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Halloween. Halloween is celebrated on October 31 st. Halloween started 2,000 years ago in Europe. They believed October 31 st was the one night when the.

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Presentation on theme: "Halloween. Halloween is celebrated on October 31 st. Halloween started 2,000 years ago in Europe. They believed October 31 st was the one night when the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Halloween

2 Halloween is celebrated on October 31 st. Halloween started 2,000 years ago in Europe. They believed October 31 st was the one night when the dead could return to the earth. They wore costumes so the ghosts would not recognize them.

3 Jack O’ Lanterns Jack O’ Lanterns are carved pumpkins. People started carving scary faces into pumpkins to scare off a ghost named Jack who walks around with a piece of coal in a turnip to light his way.

4 1: Cut the top off, and scoop out the pumpkin seeds.

5 2: Draw the design of your Jack O Lantern.

6 3: Cut and carve your design.

7 4: Light a candle inside the pumpkin




11 Symbols of Halloween These days, Halloween still keeps its tradition of being a scary holiday by having a lot of scary things associated with it.

12 Ghosts Ghosts are commonly used as Halloween decorations and costumes.

13 Witches Like ghosts, witches are very popular Halloween decorations and costumes. Some witches are scary, but some are cute and nice.

14 Scarecrows Scarecrows are used in fields to keep crows away, but are also used as decorations for autumn. Scary looking scarecrows are used as Halloween decorations and have been used in horror movies and books.

15 Haunted Houses Haunted Houses make Halloween as popular as it is. Many amusement parks in America make Haunted Houses that people can go through at night. These haunted houses are very popular.

16 Graveyards Graveyards are usually part of Haunted House decorations.

17 Skeletons

18 Spider webs Spider webs are found in almost all Halloween decorations.

19 Black Cats Black cats are often used in Halloween decorations, many times with witches. They are also associated with Friday the 13 th, which is considered a day of bad luck.

20 Vampires Vampires became very popular after the book ‘Dracula’ was written in 1897. Many people dress up as vampires or have vampire Halloween decorations. Vampires have big fangs, sleep in coffins and drink blood!

21 Halloween Fun There are many fun activities to do on Halloween.

22 Carving Pumpkins Right before Halloween, people make Jack o Lanterns. On Halloween night, you put it on your front porch and put a candle in it.

23 Bobbing for Apples Bobbing for apples is a common game played at Halloween parties. You fill a tub with water, then put apples in it. People have to try to take apples out of the water using only their mouths.

24 Halloween Party Many people have Halloween parties at their house. Everybody dresses up in costumes and they eat and listen to music and watch scary movies.

25 Trick or Treating Every kid’s favorite part of Halloween is going trick or treating! You dress up in costumes and go around to different houses in the neighborhood. When they open the door, you say “Trick or Treat!” and the person will give out candy.

26 Step 1: Dress up

27 Step 2: Ring the doorbell, or knock

28 Step 4: Say, “Trick or treat!”

29 5: The person gives you candy!

30 Candy Kids get lots of candy!

31 Treat = get candy

32 Trick or treat, smell my feet, Give me something good to eat! If you don’t, I don’t care, I’ll pull down your underwear! Trick or treat, smell my feet, Give me something good to eat! If you don’t, I don’t care, I’ll pull down your underwear!


34 Halloween Vocabulary

35 Halloween party

36 pumpkin

37 Jack-o’-Lantern

38 Costumes

39 Apple Bobbing

40 Vampire

41 blood

42 coffin

43 spider

44 Haunted house

45 Scare crow

46 Ghost

47 Witch

48 broom

49 Black cat

50 Skeleton

51 Mummy

52 T r i c k - o r - T r e a t

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