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November 5th (A day) November 6th (B day)

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Presentation on theme: "November 5th (A day) November 6th (B day)"— Presentation transcript:

1 November 5th (A day) November 6th (B day)
Science November 5th (A day) November 6th (B day)

2 Warm Up – List 5 ways you…. Used electrical energy over the weekend
Used kinetic / mechanical energy over the weekend You should have 10 total!

3 Volunteers? Electrical Energy: Mechanical Energy:

4 Homework Check… Get out your 2 worksheets from last class
Thermal Energy graphic organizer and pie chart We will review and check those now Trade notebooks with your table partner I will project the completed activities on the board now

5 Important Date…. Your test on energy will be:
Friday, November 7th (A day) Monday, November 10th (B Day)

6 Energy test… 6.P.3 Learning Sets 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, & 6.P.3.1. 6.P.3.3
You will need to review…… 8 forms of energy foldable All Vocabulary Various Labs : Radiometer Lab, Toy Lab, Toaster Lab, Hand Warmer Lab Handouts and worksheets: Graphic organizers, cut and sort activities, pie chart

7 Our mission today is to…
Learn about conductors and insulators.

8 Our mission today is to figure out …
How can we touch an electrical cord without getting shocked. How our cooking pans get how to cook our food, yet when we touch the handle, we do not get burned?

9 Interactive Notebook Q2
Add entry to Table of Contents 6.P.3.3 Insulators and Conductors Add this to your table of contents also Where is our standard?

10 Guided Notes…. You will receive a handout today with guided notes..
You will also receive scissors, glue bottles and crayons You will cut out various statements and glue them in your notebook when instructed You will also add a few notes and draw pictures to go along with your guided notes Does anyone have any questions?

11 Add a bulleted statement

12 Cut now… and glue Cut out the THERMAL ENERGY notes now and glue them into your notebook Thermal energy is transferred through a material by the collision of atoms within the material Over time, thermal energy (heat) spreads out in all directions because of the atoms

13 Read along… Thermal energy can warm objects
Examples: the inside of a car, us when we sit in the sun; when there is no more thermal energy, we cool off and the car cools off too Materials can cool down over time too if thermal energy is not striking it

14 Write this in your notebook below your thermal energy guided notes….
Atoms move when they gain heat energy by spreading apart (expanding) This allows the heat to move and spread! DRAW THIS PICTURE

15 Demonstration: Hot water vs. cold water
In which liquid will the dye (color) move the fastest? Hot or cold and why?

16 Cut now… and glue Cut out the THERMAL CONDUCTORS notes now and glue them into your notebook Some materials we use easily conduct heat known as thermal conductors Includes metals (aluminum, steel, and copper) We call these materials thermal conductors because they transfer heat and they can hold heat easily too.

17 Draw these examples of Thermal Conductors below your guided notes…

18 Think about cookware…. Most cookware is made from different types of METALS because they are thermal conductors

19 Cut now… and glue Cut out the THERMAL INSULATORS notes now and glue them into your notebook Some materials we use do not conduct heat known as thermal insulators Includes pot handles, spatulas, cooking utensils, Add this to notes: Styrofoam, paper, cork, wood We call these materials thermal insulators because they reduce (limit) heat transfer so they do not get hot as easily

20 Draw these examples of Thermal Insulators below your guided notes…

21 Think about cookware…. Notice the handles on the cookware…..
The handles do not conduct heat because they are thermal insulators

22 Cut now… and glue Cut out the ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS notes now and glue them into your notebook Electrical energy can also pass through conductors. An electrical conductor is a material through which an electrical current can flow easily. Includes most metals

23 Draw these examples of Electrical Conductors below your guided notes….

24 Cut now… and glue Cut out the ELECTRICAL INSULATORS notes now and glue them into your notebook An electrical insulator is a material through which electrical current does not easily flow. Includes rubber, glass, porcelain, ceramic, plastics

25 Draw these examples of ELECTRICAL INSULATORS below your guided notes…

26 Video on conductors and insulators
A good review!

27 Glue the last guided note now
Expansion joint strips in bridges allow for the bridge to expand in hot weather and not break. These same joint strips allow for the bridge to contract in cold weather and not break.

28 Draw these examples of Expansion and Contraction Joints below your notes…
Sidewalk with expansion joints Bridge with expansion joints Road with no expansion joints….cracks over time with heating and cooling

29 Conductors and Insulators: Worksheet Activity
You will receive a worksheet (front and back) You have the remaining time in class to complete This will be checked Wednesday October 5th (A day) and Thursday October 6th (B day) Does anyone have any questions?

30 Demonstration… Could we make a bubble get bigger using a metal soda can or a plastic soda bottle?

31 Demo Results…. When we held the metal can, the heat was easily conducted (transferred) from our hands through the metal = metal is a thermal conductor! Our bubble grew larger! When we held the plastic bottle, the heat was not easily conducted (transferred) from our hands through the plastic = plastic is a thermal insulator! Our bubble did not grow larger!

32 Remember??? Thermal Energy transfer 3 ways:
It can travel by conduction (thermal energy is transferred when 2 or more materials in direct contact with one another) It can travel by convection (thermal energy is transferred in circular currents through air, water and other fluids) It can travel by radiation (thermal energy transferred through electromagnetic waves)

33 Examples of Thermal Energy


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