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NEW JERSEY STATE TAX UPDATE AND REVIEW Alan J. Preis, CPA 30 Columbia Tpk, Ste. 101 Florham Park, NJ 07932 Tel: 973-660-0444

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Presentation on theme: "NEW JERSEY STATE TAX UPDATE AND REVIEW Alan J. Preis, CPA 30 Columbia Tpk, Ste. 101 Florham Park, NJ 07932 Tel: 973-660-0444"— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW JERSEY STATE TAX UPDATE AND REVIEW Alan J. Preis, CPA 30 Columbia Tpk, Ste. 101 Florham Park, NJ 07932 Tel: 973-660-0444

2 I.What is Bothering you and your clients about NJ Taxation A. 2014 GIT W-2 requests B. 2012 CBT 100 requests from NJ TDW C. Your peeve(s)

3 II.Recent Cases A. Criticare Inc. S corp shareholder B. UPS General Services – Amnesty penalty abatement C. Duke Energy & PPL Electric – CBT State tax add back D. Bernard – GIT statute of limitations refunds – similar to Bonanno case E. Lottery winnings cases proceeding Milligan et al.

4 1.Latest Developments A. Criticare, Inc. Case – June 2014 – S corporation shareholder – credit for taxes paid to other states. B. Resignation of NJ Division of Taxation Director Michael Bryan

5 2.2014 NJ TAX LEGISLATION (June 30, 2014). A. Taxation of out of state corporate partners deriving NJ source K-1 income. B. Sales and Use Tax Nexus for out of state remote vendors. C. Legislation to tax NJ source gains on deemed asset sales under IRC Section 338 (h) (10) – post McKesson Water Products case. D. Proposed penalties for bad electronic payments comparable to bad check penalties – Plaxico Burress 4/30/15

6 3.RECENT LEGISLATION AND ISSUES A. New Jersey Economic Opportunity Act

7 4.PROPOSED LEGISLATION AND ISSUES i. Sales tax on computer and software maintenance i. Regulations adopted December 1, 2014

8 4.PROPOSED LEGISLATION AND ISSUES III. Proposed CBT Market Sourcing Regulation – withdrawn Prospect of Legislation Multistate Implications

9 4.PROPOSED LEGISLATION AND ISSUES iv. Expanded use of 50% Civil Fraud Penalty

10 5. PRIOR ENACTED LEGISLATION AND GUIDANCE CBT Single Sales Factor For years beginning on or after January 1, 2014 Receipts 100%

11 GIT Alternative Business Calculation

12 6. CORPORATE BUSINESS TAX E Filing of CBT 100 mandated for 2015 and e-payment mandated for 2015

13 CORPORATE BUSINESS TAX Cases Telebright Corporation – NJ Tax Court held and NJ Appellate Division affirmed that a telecommuter working at her home in NJ for out of state software company created NJ CBT Nexus

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