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20th Feb 2008 Educational Institute Management System (EIMS)‏ Presented By Samyak Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 905-908, Abhijeet, Mithakhali Six Roads, Ellisbridge,

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Presentation on theme: "20th Feb 2008 Educational Institute Management System (EIMS)‏ Presented By Samyak Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 905-908, Abhijeet, Mithakhali Six Roads, Ellisbridge,"— Presentation transcript:

1 20th Feb 2008 Educational Institute Management System (EIMS)‏ Presented By Samyak Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 905-908, Abhijeet, Mithakhali Six Roads, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380 006, INDIA Tel 91-79-26465758, Fax 91-79-26466804, E-mail:

2 20th Feb 2008 Product Introduction EIMS application provide and maintain the different information of the educational institute like school, College, tuition class. This application supports all kind of the department of the school to maintains the students informations like admission, attendance, examination, events, time table, fees, etc... And generate relative all reports. Educational Institute Management System

3 20th Feb 2008 Multi level configurable access rights enables one to assign roles/responsibility to various level of users. Each individual sub modules have considerable user friendly GUI for operating EMIS. We should get all history of student by single click. We should able to contact student's parents through mail and SMS. Educational Institute Management Software

4 S e r v e r PLC Batch Plant Sales Executive Order entry \ View Reports System Architecture Educational Institute Management System Educational Institute Management System Administration Student Details Teacher Details Subject & Class Details Examination Schedule & Result Send Mail & SMS Event & Notification Reports

5 20th Feb 2008 System Features... Educational Institute Management Software

6 20th Feb 2008 System Features Configuration of users,employees with respective roles assigned to them Generate Unique Identification No. for each student. Ability to access different screens based on the rights assigned to user. System also provides rights assignments not only on screens level but also on system & reports. Educational Institute Management Software

7 20th Feb 2008 System Features Rights assignment on add,edit,delete. Easy to understand help on role basis. You should add Students, Teacher, subject and class details. You should declare Examination Schedule. You should send student result, attendance, notice, etc... through SMS or mail directly to his/her parents. Educational Institute Management Software

8 20th Feb 2008 Major Modules Students Information Roles and Rights Subject Information Class Information Teacher Details Examination Information Educational Institute Management Software

9 20th Feb 2008 Major Modules Examination Schedule Event Management Reports Educational Institute Management Software

10 20th Feb 2008 Student : Add and modify the student related informations like parents information, guardian information, last school detail, achievements, attendance etc. It also include Generation of different certificates like Leaving Certificate, Bona fide Certificate,Trial Certificate etc. It also includes the generation of academic progress reports of the student. Details Function Of All Module Educational Institute Management Software

11 20th Feb 2008 Subjects: This module contains Subject entry panel from which entry of new subjects and its related information can be done. This module also provides the facility to assign special subject to class or its students. Educational institute Management System

12 20th Feb 2008 Classes: Add and modify the class details. The Class Attendance panel of this module is used totake attendance of students of selected class. We can also assign subjects to selected class. Students can be transfer from one class to another by using Class Assignment panel. Class Time Table panel of this module is used to create or modify time table of any class. Educational institute Management System

13 20th Feb 2008 Teacher: Here You should add all the details of teacher and also attach his/her photo or all the documents submitted. Educational institute Management System

14 20th Feb 2008 Examination: Creates new exam for any class. Examination Schedule panel provides the facility to schedule or create time table of any exam. Exam attendance panel provides the facility to take and modify attendance of any exam. Educational institute Management System

15 20th Feb 2008 Events: Add, modify, view or search the events related information held in institute. Event participants panel provides the facility to register, modify or search the participants of any event. Also add or modify the winners information of any event. Educational institute Management System

16 20th Feb 2008 Reports: Here you should generate all the reports date wise, Student wise, month wise, Event wise, etc... Educational Institute Management System

17 20th Feb 2008 System Security User And Role Management User management establishing a user's rights to information within the system. In user management administrator have rights to add/remove users from the system also for the user creation and role creation. Role management helps you manage authorization, which enables you to specify the resources that users in your application are allowed to access. The primary purpose of establishing roles is to give you an easy way to manage access rules for groups of users. Educational Institute Management System

18 20th Feb 2008 Thank you. Samyak Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 905-908, Abhijeet, Mithakhali Six Roads, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380 006, INDIA Tel 91-79-26465758, Fax 91-79-26466804, E-mail: sales@samya Educational Institute Management System

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