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Introduction to Archery

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1 Introduction to Archery

2 Bow There are several different types of bows including compact, recurve, and primary curve In this class we will use a recurve bow like the one shown at the right.

3 Stringing the Bow Place bow across your shin
Step through with your opposite leg Pull the string until the string hooks on the bow

4 Arrow There is also several different types of arrows
The arrow we are going to use is a broad head arrow much like the one shown below.

5 Targets We will use two different targets
The one on the left is a very traditional target and the scoring is: Gold – 9 points Red – 7 points Blue – 5 points Black – 3 points White – 1 point

6 Targets continued… Not only will we use the traditional targets we will also use a smaller square target We will use the smaller targets as we move further along in our unit We will also attach balloons to the target towards the end of the unit

7 Finger Tabs There are a variety of accessories used in archery to help with comfort One accessory is the finger tab Another is the proglove Both of these help protect your fingers when you are shooting

8 Arm Guards Another safety accessory is the arm guard
An arm guard is worn on the bow arm and helps protect against the bow string burning your arm when shooting

9 Stance Align body at a right angle from the target
Non-dominant hand should be towards the target Your head should be turned to where your chin is almost touching your shoulder

10 Stance continued… Your feet should be shoulder width apart
Raise the bow to where you are looking down the arrow Pull the string back keeping your bow arm straight

11 Knocking the Arrow Use three fingers (pads of your fingers) to draw the string back The index of the arrow should be out Keep the arrow level at all times to help with accuracy

12 Drawing the Bow Keep the bow arm slightly bent
Elbow of draw arm should be shoulder high Pull the bowstring back to your ear, be careful because some of the arrows are short

13 Releasing the arrow Release the arrow by uncurling your fingers
It should be a slow release and not a fly away motion The smoother the motion the more accurate the shot

Inspect bow, bowstrings, and arrows Non-shooters behind the shooting line No one fires until directed to do so Do not draw and release an empty bow Do not retrieve arrows until you are told

15 CHAIN OF COMMANDS Shooters to your mark
Inspect your bow and bowstrings Take an arrow and knock it Aim, Draw, & Fire when ready When finished shooting bows are at rest When everyone is done shooting you will be directed to retrieve your arrows

16 Review Questions What is the number 1 safety rule?
Which type of bow do we use? How many points is a bulls-eye worth? Name one of the two accessories and tell what they are used for? Should you ever draw a bow and release it without an arrow?

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