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Diagnostic Memory Clinic & Dementia Services

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1 Diagnostic Memory Clinic & Dementia Services
Dr Sandra Evans Lead Clinician

2 Outdated view of Dementia Diagnosis

3 Dementia Term for irreversible degenerative brain disease
Alzheimer’s most common -60% NOT inevitable outcome of aging Memory is only one possible symptom Personality, speech, skills & awareness all at risk

4 Diagnosis of Dementia Alzheimer’s Disease Insidious Confusion
Disorientation STM Awareness lacking MTL & Hippocampus Vascular Dementia Step wise Vascular risk factors Patchy memory loss Insight preserved Peri-ventricular lucencies

5 Memory Clinics Purpose built for “diagnostics” Prescribing & CST
Aftercare & psycho-education counselling / therapy for distress / carer Impact – reduce distress Reduce BPSD Prevent institutionalisation

6 Pathway Recognition often delayed Most via patient’s GP
Neurologist, geriatrician, psychiatrist Memory assessment & neuropsychology Neuro-imaging Arrive at a diagnosis Give feedback to patient & family with AS Follow-up

7 City & Hackney MHCOP Pathway
Hospital Admission Incoming Referral Interventions by Community Teams CPA level Criteria City & Hackney MHCOP Pathway Allocation for Assessment – Health & Social Care Needs Social Care Review Single Point of Entry Initial Screening & Triage Intermediate Care Team Dementia Care Team Diagnostic Memory Clinic Community Mental Health Team See separate pathway. MHCOP Outpatient Clinics Discharged back to GP and/or other agencies.

8 Diagnostic Memory Clinics
Earlier diagnoses /MCI and its vicissitudes BPSD Anxiety disorders Depression Paranoid psychoses Alcohol & substance-related issues Multiple co-morbidities

9 Dementia needs to be diagnosed earlier…
But… May unearth more complexity Diagnosis raises anxieties and exposes new needs Dementia may be an expression of other conditions Largely involves more than one person

10 Mental State Examination
Appearance and Behaviour Speech Affect Mood – subjective, objective Thoughts Perceptions Cognition Insight

11 BPSD-Psychiatric Manifestations of Dementia I
Most commonly depression and anxiety delusions: often paranoid, jealousy auditory hallucinations visual hallucinations beliefs exacerbated by confusion and illogical thinking disinhibition, aggression, occasional violence

12 Psychiatric Manifestations II
Symptoms and behaviours often explicable in terms of patient experience sensory deprivations +impaired reality testing=delusional thinking receptive dysphasia (difficulties understanding spoken words leads to misunderstanding and fear-eg personal care)

13 Lack of awareness- Agnosia
Affects judgement of capability –risk Lack of insight disrupts bond of communication Reduces sense of shared purpose when Rx or supporting disability

14 post-diagnostic psychological work
Family and carer support Family interventions may improve communication Dementia sufferers support groups Sufferers and carers dialogues- modelling communication BPSD- are communications and a way of understanding distress

15 Living Well with Dementia
Recognises that dementia is a chronic condition that can set the sufferer apart Aims to reduce fear, further loss & risk of isolation Physical & mental health at risk Improve awareness…. Accept some dependence on others

16 Vascular Depression More common in late life
Associated with vascular risk factors Associated with subjective memory loss May be objective memory loss Depression may be resistant Increased likelihood of later dementia

17 YOUNG ONSET DEMENTIA Case vignettes

18 MR A- HISTORY Presented at 52
History of 2 year decline in function and personality change Performance deteriorated Some depressive symptoms Possible family history?

19 Symptomatology Change in personality Apathy Extreme tiredness
Distractibility Disinhibition Suicidality

20 DIAGNOSIS FTD Made at NHND on History, features and MRI
DAT scan negative EEG- normal Depression


22 Treatment & Management
No specific treatment for FTD Supportive measures Rx Citalopram for depression Oxytocin for behavioural problems (Jesso et al 2011 Brain, CST group & carer support

23 Ongoing difficulties Boredom Maintaining safety - telecare
Relationships Engagement with services Young and fit (fast)

24 THANK YOU for LISTENING Felstead St. 0203 222 8500

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