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Quinn D. Abraham Clark A revolutionary war figure Lyman Hall Hall County is named after him. Benjamin Harrison V Once served as Virginia’s fifth governor.

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2 Quinn D.

3 Abraham Clark A revolutionary war figure Lyman Hall Hall County is named after him. Benjamin Harrison V Once served as Virginia’s fifth governor. William Hooper Was an American lawyer.

4 Things they were known for… fish tobacco sugarcane rice cotton barley

5 Regions and what made them unique Northern Specialized their economy in ship building and fishing especially in Massachusetts Middle Region Southern Region Had success with a varied, and diverse economy including wheat, barley, and flax. Focused on a lot of farming products and crops such as rice, sugarcane, cotton and tobacco.

6 Clothing People wore clothing such as coats, breeches and tri-cornered hats.

7 Family Life and Houses Some houses were timber framed and large while others where uniquely shaped with furnishing and flowers.

8 Fascinating Tools & Devices Anvils for blacksmiths Tongs Vise

9 Literature and Food Assembling educational puzzles was an interesting skill of children in schools. A popular food in the colonial age was mustard because it was extremely versatile. Blown almonds were a craved dessert at fancy dinner parties. Assembling educational puzzles was an interesting skill of children in schools. A popular food in the colonial age was mustard because it was extremely versatile. Blown almonds were a craved dessert at fancy dinner parties.

10 Webliography "Founding Fathers of the United States." October 7th 2014. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 29 October, 2014.. "Thirteen Colonies." April 13th 2014. Conservapedia. 29 October, 2014.. 13 colonies." Mr. Naussbaum fun+learning. 5/17/13. Naussbaum Education Network,LLC. 29 October, 2014.. "Colonial Williamsburg." 2004. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 29 October, 2014.. Guterba, Linda. "Colonial Life:Life in Colonial America." 2014. kidinfo. 29 October, 2014.. White, David. "Life in the 13 Colonies Compared to life today." Social Studies for Kids. 2011.. 29 October, 2014..

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