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IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM Welcome Address Ralph.

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Presentation on theme: "IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM Welcome Address Ralph."— Presentation transcript:

1 IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM Welcome Address Ralph M. Kennel IEEE-PELS Vice President Meetings Electrical Machines and Drives Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal Electrical Drive Systems and Power Electronics Technische Universitaet Muenchen

2 Global Development: Increase of Energy Demand source: Siemens PTD

3 where will we get our electrical energy from in the future ? we should have a goal even if we are not convinced we will gain it there is a discussion in Germany  the 5 * 20 model :  20 % nuclear power  20 % fossile power  20 % renewable power  20 % biomass / biogas  20 % energy savings Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM

4 Energy Saving Potential in Industry (in Germany)  26,5 % heat dissipation  5 % lighting  68,5 % mechanical energy (electrical drives)  2,2 % energy saving potential motor efficiency  9 % energy saving potential by variable speed drives source: ZVEI Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM

5 0 4 8 12 16 20 1800190020002100 Energy Consumption [bn kWh] Savings of 25% are possible in current electrical energy consumption which equals the demand of the USA. Source: Fraunhofer Institute, IISP, LES-Flyer, 2004 Energy Demand and Electricity Consumption are on the Rise – We Can Help to "Do More With Less" Total Energy Electrical Energy 25-30% savings potential by more extensive use of electronic power conversion (e. g. power electronics)

6 Stand-by (TV,...) Power Supplies (e. g. in Servers) Lighting Air ConditioningDrive ControlTransportation 90% saving potential 1% efficiency increase 25% saving potential 20-30% saving potential (by power electronics) 30-40% saving potential (by intelligent control) 30-40% saving potential (by power electronics) Energy Saving Potential by Power Electronics source: Siemens PTD Topic BTopic A is that a lot ??? in Europe that would save a complete nuclear plant !!!

7 Saving Energy is our Main Issue for the Next Decade(s) energy consumption is globally increasing  a significant part of the needed energy is electrical energy 25 – 40 % of that could be saved  that is more than necessary to meet the demands of the Kyoto Protocol !! to achieve that power electronics and system control must be used more effectively higher cost for electronic circuits prevents industry (as well as ourselves) from doing that cost reduction in power electronics and industrial electronics supports introduction of energy saving technologies Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM

8 Discussion Issues what are the problems in industry in using energy saving technologies ? can academics do more to encourage industry ? where are the fields of future investigations ? –control schemes –component design –system design is industry willing to invest resources in researching these areas ? Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM

9 Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM Topic (A) : Integrated Starter/Alternator-Motor Drive for Automotive Applications: Topic (B) : Low Cost Wind Turbine Energy Maximizer:  Saving Energy in Transportation  by increasing efficiency  by reducing weight The Future Energy Challenge Competition supports us in getting a step further  Saving Energy  by using renewable energy  by using sophisticated control

10 Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM Congratulations and Good Luck to the teams in Topic (A) : The Power Electronics Society (IEEE-PELS) is proud that the Future Energy Challenge Competition has become a global event !! Consortium of the University of Colorado at Boulder (USA) and University of Tokushima (Japan) Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil) United International University (Bangladesh)

11 University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee (USA) Cologne University of Applied Sciences (Germany) University of Central Florida (USA) Federal University of Ceara (Brazil) Consortium of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and East West University (Bangladesh) … and in Topic (B) : Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM The Power Electronics Society (IEEE-PELS) is proud that the Future Energy Challenge Competition has become a global event !! University of Texas at Arlington (USA) Istanbul Technical University (Turkey) Universitaet Karlsruhe (Germany) HuaZhong University of Science and Technology (China) Northern Caribbean University (Jamaica) University of Macau (China)

12 Thank you ! Workshop IFEC 2009 The 2009 International Future Energy Challenge TM

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