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January 2014.  The purpose of the POD MD-715 Climate Survey is to assess the current cultural climate, so that we may continue to cultivate a work environment.

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Presentation on theme: "January 2014.  The purpose of the POD MD-715 Climate Survey is to assess the current cultural climate, so that we may continue to cultivate a work environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 2014

2  The purpose of the POD MD-715 Climate Survey is to assess the current cultural climate, so that we may continue to cultivate a work environment where everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute to mission success.  The information retrieved from the responses is also intended to help determine current trends, systemic issues and perceptions of the organization.  All employees in POD were offered the opportunity take the survey. 2

3  Survey released to workforce in January 2013, with closing date of February 2013 ◦ Consisted of 27 questions in the areas of  Career Advancement/Development Opportunities  Health of Code 210 – Organizational Climate  Frequency and Quality of Communication ◦ ~200 Employees received the survey ◦ 72 employees responded  Data compiled March through May 2013  Summary level data reviewed for themes, trends, and areas of improvement  Initial ideas to address feedback developed in Fall 2013  Overall, results showed some similarities to themes from past surveys 3

4 Positives ◦ Approximately 82% Agree/Strongly Agree they are satisfied in their current position ◦ Approximately 93% Agree/Strongly Agree they understand the criteria for career advancement and education requirements. ◦ Approximately 89% Agree/Strongly Agree they receive challenging work assignments that promote growth and development ◦ Approximately 92% Agree/Strongly Agree they understand what is expected of them in performing their job Areas of Improvement:  Approximately 29% of employees feel they do not receive an appropriate level of OJT and guidance  Approximately 30% of employees feel current training is not adequate for growth and development 4

5 Positives  Approximately 73% Agree/Strongly Agree they feel valued as a Code 210 employee  Approximately 69% Agree/Strongly Agree that Code 210 organization is inclusive of all employees 5

6 Areas of Improvement :  Approximately 30% of employees do not feel Code 210 is open to new ideas  Approximately 30% of employees do not feel comfortable sharing ideas that may represent views that are not currently embraced  Approximately 25% of employees do not feel valued as a Code 210 employee  Approximately 28% of employees do not feel Code 210 is inclusive of all employees 6

7 Areas of Improvement: Communication  More communications/interactions between management to employees  Communication with Sr. Staff is helpful, but would like boundaries set for distinguishing advisory from mandatory changes  One-on-one communication is open, but group environments are too judgmental 7

8 Areas of Improvement: Policy/Guidance  Establish handbook/written guidance with how-to guidance for different procurements  Update review and approval matrix to improve efficiency  Improve timeliness of reviews; simultaneous reviews  More examples on 210 website; samples and lessons learned  Better systems/tools for RFP and Contract Development  Need updated E-greenbook, linked to CMM/PRISM  Provide accessible review log 8

9 ◦ Based on the survey results, four areas were identified as targeted areas for improvement. They are: - Career Development/On-the-Job Training Opportunities - Health of Code 210 Organizational Climate - Frequency and Quality of Communication - Policy/Guidance o Teams comprised of Associates, PMs and Senior Staff established to develop initial ideas to address the above areas 9

10 Examples of improvement ideas being considered or in process include:  Career Development/On-the-Job Training and Guidance ◦ Consolidated Training Calendar, with more local, focused training in process; “Training Awareness” Campaign; focused surveys to determine training needs  Organizational Climate ◦ Create “New Idea” Forum; provide Shadowing opportunities within Division; establish new Employee Appreciation awards; use social media for sharing of ideas; Brown Bag lunches with D&I discussion topics 10

11 Examples of improvement ideas being considered or in process include:  Communications ◦ More frequent All-Hands discussions; develop meeting “groundrules” to emphasize respectful conversation; designate facilitators for meetings, as check and balance; encourage more mentoring relationships  Policy/Guidance ◦ More templates for common actions; e-Greenbook updates and other clause tools; revise Review and Approval Matrix 11

12  Solicit inputs from employees on ideas for improvements  Hold focus group sessions with employees to foster discussions, or feedback can be submitted electronically  Information on focus groups/electronic feedback to be disseminated in February  Identify and implement actions  Release follow-up employee surveys to assess progress 12

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