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PCR Technology for the Detection of Biotechnology Traits: Qualitative, Semi-Quantitative, and Quantitative Methods David Piñero.

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Presentation on theme: "PCR Technology for the Detection of Biotechnology Traits: Qualitative, Semi-Quantitative, and Quantitative Methods David Piñero."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCR Technology for the Detection of Biotechnology Traits: Qualitative, Semi-Quantitative, and Quantitative Methods David Piñero

2 Table of Contents Our background Background on GMO testing
What is detected Introduction on PCR Types of PCR technologies Methodology issues QA/QC Harmonization Conclusion/Questions

3 DuPont 70th largest US Corporation Business in 70 countries
CoolMax® performance fibers DuPont Stainmaster® carpeting 70th largest US Corporation Business in 70 countries Employees ~50,000 Revenues $24 billion Net Income $ 2 billion Teflon® fabric protector Kevlar® brand fiber Tyvek® flexible sheet products SilverStone® non-stick coatings Key Points of slide: As it begins its third “step change”, DuPont is a large, profitable company known primarily for its petroleum-based fibers, etc. Consumers know DuPont for these products…. Tie into the Buy DuPont campaign theme? Mylar® polyester film Supro® isolated soy proteins Lycra® elastane Sorona®.bio-material Corian® surfaces

4 Pioneer Hi-Bred World leader in crop genetics
Sales in about 70 countries ~5000 employees >$2.0 billion in sales 3 yrs in a row “Delivering Value” is key to future success and ability to meet stakeholder expectations Over the years, Pioneer has become a very successful company … as the points on the slide illustrate Pioneer’s success is still directly related to customer success - and to the extent to which they believe we contribute to it. Pioneer is successful because we have consistently met or exceeded their needs/expectations … and delivered more value to them than our competitors have been able to do. Our future success depends on our ability to continue this tradition. To the extent that we can continue to earn ever more of our customers’ business, we will continue to grow …. and meet our stockholders’ employees’ and other stakeholders’ expectations.

5 GET (Genetic Enhancement Testing) Lab, Pioneer Hi-Bred, International

6 Where are we located? You can add some pictures,normally they are very helpful to Give a general idea of the facilities.

7 GET Lab Objective: Meeting ALL GMO testing demand…
Manage and conduct routine PCR testing for Pioneer Supply Management Testing for AP in conventional seed lots Testing for AP of genetically modified corn within transgenic corn Zygosity Testing of transgenic corn

8 Why GMO Testing? Labeling Legislations Approved/Un-approved Events
Voluntary Non-GM Labeling Organic Foods Testing for Presence of a High-Value Commodity Genetic Purity Testing GM within GM Zygosity Testing

9 Labeling Legislations
European Union: 0.9% threshold Any ingredient Imposes traceability Labeling even if not detectable (i.e. refined oil, corn syrup) Japan: 5% threshold Only top 3 ingredients Refined products exempt Australia/New Zealand: 1% threshold South Korea: 3% threshold Only top 5 ingredients

10 What is Detected Common Genetic Construct Elements
35S promoter NOS terminator Inserted Genes (trait specific) Genetic Overlaps (construct specific) Insertion Sites (event specific)

11 DNA Target Sequences for GM Testing: Generic Transformation Construct:
Reverse Primer Gene Fragment Gene fragment Inverted Fragments Coding Sequence Promoter and intron Terminator CAMV 35S Forward Primer Reverse Probe CaMV 35S

12 Event 35S NOS 176 (Maximizer) Yes No 1507 (Herculex) B16 Bt10
Bt11 (Agrisure Advantage) CBH-351 (Starlink) DAS DAS (Herculex RW) DBT418 (Bt-Xtra) GA21 LY038 MIR604 (Agrisure RW) MON 80100 MON802 MON809 MON810 (Yieldgard) MON832 MON863 MON88017 MS3 MS6 NK603 (Roundup Ready) T14 T25 (Liberty Link)

13 Steps of the Process Sampling Sub-sampling DNA Isolation
DNA Quantification DNA Normalization PCR Post-PCR Data Analysis

14 DNA Quantification/ Normalization
Fluorometry Picogreen ® Hoechst Dye UV-Visible Spectrophotometry AD

15 Automation DNA Isolation DNA Quantification DNA Normalization
PCR Setup

16 PCR 5’ 3’ 5’ 3’ Mg++ Mg++ Mg++

17 Standard PCR Qualitative Lower throughput
Post-PCR step (Agarose Gel Electrophoresis) Higher contamination risk Specificity confirmed by size Bands can be further confirmed (Sequencing/ Restriction Enzymes)

18 Real-Time PCR

19 Real-Time PCR Quantitative Specific (varies with chemistry)
High-Throughput Eliminates Post-PCR step Reduces contamination risk Higher reagent cost Various chemistries Sybr Green™ TaqMan™ Scorpion™ Hybridization Probes Simple Probes Molecular Beacons Multiplex capability in some chemistries

20 SYBR Green Detection Dye binds double stranded DNA
Melting curve analysis Qualitative/ Quantitative Low specificity Generally singleplex

21 Top image: Applied Biosystems
Bottom Image: University of North Carolina

22 Molecular Beacons Copyright: Public Health Research Institute

23 Scorpion Figure 1. Scorpion probing mechanism. Step 1: initial denaturation of target and Scorpion stem sequence. Step 2: annealing of Scorpion primer to target. Step 3: extension of Scorpion primer produces double-stranded DNA. Step 4: denaturation of double-stranded DNA produced in step 3. This gives a single-stranded target molecule with the Scorpion primer attached. Step 5: on cooling, the Scorpion probe sequence binds to its target in an intramolecular manner. This is favoured over the intermolecular binding of the complementary target strand.

24 Thanks to Louise Gameau, Roche Applied Science
The LightTyper System SNP Identification by Melting Curves Summary of Probe Formats HybProbe Format: Dual Probe System utilizing FRET between hybridized labeled probes (Fluos & LightCycler Red 640) SimpleProbe Format: Single fluorescent labeled probe. Fluorescence signal depends on hybridization status (Fluorescein) Thanks to Louise Gameau, Roche Applied Science



27 QPCR Data Analysis 4 Types of analysis
Serial dilution standard curve (copy number) Serial dilution standard curve (GM %) DCT standard curve DD CT (DD CT = DCT, sample – DCT, calibrator; no standard curve as such) For 2-4, DNA Normalization is required PCR efficiency plays an important role

28 Issues to be Aware of Contamination (genomic DNA or PCR amplicons)
Zygosity Hybrid status (male/female) Target copy number PCR inhibition Matrix effects DNA degradation DNA endoduplication (i.e. seed tissues) Analytical/instrument error

29 Contamination Control:
Air Control Aliquoting reagents Dedicated tools Radiating plastic ware Filter tips Chemical (UNG) CONTROLS (nulls, NTC, amp. Etc) Segregation (genomic from PCR, samples from nulls)

30 QA/QC Positive controls Negative controls (NTC)
Nulls (sample prep/DNA Isolation) Replicates Amplification controls (spikes and/or endogenous controls) Acceptance criteria Standard deviation Correlation coefficient PCR efficiency

31 Validation Sensitivity/detectability LOD LOQ Measurement Range
Accuracy Precision Specificity Robustness & Ruggedness

32 Convention & Harmonization
Using the same defined standards Using same parameters and converging to acceptable validation practices Performance based accreditation.

33 Proficiency/Check Sample/Accreditation Programs
USDA/GIPSA AOCS ISTA Quality Programs ISO 9000, 10725 GLP Harmonization Programs ISO TC34 WG7 Codex Alimentarius CEN

34 Thank You

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