 2015 Call budget: €215 million (of which €27 million for GF) 11

12 Your local EU support office National Contact Point for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Anna Goedhart, Doenja Koppejan and Lieke Michiels van Kessenich 12 Need support? 088 - 602 4210

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