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Introduction The training focuses on introductory information on social media tools and practical exercises.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction The training focuses on introductory information on social media tools and practical exercises."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction The training focuses on introductory information on social media tools and practical exercises.

2 Outline Social Media (Web 2.0) tools  Collaboration and document sharing  Blogging  Photo sharing  Sharing presentation on the web  Microblogging  Social networking  RSS

3 What is social media/Web 2.0?  Social media  media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques.  use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue.  Web 2.0  is about users and content, instead of just surfing on the Internet. It's about what the Internet can do for an active collaborator, rather than a passive viewer.  the move toward more social, collaborative, interactive and responsive web.

4 Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0

5 As individuals? As orgs? When do we use social media?

6 Collaboration and document sharing help collaborators such as scientists, professionals, students, colleagues and peers to work together in professional and personal project-based settings. require only Internet connection. Provide tools for groups of people to Add, Edit and, Remove content in “real time” Useful for collaborative writing or information collection and sharing

7 Collaboration and document sharing  Different types of collaboration and document sharing platforms  Eg: wiki (wikispaces, PBwiki, etc..), Google Docs..… We will focus on wikispaces platform very popular, widely used and easy to use.

8 Features of wiki  Easy to use and learn  People located in different part of the world can work on the same document  Allows anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify contents  Can be public or password protected  Permission at the page level and the tool level (You can set permissions across the entire wiki while specifying different permissions for particular pages)  You can make track changes (you can easily see who changed what and when)  Email notifications (You can put a watch on a page to receive email notification each time the page is changed)

9 Example of wiki usage in ILRI Visit -

10 Wiki exercise 1. Create an account on the test wiki 2. Create a personal page on the test wiki 3. Post content Adding and editing text Making table Linking files, images and external urls to the page 4. Upload document 5. View history page 6. Create a discussion topic on your page 7. Set notification page wise or to the whole wiki 8. Invite members

11 Blogging  Easy-to-use platforms for online publishing  Started as personal journals but are now used across many contexts A website that can be easily updated without any programming knowledge  Consists of a series of regular entries displayed in reverse chronological order Allows readers to provide comments Categorizing and tagging content

12 Blog platforms  Different types of blog platforms  Eg: Wordpress, Blogger, TypePad..… We will focus on wordpress platform very popular, widely used and easy to use

13 Features of Blogging  Can be an excellent way of sharing knowledge within the organization (Intranet environment)  Can be positive ways of getting feedback, as readers react to certain pieces, suggest story ideas, etc…  Have the potential to help an organization develop stronger relationships and brand loyalty with its customers  Can build the profile of the writer, showcasing the organization as having talent and expertise  It allows multiple authorship, the integration of several media in one site (photos, video, RSS feeds)  Content can be categorized and tagged  Posts are archived

14 Example of Blog usage in ILRI Visit - http://ilriclippings.wordpress.com

15 Blogging exercise 1. Create wordpress account 2. Posting content Adding text Uploading document Linking files, images and external urls to the page 3. Structuring content with pages Create a personal page Add content to it 4. Using Categories and tags Add to own page 5. Look and feel Theme widgets 6. User management Invite members Set permission role

16 Sharing photos and images on the web Photo sharing is the publishing or transfer of a user's digital photos online, thus enabling the user to share them with others  Sorting and organizing Pictures  Incorporating into blogs and websites  Photos can be shared publicly or privately

17 Photo sharing platforms  Different types of photo sharing platforms  Eg: Flickr, Picasa, Windows Live Photos,..… We will focus on Flickr platform popular and widely used online photo sharing website allows members to upload their photos in customizable albums.

18 Features of Flickr  Free and easy to use  Upload and share photos  Photos can be organized into sets and tagged, enabling users to find specific photos of their choice  You can sign up for a free account, or a “pro” account that entails a charge for unlimited uploads  Re-use Flickr images, on your web pages, blogs and publications  Categorize photos as either public or private

19 Example of Flickr usage in ILRI Visit -

20 Flickr exercise 1. Create personal flickr account 2. Upload a picture or two Add title Description Add Tags geolocation 3. Choose a license to allow re-use (or not) 4. Add contacts to your account 5. Creating groups 6. Share photo with colleagues 7. Working with sets, tags and collection 8. Find others’ photos 9. Follow or favorite others

21 Sharing presentations on the web  An online community resource where users and organizations  Upload and share presentations  Exchange ideas  Communicate information  Get feedback

22 Types of presentation sharing platforms  Different types of presentation sharing platforms  Eg: slideshare, SlideSix, SlideBoom….  We will focus on slideshare platform  An online slide hosting service  Very popular, widely used and easy to use

23 Features of Slideshare  It is the best way to share your presentations with the world  Your ideas can be found and shared by a wide audience, this will increase you world presence  Anyone can easily find presentations on topics that interest them.  You can tag, download, or embed presentations into your blogs & websites.  Add your comments to each slide so that your audience doesn’t lose the context of your presentation.

24 Example of Slideshare usage in ILRI Visit -

25 Slideshare exercise 1. Create a personal slideshare account 2. Upload presentations Giving proper title Add tags Add description [Optimize pictures to reduce size] 3. Choose a right category 4. Authorization Make publishing Private or public 5. Choose a license 6. Follow or favourite others 7. Etc…

26 RSS  RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology is used to create a “feed” (list) of headlines and descriptions of specific information that you can have delivered to you, rather than having to go look for it. Features of RSS  helps you get fresh content on your desk  contains headlines and descriptions of specific information  allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in  helps people to keep up with their favorite web sites in an automated manner that’s easier than checking them manually.  It is a free and easy way to promote a web site and its content without the need to advertise or create complicated content sharing partnerships.

27 RSS exercise 1. Create a google account 2. Create iGoogle account 3. Find content and feeds from different platforms 4. Manage feeds in iGoogle 5. Share your iGoogle with other 6. Etc…

28 Microblogging  A form of multimedia blogging that allows users to send brief text updates or micromedia such as photos or audio clips and publish them  A type of blog that lets users publish short text updates.  Has become popular over recent years because it represents a free, fast, and easy-to-use social media tool.  Can be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user

29 Microblogging platforms  Different types of microblogging tools  Eg: Twitter, yammer, etc..  We will focus on Twitter  the main micro-blogging site for millions.  very popular, widely used and easy to use

30 Features of Twitter  Networked web and mobile phone based shared short messaging system  Allows users to write brief text updates and publish less than 140 characters  Viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user  Follow others' updates  Tag content – using #tag  @mentions  Text links in tweets

31 Example of Twitter usage in ILRI Visit -

32 Twitter exercise 1. Create twitter account 2. Update own profile 3. Post tweets / updates 4. Linking text in your tweets [tinyurl] 5. Add hashtags in your tweet 6. Find people to follow 7. Follow somebody 8. Search a topic/hashtag 9. @mentions / retweet / reply to

33 Yammer  A micro-blogging service like Twitter, it allows users to  post updates of their activities  follow others' updates  Tag content, etc…..  Unlike Twitter, Yammer focuses on businesses, and only individuals with the same email domain can join a given network

34 Social networking Is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people. Enables networking, communicating with and meeting new people on the Net Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet

35 Social networking platforms  Different types of social networking sites  Eg: Facebook, MySpace, NING, Friendster, Hi5,  We will focus on Facebook  The most popular social networking tool that allows people to connect and share information.  Widely used and easy to use

36 Features of Facebook  Free and easy to use  Helps you connect and share information with the world  Publicizes your event or activity without sending annoying messages  A good source of feedback on your product or services  Shows up on search engines. BLOGS  Communicates just like email. Better than?

37 Example of facebook usage in ILRI Visit -

38 Facebook exercise 1. Create personal facebook account 2. Upload pictures and share 3. Update your page Upload a profile picture Edit your page info Post status updates 4. Post text 5. Add links and RSS feeds 6. Find and Make friends 7. Look for pages to become a fan 8. Etc…

39 Final mash-up exercise Using your wiki page Bring your and others’ content together in useful ways 1. Find the ‘Embed’ options in each tool 2. Find RSS feeds from each tool (your blog, twitter, slideshare and photos) 3. Find links to other content 4. Embed or add feeds or link 5. - Photos 6. - Blog posts 7. - Presentations 8. - RSS feeds 9. - Tweets 10. - Anything else you can find (video?; delicious?)

40 Thank You

41 Q & A

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