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Phospholipids in the management of autism and degenerative neurological diseases Victor A Marcial-Vega,MD Orlando,Florida,

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1 Phospholipids in the management of autism and degenerative neurological diseases Victor A Marcial-Vega,MD Orlando,Florida, 2013








9 President’s Cancer Panel Report 2010

10 Integrative Medicine Centers n Cleveland Clinic n Johns Hopkins Hospital n UCLA n George Washington University n MD Anderson Cancer Center n MSK Cancer Center n Massage, Nutrition, Acupunture, Psycotherapy

11 Integrative Medicine n Recognizes a crucial environmental role of toxins in the etiology and/or worsening of most diseases n Ex. Carbon-Petroleum based energy production, plastics, pesticides, heavy metals.

12 Heavy Metals n Present in 100% of the population n Marker of other toxins present in organism n Higgins, 2012- Parts per trillion of mercury significant (up to 1/1,000,000,000,000) significant in production of disease

13 24 hour urine collections Puerto Rico, 2008-2012 Marcial-Vega, et al, 2013 mmmmm Metals% from 51 patients Range(ug/g creatinine) Lead100% 52/520.1 - 79.1 Mercury65% 34/520.3 - 12.30 Aluminum92% 48/520.8 - 77.4 Arsenic100% 52/521 - 105 Cadmium98% 51/520.05 - 16.09 Gadolinium71% 37/520.005 - 93.5 Nickel65% 34/520.2 - 15.39 Uranium33% 17/520.008 -.2

14 Pre and Post EDTA Calcium metalsprepost Lead1.062.2 Mercury0.552.87 Aluminum0.13177.4 Arsenic617 Gadolinium0.84478 Nickel0.910 Uranium00.183

15 PROVOCATION WITH EDTA n Conventional medicine discourages provocation because of increased toxicity n They recommend diagnosis with blood n We have found the opposite n It is both diagnostic and therapeutic under strict nutritional conditions

16 IV Push with EDTA Calcium n 245 patients n 2010-2013 n Median Age 57 n Dose range 300-3000 mg n Median 2.4 grams

17 IV Push with EDTA Calcium n 5 minute infusion/once a week n Lowering of total cholesterol, LDL 85% n Lowering of glucose levels 92% n Disappearance of joint pains 95% n More energy and sleeping better 100% n Marcial-Vega, 2013

18 Retrospective Review of a Rejuvenation Program in the Management of Cancer Victor A. Marcial-Vega, MD San Juan, Puerto Rico April 2013

19 Treatment Protocol n Nutritional Supplementation n Intravenous Vitamin C (+ or - EDTA) n Ozone/Hyperthermia showers

20 Intravenous Therapy n Vitamin C 20 grams n Vitamins B1, B6(100 mg), B12 (1000ug) n Sterile water(250 cc) n EDTA 2-6 cc(3g/21cc )

21 Intravenous Therapy n Three times a week n 20 gram weekly increases until 70 grams or tolerance is reached n Dose range 50-70 grams

22 Ozone/Hyperthermia Showers n 5 days a week n 1/2 hour treatments n 98-103 degrees Fahrenheit

23 Results n Age Range 8-80 years Median 56 years n Median Follow-up 18 months n Analysis on 40 patients

24 Initial Response n More than 50% reduction of tumor n Within 3 weeks n (A) 25/33= 76% n (B) 3/5 = 60% n (C) 1/2 = 50% n Overall = 72%

25 18 months results n No tumor after multiple recurrences 2/33 n Complete Response 6/33 n Partial 6/33 n Total 14/33=42%

26 Symptoms n Improvement in 80% first 2 weeks n Sustained at 5 months in 50%

27 Memory and Awareness n Most patients report an improvement in cognitive, memory and focusing n Brain characteristics n This is an indicator of correlation between toxins and brain function








35 Phospholipids n Plaquex n In the management of cardiovascular diseases and detoxification n Our clinic in Miami started managing and detoxing patients with IV phosphatidylcholine

36 Neurological Diseases Adults n More than 85% of Alzheimer’s Disease patients will have an MRI or CT scan showing white matter changes consistent with small vessel ischemic disease. n A disease of brain toxicity n Fourth leading cause of death in Puerto Rico. 6 th in the USA

37 Alzheimer’s Disease n Gochi, Chlorella, Vitamin C and Lactobacillus n Alkalinizing Program n Intravenous phosphatidylcholine n 250-1500 mg IV Push or IV bag in D5W n B12, Glutathione n Weekly

38 Alzheimer’s n 25 patients n Marked improvement in 72% of the patients n 2 had no response (8%) n 20% Moderate response n EDTA and Phosphatidylcholine

39 Dementia n 10 patients n Marked improvement in most of their cognitive capacities n Improvement in socialization and orientation to place n Last aspect to improve-Short term memory

40 Parkinson’s Disease n 5 patients n Steady improvement in the first 2 months in 3/5 n 1 patient –No change n 1 patient-Dramatic improvement and reversal of all symptoms with PTC and pulsed electromagnetic frequency n All patients now get PEMF

41 Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy n Cisplatin, Carboplatin associated n Very painful n Feet and hands n Does not respond well to analgesics

42 Neuropathy n Management with phosphatidylcholine n 10 patients n Weekly n Improvement in all patients in the first two treatments n Complete Resolution of pain in 8 pts. n The earlier the better

43 ALS n 8 patients n One-EDTA, IVC, H2O2-no response. Died in less than a year n 2 more with PTC-No response n 1 Pt. with 3x/day tx 15 txs. Week n First week regained vocal cord and swallowing movement

44 ALS n Stopped treatment after 3 months and deteriorated n One patient was stable for one year speaking and walking. Died from a fall n One patient improved and spasticity markedly improved with PTC and PEMF

45 ALS n Latest 2 patients n #1 in less than 2 weeks could understand previously unintelligible speech. Swallowing better. n Improved pulmonary function studies n #2 Could move extremities better in 2 weeks n Both had daily treatment

46 Side Effects n Temporary (minutes) dizziness-2 n Extravasation and burning that would last days, weeks and sclerose veins temporarily 4% n Months of sclerosing 3 patients

47 AUTISM n 1:37 in Puerto Rico n 1:50-75 in the USA n No more figures presented in CDC website since 2008 n Rapidly rising epidemic n Maybe related to aluminum and mercury in vaccines

48 AUTISM n 75 patients n 7 Did not complete treatment n Of the 68 remaining patients n Analysis n 75% trigered at 18 months of age related to vaccine booster doses

49 AUTISM n Eliminate sugar, complex carbohydrates n Start nutritional alkalinization n Intravenous phosphatidylcholine n 250-1000 mg a week n Glutathione IV 400 mg a week n Methylcobalamin 1000 ug n Folic acid 4 mg

50 AUTISM n After 10-20 Weekly treatments n IV Phenylbutyrate 100-400 mg in 100 cc/d5w n Continue if there was a steady improvement n Side effects- Rash in 2 patients. Glutathione eliminated in them and it resolved. They were both allergic to eggs







57 Frederick’s Ataxia n Hereditary disease n Poor prognosis n Progressive Degenerative Disease n 2 sisters 14, 16 years old n 5 treatments so far n Improvement in gait, fine motor movements and energy levels

58 CONCLUSIONS n Phospholipid therapy reverses the pathologic features of autism and other neurological diseases n Phenylbutyrate seems to detoxify the brain and has a calming effect in all patients n One to two years of therapy may reverse all symptoms completely

59 CONCLUSIONS n Minimal side effects (allergic reaction and itching in one patient)

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