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The Evolution of Human impact on the Earth since 1800 What have we done!!!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "The Evolution of Human impact on the Earth since 1800 What have we done!!!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Evolution of Human impact on the Earth since 1800 What have we done!!!!!!

2 Research and represent the changes the world has experienced since industrialization (1800) Population# of different animal species / extinctions % of forest landAverage temperature Food miles: Distance Carbon consumption Automobile ownership Fresh water consumption Average Sea levels

3 Visual representation of what has happened You will need to have visual representations, and provide details and annotations that attempt to explain the trends you are identifying. This could be a chart, video, interview, time line, power point, speech etc…..

4 Solutions on how to reduce/reverse the problem Once you have completed your research and created your historical map, then you must work to generate solutions on how to reverse/reduce the problems you have identified. Solutions should directed at: 1. The intentional community. 2. National Governments. 3. Municipal (City/town) governments 4. Individuals Try to provide a plan of action, why this change is necessary and your intended outcome.

5 Good Luck!!! If you produce excellent work, then you may be asked to present your findings in assembly next Friday!

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