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Sex Education in the Classroom Who, What, When, Where, & How.

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1 Sex Education in the Classroom Who, What, When, Where, & How

2 Who teaches Sex Education State: P-12 Certified Health and/or Health/PE instructors Local: Usually determined by division chair and scheduling coordinator for each school

3 What does Georgia Require Since 1989, schools in Georgia have been required to teach sexuality education and sexually transmitted disease (STD)/HIV- prevention education. Local school boards are largely responsible for deciding the specific subjects this education must cover and the grade level in which topics are introduced. However, discussions on certain subjects are mandated by state law, including: abstinence, community values, STDs, HIV/AIDS, conception, and the legal consequences of pregnancy. No discussion of condoms or other forms of contraception is required, but such discussions are allowed. Official code of Georgia Annotated 20-2-143

4 The law explains that local boards of education should set standards and that “such standards shall include instruction relating to the handling of peer pressure, the promotion of high self-esteem, local community values, the legal consequences of parenthood, and abstinence from sexual activity as an effective method of prevention of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.” Local school boards are also responsible for determining what is age appropriate.

5 If a local school board does not have sexuality and HIV-prevention education, state funds are withheld until a program is implemented. Georgia also recommends Quality Core Curriculum Standards and Resource, which provides HIV/AIDS education resources and curricula for grades 6–12. Parents or guardians may remove their children from all or part of sexuality and/or STD/HIV education by sending written notice to the school. This is referred to as an “opt-out” policy. Official Code of Georgia Annotated, 20-2-143.

6 What Do We Teach Georgia Performance Standards for Health Local system requirements –Does system have a HPE curriculum coordinator Sex Education Advisory Committee Textbook –Adoption cycle –Curriculum Updates

7 When State Requirements: Elementary School – local district option Middle School – local district option High School – 1 unit Health & PE for graduation

8 When con’t Part of Health curriculum: –As a separate unit –Incorporated in Life cycle –Blended throughout the course

9 Where Health instruction in –Contained Classroom –Open Gym –Online – blended learning

10 How Sex Education approaches: Comprehensive – “Abstinence plus” vs. Abstinence Only

11 Comprehensive Programs The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) as “teaching both abstinence and the use of protective methods for sexually active youth” Most comprehensive programs emphasize use of contraception (mostly condoms) to prevent pregnancy, STD & HIV transmission and present abstinence as an option to avoid negative consequences

12 Abstinence Only Abstinence only education focuses on delaying the onset of sexual activity, teaches the harm of casual sexual activity, and encourages students to view sexuality as part of a process of developing intimacy and lifelong commitment; contraception is discussed only in relation to failure rates.

13 Risk Reduction vs. Prevention Risk Reduction –Emphasis is on methods/techniques that reduce the risk associated with sexual activity –Would most likely include a comprehensive sex education approach Risk Prevention –Emphasis is on methods/techniques to prevent the risks associated with sexual activity –Would most likely include an abstinence only approach

14 Teaching Tools Adolescent Brain Functioning –Brain cell structure –Synaptic pruning – Differences in male/female function Emphasize all 5 areas of wellness: PIESS 1.Physical 2.Intellectual 3.Emotional 4.Social 5.Spiritual

15 Teaching Tools Bonding –Oxytocin –Vasopressin Steps of Intimacy

16 What do you want to know?

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