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The relationship model between Companies and Public service in Catalonia. Administrative simplification, a challenge Regional Ministry of Business and.

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Presentation on theme: "The relationship model between Companies and Public service in Catalonia. Administrative simplification, a challenge Regional Ministry of Business and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The relationship model between Companies and Public service in Catalonia. Administrative simplification, a challenge Regional Ministry of Business and Labour GOVERNMENT OF CATALONIA Regional best practices in administrative simplification

2 About Catalonia (1) 7,5M Number of inhabitants Civil servants and employees from all administrations +- 225.000

3 About Catalonia (2) 586.443 companies with workplace (01/01/2014). 94.8% of companies with fewer than 10 workers and more than half have no employees. Industry is the sector with the highest proportion of large companies. 80.8% of companies with workplace deal with the service sector (importance of tourism); 12.8% with the building sector and 6.5% with the industry one. Industry is 20% of Catalan GDP and 50%, when adding dependant subsectors. The tourism sector is 12% of GDP and 13% of employment. Companies based in Catalonia are 18.5% out of all companies in Spain, and Catalonia is the region with more companies (15.9% Madrid and Andalusia 15%). The Catalan economy grew 1.5% in 2014, the best record since 2007. The Catalan economy

4 About Catalonia (3) Three levels of Public administration in Catalonia: State (Administración General del Estado) Regional administration (Generalitat de Catalunya) 17 regional comunities Local (city council) 947 municipalities 80% < 5.000 people 2,3% > 50.000 people Specific incidence level management on business: Constitution law, taxes  State Activity approval  Regional Workplace approval  Local

5 New relationship between companies and Public service fostered by Generalitat de Catalunya New model Actions madeResults

6 Principles: Reciprocal trust Less charges for the company Service Integration Proximity Standardisation of procedures Fast processing New technologies work as catalyst New model Actions madeResults

7 Challenges for the Administration Very deep change at all cultural levels : –Leadership –New forms of organization: o Post control versus traditional control before the start of the activity –Form and resize human resources Nou model New model Actions madeResults

8 The new rules should incorporate cultural change The legislation should not be an excuse to do, but an opportunity to consolidate the new model. Should allow more flexible and agile forms of relationship. Technology as an excuse / opportunity to transform And provide the new services companies demand us, But also to provide usual services in a more agile and efficient way. Nou model New model Actions madeResults

9 New model Actions made Results Actions made

10 Multiadministration Multichannel Speed and efficiency Network Unified processing The one-stop shop/office... of the entrepreneur FUE ToolsLocal level New model Actions made Results FUE La Finestreta Única Empresarial.... Integration services

11 New ways of relationship with companies FUE Tools Local level New model Actions made Results

12 New tools: procedure catalogue FUE Tools Local level New model Actions made Results

13 ¡Involving local government in the process from the beginning! Phase 1 CAOC: workgroup, ordinances type and application procedures Phase 2: APL administrative simplification FUE Tools Local level New model Actions made Results

14 Phase 2 Administrative simplification law Start-up procedures (and subsequent changes) related business location: the physical place where the company is established these procedures are under city council jurisdiction More than 435.000 companies Employ more than 1.455.000 workers 74,9% Economic activity Other activities Construction industry Administrative services Personal services catering and accommodation Commerce Oriented enterprise, strengthens the trust relationship model between the company and the Administration to facilitate economic activity Affecting: FUE Tools Local level New model Actions made Results

15 Introduce : Transparency on the intervention system that applies to every case. Standardization throughout the country: same processing for a particular activity in all city councils in Catalonia (e.g., bakery). Minimal intervention (prior communication and responsible statement) involving: o Less administrative costs for businesses. o Which are of immediate termination, in the sense that the operator should not expect management response and may start business at the same time that communicates Establishes: intervention regimes that apply to the entire territory for a set of activities with no or low risk and depending on the compliance with objective parameters (annexes law). FUE Tools Local level New model Actions made Results Phase 2 Administrative simplification law

16 For low-risc activities, deleted: –Urban compatibility reports. –Water discharge authorization when they are connected to a public sewage system. The proposed intervention includes: Fires Medioambientals aspects of municipal jurisdiction Water discharges And urban compatibility FUE Tools Local level New model Actions made Results Phase 2 Administrative simplification law

17 Results New modelAccions madeResults

18 77 councils have approved standard rules and 16 are already attached to FUE City council procedures Generalitat State administration New modelActions madeResults There are 11 different Regional Ministries 475 multichannel formalities 80 formalities less (with proposal elimination) a Service Letter with

19 Web views 788.543 Pages viewed 3.764.706 Personalisation "My Folder" 21.868 We have had more than 650.000 electronic procedures since 2013Q3 start processing facilities industrial safety From June 2013 to December 2014: New modelActions madeResults

20 Consol Cervera i Macià Manager and coordinator of Strategic Projects. Regional Ministry for Business and Labour GOVERNMENT OF CATALONIA

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