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Presentation on theme: "1 FIRE OFFICER DEVELOPEMENT INCIDENT SAFETY OFFICER."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 NIOSH Fatality Investigations Federal Mandate Reports found at: Reoccurring recommendation: “…ensure that a separate Incident Safety Officer, independent from the IC, is appointed…responds automatically to pre- designated incidents.” Federal Mandate Reports found at: Reoccurring recommendation: “…ensure that a separate Incident Safety Officer, independent from the IC, is appointed…responds automatically to pre- designated incidents.”

3 Applicable Standards NFPA-1521 EM-06 EM-07 EM-29 (references Increased Hazards) NFPA-1521 EM-06 EM-07 EM-29 (references Increased Hazards) 3

4 4 Benefits of the Incident Safety Officer Diminishes accident potential and enhances safety culture Minimizes time lost due to injuries Helps protect against liability Maximizes Incident Commander focus Instills safety-consciousness in the Firefighters themselves Enhances efficiency and effectiveness Diminishes accident potential and enhances safety culture Minimizes time lost due to injuries Helps protect against liability Maximizes Incident Commander focus Instills safety-consciousness in the Firefighters themselves Enhances efficiency and effectiveness

5 5 The Nature of Firefighters Aggressive - want to get in Action oriented Results oriented Risk-takers Hot and cold influences on behavior Fatigue (post incident) Adrenaline burn – chemical imbalance? What do we know about ourselves?

6 6 Duties of the ISO In it’s simplest form, the ISO evaluates: Fire Behavior Building Behavior - the environment Firefighter Behavior This helps you READ the RISK! In it’s simplest form, the ISO evaluates: Fire Behavior Building Behavior - the environment Firefighter Behavior This helps you READ the RISK!

7 7 Risk Management Risk : A chance of damage, injury or loss Risk Management: process of minimizing the Chance, Degree, or Probability of damage, loss, or injury Risk : A chance of damage, injury or loss Risk Management: process of minimizing the Chance, Degree, or Probability of damage, loss, or injury

8 8 Classic Risk Management Hazard identification Hazard evaluation Prioritize hazards Control hazards Monitor hazards Hazard identification Hazard evaluation Prioritize hazards Control hazards Monitor hazards

9 9 The ISO as a Risk Manager ISO identifies hazards Provides an assessment of hazards for IC Provides solutions to the IC Develops credibility Predicts injuries BEFORE they happen Makes a DIFFERENCE!

10 10 The ART of Reading Smoke

11 11 Why “Read” Smoke? To determine “HOW MUCH” fire

12 12 Why “Read” Smoke? To help find the LOCATION of the fire To help find the LOCATION of the fire

13 13 Why “Read” Smoke? To help predict COLLAPSE potential

14 14 Why “Read” Smoke? To help PRIORITIZE Strategies & Tactics

15 15 Why “Read” Smoke? To PROTECT Firefighters from a To PROTECT Firefighters from a “HOSTILE FIRE EVENT” To PROTECT Firefighters from a To PROTECT Firefighters from a “HOSTILE FIRE EVENT”

16 16 The “ADVANCED” Basics Concept #1: “Smoke” Is Fuel Concept #1: “Smoke” Is Fuel Particulates Aerosols Gases

17 17 The “ADVANCED” Basics Concept #2: Fuels have changed - Mass and Make-up!

18 18 The “ADVANCED” Basics Concept 3: The Fuel has Triggers: Flash PointFlash Point Fire PointFire Point Ignition TemperatureIgnition Temperature Concept 3: The Fuel has Triggers: Flash PointFlash Point Fire PointFire Point Ignition TemperatureIgnition Temperature

19 19 The “ADVANCED” Basics How does “flammable range” factor in?

20 20 Flammable Range & the Three Fires Too Lean... Too Rich... Just Right...

21 21 “ HOSTILE ” Fire Events FlashoverFlashover BackdraftBackdraft Smoke ExplosionSmoke Explosion Rapid Fire SpreadRapid Fire Spread FlashoverFlashover BackdraftBackdraft Smoke ExplosionSmoke Explosion Rapid Fire SpreadRapid Fire Spread

22 22 FLASHOVER WARNING SIGNS:  Turbulent Smoke  “Rollover”  Auto Ignition outside Smoke –Cloud Ignition is likely after flashover WARNING SIGNS:  Turbulent Smoke  “Rollover”  Auto Ignition outside Smoke –Cloud Ignition is likely after flashover

23 23 BACKDRAFT Remember – Backdraft is triggered by O2 being introduced to a pressurized “box”  Yellowish-grey smoke  Whistling  Bowing windows  “Sealed” containers Remember – Backdraft is triggered by O2 being introduced to a pressurized “box”  Yellowish-grey smoke  Whistling  Bowing windows  “Sealed” containers

24 24 SMOKE EXPLOSION Remember – A Smoke Explosion is a spark or flame applied to a mixture below its ignition temperature  Trapped gases in upper areas  Growing fire  Increasing smoke density  Air intake overtaking smoke exiting Remember – A Smoke Explosion is a spark or flame applied to a mixture below its ignition temperature  Trapped gases in upper areas  Growing fire  Increasing smoke density  Air intake overtaking smoke exiting

25 25 RAPID FIRE SPREAD Usually “Container” Influenced SMOKE is the Fuel that is spreading the fire Look for fast moving smoke in high pressure zones May result from another “event” Usually “Container” Influenced SMOKE is the Fuel that is spreading the fire Look for fast moving smoke in high pressure zones May result from another “event”

26 26 “ Reading Smoke” Observations are typically made from outside - inside observations hide the “real” picture.Observations are typically made from outside - inside observations hide the “real” picture.

27 27 “ Reading Smoke” Nothing is absoluteNothing is absolute Visible FIRE is easy to read - look past it for the real storyVisible FIRE is easy to read - look past it for the real story Compare vent openingsCompare vent openings Nothing is absoluteNothing is absolute Visible FIRE is easy to read - look past it for the real storyVisible FIRE is easy to read - look past it for the real story Compare vent openingsCompare vent openings

28 28 The ART of Reading Smoke A 4-STEP PROCESS to help predict fire behavior and hostile events

29 29 Step 1: Evaluate Key Factors VolumeVolume Velocity (Pressure)Velocity (Pressure) DensityDensity ColorColor VolumeVolume Velocity (Pressure)Velocity (Pressure) DensityDensity ColorColor

30 30 VOLUME  Always relative to the “Box”  Tells “how much” fuel has off-gased  Sets the Stage  Always relative to the “Box”  Tells “how much” fuel has off-gased  Sets the Stage

31 31 VELOCITY (Pressure)  How fast is the smoke leaving?  Can indicate volume or heat  Helps find the location of the actual fire

32 32 DENSITY  Most Important Factor  Quality of Burning  Continuity of Fuel  Likelihood of an event  “Degree” of the Event

33 33 COLOR  Rarely tells “material burning  Stage of Heating  Location of Fire  Amount of Flaming  “Brown” Smoke

34 34 Step 2: Weigh Factors Container (most important factor)Container (most important factor) Thermal BalanceThermal Balance WeatherWeather Firefighting effortsFirefighting efforts Container (most important factor)Container (most important factor) Thermal BalanceThermal Balance WeatherWeather Firefighting effortsFirefighting efforts

35 35 Step 3: Judge the Fire Status Are conditions getting better or worse?

36 36 Classify the Fire: Stable -predictable Rapidly changing -predictable -predictable Unstable/Unpredictable

37 37 Step 4: Predict the EVENT Consider that: One hostile event can - and usually will - lead to another event.One hostile event can - and usually will - lead to another event. Communicate your observations.Communicate your observations. Warning Signs are not always visual – use your KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE.Warning Signs are not always visual – use your KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS… Consider that: One hostile event can - and usually will - lead to another event.One hostile event can - and usually will - lead to another event. Communicate your observations.Communicate your observations. Warning Signs are not always visual – use your KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE.Warning Signs are not always visual – use your KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS…

38 38 Some other “Tricks” Watch open doorways - watch what the smoke does – and what the fresh air does!

39 39 THE ART OF READING SMOKE Some Examples

40 40

41 41 The Science of Predicting Collapse The “Science of Predicting Collapse” is actually A “ 5 STEP- APPROACH” to evaluating collapse potential.

42 42 Methods/Types of Construction  Fire Resistive  Non-Combustible: Steel, concrete, masonry, glass  Ordinary: Load-bearing masonry exterior wall, combustible interior construction  Heavy Timber (Mill)  Wood Frame: Platform, Balloon, Lightweight  Hybrids?  Fire Resistive  Non-Combustible: Steel, concrete, masonry, glass  Ordinary: Load-bearing masonry exterior wall, combustible interior construction  Heavy Timber (Mill)  Wood Frame: Platform, Balloon, Lightweight  Hybrids?

43 43 Relationship of Mass/Fire Resistance The most prevalent reason the year 2002 fire is different than the 1980 fire! Most interior Firefighting tactics are based on a 1950’s structure! Mass = Fire Resistance The most prevalent reason the year 2002 fire is different than the 1980 fire! Most interior Firefighting tactics are based on a 1950’s structure! Mass = Fire Resistance

44 44 The 1950’s Building  Most Members are in COMPRESSION  Connections are “through” the materials  MASS not MATH  Fire Loading at 8000 BTUs per Pound

45 45 2000 & Beyond  Members in TENSION  Connections are surface attached  MATH not MASS  Fire Loading is 16,000+ BTUs #

46 46 Lightweight Construction Trusses Throughout Engineered Wood: Waste Wood Glued and Pressed Particles Composites  Experimentation Methods

47 47 Predicting Collapse: The 5-Step Process

48 48 Step 1: Classify the Type Generalize Type of Construction FR, NC, O, HT, & WF **Hybrid** Strengths & Weaknesses Fire behavior within type Fire spread potential Hazards vs. Tactics Generalize Type of Construction FR, NC, O, HT, & WF **Hybrid** Strengths & Weaknesses Fire behavior within type Fire spread potential Hazards vs. Tactics

49 49 Step 2: Determine Structural Involvement  Structural Fire or Contents Fire  Connections Involved  Protective Barriers Compromised  Lightweight components off-gassing

50 50 STEP 3: Visualize Load Imposition  Visually “Undress” the Building  Bring in your Knowledge of Materials – and how they react in fire  Weak Links?

51 51 Step 4: Evaluate TIME  How long has the fire been burning?  How long will it take to get to the fire?  REMEMBER……

52 52 Step 5: Predict Collapse Sequence Visualize the collapse scenario Partial or localized? General ? Who is at most risk? Imminent or just a potential Proclaim a COLLAPSE ZONE What operation(s) needs to be altered, suspended, terminated Visualize the collapse scenario Partial or localized? General ? Who is at most risk? Imminent or just a potential Proclaim a COLLAPSE ZONE What operation(s) needs to be altered, suspended, terminated

53 53 You Now Have the Information To Predict Collapse  Envision the Collapse – see it happen in your mind  ZONE the Incident  COMMUNICATE!  Envision the Collapse – see it happen in your mind  ZONE the Incident  COMMUNICATE!

54 54 Once you’ve Zoned & Communicated, Remember... More FF’s are killed outside the building than in You Must understand defensive outside tactics The collapse zone - types of collapse The reach of hose streams The advantages & risks of aerial streams The collapse zone for aerial streams Flanking a fire from the safe zone More FF’s are killed outside the building than in You Must understand defensive outside tactics The collapse zone - types of collapse The reach of hose streams The advantages & risks of aerial streams The collapse zone for aerial streams Flanking a fire from the safe zone

55 55 Construction Sites – WATCH OUT! Under construction vs. Under fire attack Components not necessarily joined - less stable Irregular ground, holes, mud Power and water may not be functioning Walk ways and worker paths may not be secure Beware of openings between floors, ventilation shafts, etc. Under construction vs. Under fire attack Components not necessarily joined - less stable Irregular ground, holes, mud Power and water may not be functioning Walk ways and worker paths may not be secure Beware of openings between floors, ventilation shafts, etc.

56 56 Construction Site Hazards (cont’d) Beware of openings or upper floors not yet encased with windows or walls Materials in piles may be overloading a structural element Flammables will intensify heating Security fencing may represent an access/egress problem Beware of openings or upper floors not yet encased with windows or walls Materials in piles may be overloading a structural element Flammables will intensify heating Security fencing may represent an access/egress problem

57 57 Exposure of Crews Can you tell when your people have had enough? Don’t Wait for this to Happen!

58 58 PHYSIOLOGICAL HAZARDS Ergonomics Thermal Stress Dehydration and Energy Depletion Other Physiological Stressors 1 Noise 2 Diurnal Effects 3 Psychological Stressors Critical Incident Stress Cumulative Stress Ergonomics Thermal Stress Dehydration and Energy Depletion Other Physiological Stressors 1 Noise 2 Diurnal Effects 3 Psychological Stressors Critical Incident Stress Cumulative Stress

59 59 HEAT INDEX 85 degrees @ 35% RH = 85 degrees 90 degrees @ 35% RH = 91 degrees 95 degrees @ 35% RH = 98 degrees 100 degrees @ 35% RH = 107 degrees 105 degrees @ 35% RH = 118 degrees 110 degrees @ 35% RH = 130 degrees 85 degrees @ 35% RH = 85 degrees 90 degrees @ 35% RH = 91 degrees 95 degrees @ 35% RH = 98 degrees 100 degrees @ 35% RH = 107 degrees 105 degrees @ 35% RH = 118 degrees 110 degrees @ 35% RH = 130 degrees

60 60 THERMAL STRESS AND HEAT INDEX Current SOP EM-29, Non Emergency Heat Index up to 89 Heat Index from 90 to 99 Heat Index of 100 or greater Heat Index of 105 or greater Emergency activities 90 or greater Current SOP EM-29, Non Emergency Heat Index up to 89 Heat Index from 90 to 99 Heat Index of 100 or greater Heat Index of 105 or greater Emergency activities 90 or greater


62 62 HYDRATION AND FLUID REPLACEMENT 17 minutes of firefighting results in a 15% reduction in plasma volume. Hyperthermia causes vasodilation, an increase in vessel diameter. Vasodilation also may reduce blood pressure. Aggressive hydration. 1.7 liters of fluid to replace fluid lost during 17 minutes of firefighting. 17 minutes of firefighting results in a 15% reduction in plasma volume. Hyperthermia causes vasodilation, an increase in vessel diameter. Vasodilation also may reduce blood pressure. Aggressive hydration. 1.7 liters of fluid to replace fluid lost during 17 minutes of firefighting.

63 63 The ISO On-Scene

64 64 Triggers and Traps Triggers – Those things the ISO can do to help instill safe operations. Traps – General approaches that will render the ISO ineffective. Triggers – Those things the ISO can do to help instill safe operations. Traps – General approaches that will render the ISO ineffective.

65 65 TRIGGERS to Safe Operations BE VISIBLE – Display the word “Safety” like a banner

66 66 TRIGGERS to Safe Operations  Lead by Example!  SOFT Intervention – advice, sharing observations, humor, etc.  FIRM Intervention – Stop, Alter, Suspend operations. Stern Advisories.  Lead by Example!  SOFT Intervention – advice, sharing observations, humor, etc.  FIRM Intervention – Stop, Alter, Suspend operations. Stern Advisories.

67 67 TRAPS to Avoid The “Bunker Cop” Syndrome

68 68 TRAPS to Avoid The “CYA” Mode

69 69 TRAPS to Avoid The “Worker”

70 70 TRAPS to Avoid “Hand-Cuffing” the Operation

71 71 Your Goal: Be a Valuable Consultant: Present tangible - well articulated hazard observations Don’t subvert IC Offer solutions and contingencies - credibility! Regular contact - face to face - every 15 min


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