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The Importance of Education in a changing environment Prof. Bo Kyung Bae Graduate School of Management KAIST, Korea Perspectives for a secretary in Asia.

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Education in a changing environment Prof. Bo Kyung Bae Graduate School of Management KAIST, Korea Perspectives for a secretary in Asia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Education in a changing environment Prof. Bo Kyung Bae Graduate School of Management KAIST, Korea Perspectives for a secretary in Asia

2 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 20042 Contents A. The Importance of Education in a Changing Environment 1.Four Goals of adults 2.Career & Career Development 3.Opportunities and Changing Environment 4.Traditional Career vs. New career 5.The importance of Education in Career Success B. Educations for Administrative Professionals in Korea C. Q&A

3 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 20043 Four Goals of Adults Financial Power Status Career Goals of Adults Career Financial Status Power

4 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 20044 Environment change

5 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 20045 Career & Career Development Any job has its good & not-so-good days To stay challenged, we must take change of our career 1. By dealing with career development issues on regular basis 2. By being open to participating in professional growth opportunities, which are plentiful.

6 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 20046 Opportunities and Changing Environment Career development cannot be taken for granted –It will not take care of itself : Protean career, boundaryless career Our career must be planned, managed. –The circumstance change and new events occurs Our goals should be frequently adjusted to the changing environment. –We will be able to have plentiful career opportunities

7 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 20047 Protean Career vs. Traditional Career (Hall, 1996) Traditional CareerProtean Career Responsibility of career management organizationindividual Core valuespromotion, powerfreedom, growth Shift rates between Organization lowhigh Criteria on success Job satisfaction Organizational involvement Job satisfaction Professional involvement Self-identityAm I respected in this organization? What should I do in this organization? Do I respect myself? What do I want to do?

8 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 20048 Traditional Career vs New Career(Nicholson, 1996) Traditional CareerNew Career Organizationbureaucracynetwork Rolegeneralistspecialist with multiple skills Competency of Organization system, OSteamwork, development Criteria on evaluation inputoutput Compensationon the jobon the skills Contract relations Involvement, stabilityflexibility Career management Patriarchal managementSelf-management ShiftVertical shifthorizontal shift

9 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 20049 Career Success Cycle Model(Hall & Morgan, 1977) job goal Independent effort Goal Attainment (Success) Psychological success Self-esteemJob involvement Job challenge autonomyfeedbacksupport

10 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200410 Psychological successful model for Career planning (Gould, 1979) Career Planning ImplementationCareer Performance Career Sub-identity Growth

11 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200411 Psychological successful model for Goal Setting (Gould, 1979) Goal setting Effort Adaptability Goal attainment Self-esteem Career involvement

12 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200412 The importance of Education in a changing environment: Fit and Lead Corporate Strategy can be able to lead Environment or creates a new environment A good recommendation 1. Reevaluate our goals 2. Do not wait for other to “develop” “When timing and luck seek us out, we will be ready to launch ourselves into next jobs.”

13 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200413 Education System for Administrative Professionals in Korea Social Background Education System for Administrative Professionals By Academic University & College By Vocational Organization

14 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200414 Life Stage of Women (Super, 1957) Stable Homemaking Career 1 Conventional Career 2 Stable Working Career 3 Double-track Career 4 Interrupted Career 5 Unstable Career 6 Multiple-trial Career 7

15 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200415 Economic-activity rates by age in Korea (ILO, Yearbook of Labor Statistics, 1999) M-Curve

16 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200416 Education System of University & College 4-yr2-yr 5 Universities39 Colleges As of 2002. Ewha Womans Univ. Graduates: about 1,300 persons since the year 1967 Number of Schools

17 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200417 2-yr Academic curriculums : Dept. of Secretary Service, Inha Technical College Management Communication Computer Intro to In’l office Mgmt. Princ of Int’l office Mgmt. Princ of Mgmt. I, II Human Relations I Office Management Seminar on Int’l office Mgmt. Human Relations II Records Management Financial Management Comp-based Accounting Internship English Conversation I,II English Conversation Practice I,II Multimedia English I,II Image Making Business English Conversation I,II Japanese Conv I,II Multimedia English Practice I,II Sec English Practice I, II Business Manner Business Computing Word processor Spreadsheet Internet and Homepage Computer graphics Desk-top publishing 1st year 2nd year

18 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200418 4-yr Academic 2000’s curriculums : Ewha Womans University, South Korea Office Management Communication Management Web-based Information Management Princ of Int’l office Mgmt. Understanding Int’l affairs Int’l office Mgmt. Human relations Planning and processing Business correspondence Seminar on Int’l office Mgmt. Conference planning Business English Business Communication Business English Conversation I Beginning Shorthand Business Writing Int’l Conference Comm I,II Business Computing Intro to Web Info System Internet and Homepage Internet Plan’g & Design Advanced Business Computing Web-info application Intermediate Shorthand Advanced Shorthand Business English conversation II English Comm Clinic Database Management Project Management 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

19 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200419 Princ of Int’l office Mgmt. Understanding Int’l affairs Int’l office Mgmt. Human relations Conference planning I Planning and processing Business correspondence Seminar on Int’l office Mgmt. Conference planning II Business English Business Communication Business English Conversation I Beginning Shorthand Business Writing Conference English Inter-Human Comm. Int’l Conference Comm. I,II Business Computing Intro to Web Info System Internet and Homepage E-commerce System Internet Planning & Design Advanced Business Computing Web-info application Intermediate Shorthand Advanced Shorthand Business English conversation II English Comm. Clinic Web-based Advertising Database Management Project Management Office Management Communication Management Web-based Information Management 4-yr Curriculums for 21 st Centery: Ewha Womans University, South Korea 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

20 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200420 Education Program of Vocational Organization Korea Association of Administrative Professionals(KAAP) IntermediateAdvanced Capacity25 persons/class For whomentry-level secretary Candidate to be transferred to secretarial position middle-level secretary Period8 days program 5 times/yr 11 days program 3 times/yr CostMember: Won 360,000 (USD300.00) Non-Mem: Won 500,000 (USD416.00) Member: Won 480,000 (USD400.00) Non-mem: Won 620,000 (USD516.00)

21 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200421 Program Contents Intermediate ProgramAdvanced Program 1AA’s role and competency 2office management IInternet 3office management IIProject management 4Client managementDatabase management 5Telephone skillsCorrespondences using Ms-Word 6ExcelHuman relations 7Business EnglishRecord & Knowledge management 8Wrap-upBusiness English 9Time management using Outlook 10Career development 11Wrap-up

22 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200422 Vocational Education Career Counseling Career Education

23 Bo Kyung BaeBrazil - May 28, 200423 ? & !? & !

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