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Unhealthy Relationships. Danger signs Lack of talking No communication Inability to listen No trust Jealousy No balance Lack of respect.

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Presentation on theme: "Unhealthy Relationships. Danger signs Lack of talking No communication Inability to listen No trust Jealousy No balance Lack of respect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unhealthy Relationships

2 Danger signs Lack of talking No communication Inability to listen No trust Jealousy No balance Lack of respect

3 Dangers One study by Choose Respect found that one in four adolescents reports verbal, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse each year.Choose Respect

4 Unhealthy relationships Physical Abuse Physical abuse occurs when someone physically hurts you, such as by hitting you or throwing something at you. Even if someone only hits you once or doesn't hurt you that badly, it is a big deal.

5 Unhealthy relationship Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse is when someone forces you into unwanted sexual activity, especially through threats or coercion. In a healthy sexual relationship, you shouldn't feel threatened, pressured, or uncomfortable with your partner. If you feel these negative emotions, it is likely that you are being abused.healthy sexual relationship

6 Unhealthy relationship Emotional & Verbal Abuse Emotional and verbal abuse are somewhat more difficult to define. These types of abuse often involve angry outbursts, withholding of emotional responses, manipulative coercion, or unreasonable demands. Verbal abuse is often insulting and humiliating, with the abuser making fun of or ridiculing the target. Those who are being emotionally or verbally abused are often made to feel that their perception of reality is incorrect and that their feelings are wrong and unimportant.

7 Unit 3 Vocabulary Sterility- the inability to reproduce Monogamy-having one partner for life Infatuation- exaggerated feelings of passion Compromise-a problem solving method in which each participant give up something. Self control- a person’s ability to use responsibility to over-ride emotions. Relationship-a bond or connection you have with other people. Harassment- persistently annoying others. Clique- a small circle of friends, usually with similar backgrounds or tastes, who exclude people viewed as outsiders. Abstinence- doing without Intimacy- a closeness between two people that develops over time. Tolerance- the ability to accept others’ differences Dysuria- pain or burning upon urination Asymptomatic-people who are infected show no symptoms or the infections produce mild symptoms that disappear. Platonic friendship-a friendship with opposite gender where there is affection Hormones- chemical substances that help regulate many of your body’s functions.

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