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1 Research Topics Group: Professor Harri Ehtamo Graduate School Seminar University of Jyväskylä.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Research Topics Group: Professor Harri Ehtamo Graduate School Seminar University of Jyväskylä."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Research Topics Group: Professor Harri Ehtamo Graduate School Seminar University of Jyväskylä

2 2 Optimization in Nonlinear Pricing Walras Tatonnement Interpretation (Mitri Kitti, PhD thesis) -Algorithm convergence analysis of principal-agent models Numerical Algorithms and Graph Interpretation (Kimmo Berg) -Discrete/Continuous gradient type adjustment schemes under local information -Graph interpretation of Lagrange multipliers helps computation

3 3 Vehicle Routing Optimization Stochastic Elevator Group Optimization (EGO) (Opt. formulation: J. Sorsa, H. Ehtamo; based on Siikonen, Tyni, Ylinen heuristic model) First MILP Formulation and Solution of EGO (Mirko Ruokokoski, Janne Sorsa) -New solution technique with Branch-and-Cut makes use of valid inequalities, permutation groups, symmetry breaking GA with Symmetry Breaking + Other new Heuristic Algorithms for VRO (Mirko Ruokokoski, Janne Sorsa, Harri Ehtamo)

4 4 Game Theory in Computational Evacuation Modelling (Prof. Harri Ehtamo, Simo Heliövaara, TKK; PhD Simo Hostikka, PhD Timo Korhonen VTT) -Development of FDS + Evac fire dynamics simulator -Computational models for evacuation behaviour in large burning buildings -Game theoretical learning algorithms for agents’ decision making

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