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Anger management.

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1 Anger management

2 What is Anger? anger is "an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage.“ Anger can be caused by internalized thoughts and/or by external events (triggers)

3 First, it’s important to know that anger is a basic human emotion
First, it’s important to know that anger is a basic human emotion. It’s a normal reaction when we feel frustrated, blocked, hurt or cheated. Everyone gets angry, at least sometimes. Feeling angry is normal and by itself it is not a problem. Anger, like other emotions, can be described as having three components. They are the feeling component, the physical component, and the thinking component.

4 The physical component includes the bodily sensations such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, reddening of the face, and over-energized muscles that result in tremors in the hands thinking component. This includes our memory of how we have acted in similar situations. We may re-play in our mind the same painful situation, over and over. Unfortunately this serves to perpetuate our anger rather than to calm it.

5 Are you an angry person? Take the following quiz to determine where you fall regarding anger. Answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to each statement as it applies to you. People tell me that I need to calm down. I feel tense much of the time. At work, I hardly ever say what is on my mind.

6 ___ When I am upset, I try to block out the world by watching TV, reading, or going to sleep.
___ I am drinking or using drugs almost daily to help me calm down. ___ I have trouble getting to sleep. ___ I feel misunderstood or not listened to much of the time.

7 __ People ask me not to yell or curse so much.
___ My loved ones keep saying that I’m hurting them. ___ My friends don’t ask me for help very much. Scoring: Add up the number of times you answered ‘Yes” to the above statements.

8 Scoring 0-2: MANAGEABLE - you have stress well in hand but could use relaxation training 3-5: MODERATE - you need to learn more about what stresses you and learn good anger management techniques. 6+: OUT OF CONTROL - You have an anger problem and could benefit from learning anger management techniques.

9 Is it bad to feel angry? No, being angry isn't a bad or negative thing. Being angry can motivate people to listen to your concerns. It can prevent others from walking all over you It's anger management that can be a problem.

10 Events That Trigger Anger
Long waits to see your doctor Traffic congestion Crowded buses A friend joking about a sensitive topic A friend not paying back money owed to you Being wrongly accused Having to clean up someone else’s mess

11 Having an untidy roommate
Having a neighbor who plays the stereo too loud Being placed on hold for long periods of time while on the telephone Being given wrong directions Rumors being spread about you Having money or property stolen from you.

12 What happens if I ignore my anger?
Ignoring your anger does not make it go away. Problems may arise if you choose to handle your anger in this manner. Health problems that may result include heart problems, headaches, and digestive problems.

13 Concentration problems may also develop. Your judgment may be clouded
Concentration problems may also develop. Your judgment may be clouded. Problems could arise in interpersonal relationships others feelings. Ignoring anger may lead to aggression. If anger is not dealt with properly it may build up and lead to violent behavior.

14 What are common methods of handling anger, and which is the healthiest?
Expression: This is conveying your anger. Expression occurs along a continuum, from having a reasonable, rational discussion to erupting into out-of-control violence Suppression. This is trying to hold in or ignore your anger. You may think you shouldn't be angry or that you'll lose control if you let yourself feel any anger. Trying to suppress your anger can lead to such health problems as headaches, stress, depression or high blood pressure

15 Your personal history feeds your reactions to anger
Your personal history feeds your reactions to anger. That's why some people react so angrily to certain situations, like losing a parking space, while others take it in stride. You may have built up years of feeling unheard, ignored, sad, frustrated or disrespected.

16 From the activating event that initially triggers your anger, you move along a continuum where you feel a number of things, such as intensifying agitation or irritation, and then your personal history comes into play and you may explode, especially if you don't step back to think about where your anger is heading



19 How can I deal with anger?
Anger cannot always be avoided; however, you can control how you deal with it. There are three simple steps for managing your anger. Step 1: Recognize your anger : Anger is a natural emotion, so do not feel guilty for getting angry. Pay attention to these warning signs: tensing muscles, changes in your breathing, or becoming flushed in the face.

20 Step 2: Identify the cause
Ask yourself, “Did I perceive the problem accurately?” Other good questions are, “What is my part in all of this? Did I contribute to the misunderstanding/miscommunication/ mistake?” or “Were my expectations clear and reasonable in this situation?”

21 Step 3: Decide what to do Take positive steps to resolve the problem that caused your anger. Do not do anything that might harm yourself or someone else. Give yourself time to cool off before you speak.

22 Calming Anger: Calming down your anger means actively controlling your outward behavior and actively controlling your internal thoughts. This is accomplished by counting to 10 (or 110 if necessary), and postponing the anger long enough to cognitively process the irrational reactions

23 Avoid exaggeration and use of such words as "always" or "never."
Stick to the issue. Be prepared to say, "I'm sorry,” or "I was wrong" and take responsibility for your part of the problem. Work on forgiving and forgetting

24 Listen to others. Listen carefully and respond without getting upset when someone gives you negative feedback. Ask yourself if you can really see the other person's point of view. Avoid situations that trigger your anger. If a situation cannot be avoided, create a plan to deal with it, such as walking away until you calm down.

25 Remembering to treat other people like he'd want to be treated
Agreeing to disagree, and leaving it at that

26 Humor: Do not waste time or energy on being angry
Humor: Do not waste time or energy on being angry. Instead, try to find humor in the situation. When anger begins to escalate, think of anything that will make you laugh. The laughter can immediately change the way you feel. Physical activity: Physical activity, such as walking or running, is a great outlet for anger. Rest and relaxation: Get enough rest and sleep. Muscle relaxation and meditation can also be beneficial to reduce tension. Hobbies: Use your time and energy doing things you enjoy.

27 Talk to someone you trust – By talking about your problems, you can reduce their emotional impact. Just getting some of your problems off your chest can be a relief. the act of describing problems helps your mind to get a perspective on them and to start finding solutions

28 Timing: If you tend to get angry in the evening, after a long day at work, perhaps you are just tired. Try to discuss issues in the morning that may cause anger

29 Relaxation Through Breathing
Find a comfortable position in your chair. If you would like, close your eyes; if not, just gaze down at the floor Take a few moments to settle yourself Now become aware of your body. Check for any tension, beginning with your feet, moving upward to your head. Notice any tension you might have in your legs, stomach, hands and arms, shoulders, neck, and face. Try to let go of any tension.

30 Now, become aware of your breathing
Now, become aware of your breathing. Pay attention to your breath as it enters and leaves your body. This can be very relaxing Take a deep breath. Notice your lungs and chest expanding. Now slowly exhale through your nose. Inhale slowly and fully one more time. Hold it for a second, and release

31 With each inhalation and exhalation, feel your body becoming more and more relaxed
When you feel that you are ready, open your eyes. How was that? How do you feel now?

32 Relaxation Through Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Take a moment to settle in. focus on your breathing: Take a deep breath. Hold it for a second. Now exhale fully and completely Now, while you continue to breathe deeply and fully, bring your awareness to your hands. Clench your fists very tightly. Hold that tension. Now relax your fists

33 Notice the difference between the tension and complete relaxation.
Now bring your awareness to your arms Tense your fists, forearms, and biceps. Hold the tension, and release. Let your arms unfold and your hands float back to your thighs. Feel the tension drain out of your arms.

34 Now raise your shoulders toward your ears. Really tense your shoulders
Now raise your shoulders toward your ears. Really tense your shoulders. Hold the tension for a second. Now gently drop your shoulders and release all the tension Now bring your awareness to your neck and your face. Tense all those muscles by making a face. Hold the tension, and release

35 Be aware of the muscles relaxing at the top of your head and around your eyes.
Let your eyes relax in their sockets, almost as if they were sinking into the back of your head Relax your jaw and your throat. Relax all the muscles around your ears. Feel all the tension in your neck muscles release.

36 Now just sit for a few moments
Now just sit for a few moments. Scan your body for any tension and release it Notice how your body feels when your muscles are completely relaxed. When you are ready, open your eyes. How was that?

37 Some people blame their outbursts on others, saying things like, 'You bring out the worst in me.' Is that a valid excuse? Someone can make you angry, but how you express that anger is your responsibility Recognize that you have a conflict and see how you can handle it appropriately.

38 Can anger harm your health?
Whether you're overly passive and keep your anger pent up, whether you're prone to violent outbursts or whether you're quietly seething with rage, you may have headaches, sleep difficulties, high blood pressure or digestive problems. There's even some evidence that stress and hostility related to anger can lead to heart attacks

39 What can you do if you're confronted by someone whose anger is out of control?
Usually the most rational thing to do, if possible, is to just walk away. If you stay, the situation may escalate into violence. It's important to take reasonable precautions to protect yourself if leaving the situation is difficult or impossible, and to not engage the other person in a manner that's likely to provoke an escalation in their angry behavior.

40 That's not to say you should never confront someone
That's not to say you should never confront someone. If someone is doing something you don't want them to do, and you confront them about it, you now have a conflict. You have to know how you're going to handle that conflict, though. Size up the person you're confronting, and be ready to protect yourself, especially if it's a stranger.

41 Home Assignment What is meditation?? How can it be used to be relaxed?
Do we have in Islam application for meditation? This site may help Finally, express your own opinion about meditation

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