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Coaching: The Art and Science “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching: The Art and Science “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching: The Art and Science “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”

2 KINE 2475 Web Site wdyba/kine2475/2013/ index.htm

3 Coaching is an art and a science Science Deals with physical, technical, tactical and psychological training of athletes using modern methods verified through scientific research

4 Coaching is an art and a science Art Application of the modern research based scientific methods to a particular coaching situation. Involves communicating, problem solving, decision making, motivating, etc.

5 Coaching: The Art and Science Learn what is involved in coaching athletes Properly Effectively Successfully Broad spectrum of athletes Amateur to professional Tyke to masters “Playground to podium” KINE 2475 Youth sport Most sport recreational not competitive Most coaches volunteers not paid professionals

6 Coaching Education Is it for you? Do you want to continue to be active in sport? Do you want to be a contributing member of society? Do you want to be a teacher? Do you think you may eventually become a parent?

7 NCCP National Coaching Certification Program Aims (pg. 15) Provide every participant with a positive experience Opportunity to achieve full potential through sport Use sport as a personal developmental tool

8 NCCP National Coaching Certification Program Mandate Improve effectiveness of coaching across all levels of sport system Develop and enhance skills as coaches to become better coaches and role models Goal - contribute to the development of expert Canadian coaches from playground to podium Why Coach Education Important? NCCP - video

9 The “New” NCCP

10 Community Sport Stream Work with small children – few weeks Parents of participants Little sport experience Recreational or house league sport Low level competition Promote participation regardless of ability

11 Competition Stream Performance goals Competitive ability Develop athletes Playground to Podium Teach values through sport Enhance self esteem

12 Instruction Stream Teach and refine sport specific skills and techniques Various proficiency levels Primarily non- competitive programs (participatory)

13 Certification In Training – taking course Trained – course completed Certified – evaluated - external

14 NCCP Core Competencies 1. Problem-solving 2. Valuing 3. Critical thinking 4. Leading 5. Interacting

15 Significant Dates in Canadian Coaching Development 1971 1972 1974 1976

16 Canadian Coaching Development 1971 Canada’s bid to host Olympics accepted Host country has automatic berth to all Olympic sports Development of Sport Agencies and programs through various government agencies Immigration and Manpower Sport and Recreation Sport Canada – Jean Charest Canadian Heritage Ministry ( ) Minister of State (Sport) – the Honourable Bal Gosal

17 Sport Agencies  COA Canadian Olympic Association  Canadian Olympic Committee All aspects of Canada’s involvement in the Olympic Movement  Game Plan Development of athletes and teams for international competition

18 Sport Agencies  Sport Canada  Dedicated to valuing and strengthening the Canada experience  CAC Coaching Association of Canada  Mandate to improve the effectiveness of coaching across all sports and at all levels of the sport system.

19 Coaching Association of Canada  Programs  Canadian Professional Coaches Association sets standards of coaching  National Coaching Institutes “most comprehensive learning experience for high performance coaches” 7 centers – Victoria, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax  Women in Coaching Program increase number of coaching opportunities for women – since 1987 over 200 women received over $1 million

20 Canadian Coaching Development 1972  Interprovincial Council of Sport and Recreation  Began developing model for a National Coaching Program  Summit Series  Canada – Soviet Union hockey series  Soviets praise Lloyd Percival

21 Canadian – Soviet Union Summit Series 1972 Lloyd Percival – The Hockey Handbook Dick Irvin – Coach Montreal Canadiens 1951 Stanley Cup Champions “Product of a three year old mind” Anatoli Tarasov – architect of Soviet hockey “Your wonderful book introduced us to the mysteries of Canadian hockey”  Richard vs Howe – greatest hockey player  Ability of Paul Henderson

22 Canadian Coaching Development 1974 First formal NCCP courses offered Over 1 millions participants Canada recognized as a world leader in coaching development

23 Canadian Coaching Development 1976  Olympic Games – Montreal  National team coaches “foreigners”  Basketball, gymnastics, fencing, rowing, swimming, volleyball, waterpolo  Foreign cultures different from ours – how? - cultural legacies - Asian, Caribbean, North American, Mexican -Outliers, Gladwell (2009) What is our Canadian Sport Culture? “Multiculturalism” in Canadian Sport?

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