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Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Using the JPEG2000 image format for storage and access in biodiversity collections. Chris Freeland Missouri Botanical.

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Presentation on theme: "Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Using the JPEG2000 image format for storage and access in biodiversity collections. Chris Freeland Missouri Botanical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Using the JPEG2000 image format for storage and access in biodiversity collections. Chris Freeland Missouri Botanical Garden

2 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 But first, an oversight…

3 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Overview of JPEG2000 Wavelet-based compression –Different than JPEG –Decompress without extracting entire file Proposed in 2000 to supercede JPEG –Hasn’t Slow adoption in museums & libraries –Poor (no) native browser support –Few open source options Faster adoption in medical imaging, other commercial applications

4 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Parts of the format Part 1, Core coding system (JP2)Part 1 –defines format; adopted as standard first. Part 2, ExtensionsPart 2 Part 3, Motion JPEG 2000Part 3 Part 4, ConformancePart 4 Part 5, Reference softwarePart 5 Part 6, Compound image file format (JPM)Part 6 Part 7 has been abandoned Part 8, Security (JPSEC)Part 8 Part 9, Protocols and API (JPIP)Part 9 Part 10, JP3D (volumetric imaging)Part 10 Part 11, JPWL (wireless applications)Part 11 Part 12, ISO Base Media File Format (common w/ MPEG-4)Part 12

5 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Advantages of JPEG2000 Region extraction Compression –Both lossless & lossy Self-containedness –XML metadata + image –Multiple objects can be bundled together Progressive Transmission –Lower quality at early load

6 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Region Extraction “Give me x,y coordinates at z resolution.” 600ppi, 200MB TIF; encode to 100MB JP2 72ppi: 20KB JPG

7 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 “How many books in a ___?” 2 Biblioburros; 4,800 books* * Luis Soriano, with Alpha and Beto 1 Biblioburro = 2,400 books BHL to date = 9 Biblioburros!

8 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Storage requirement for a digital Biblioburro 2,400 books / Biblioburro –(9,238,295 pages / 22,118 books in BHL) = 418 pages / book –1,002,437 pages / Biblioburro Avg size of each image file –RAW/TIF: 24MB; JP2: 2MB Drive space needed / Biblioburro –TIF: 24TB; JP2: 2TB 2,400 books 24 TB TIFs 2 TB JP2 = =

9 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Self-containedness / metadata bundling Not just an image, but an image, its content & its context –Adobe XMP –Dublin Core –Your own XML TIF Headers & JPEG limit fields Can describe more than just an image –A whole web site

10 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Barriers for adoption Lack of affordable, scalable serving options –Until recently, no open source server –Commercial options expensive No native browser support –Safari does, but via QuickTime –But why?? PNG? No motivation? Community skepticism

11 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Encoding Software Commercial –Adobe Photoshop –LuraTech SDK –LizardTech Non-Commercial –Kakadu –ImageMagik –IrfanView

12 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Decoding & Serving Commercial –LizardTech –Aware –LuraTech ICS –FSIV Non-Commercial –Kakadu –GSIV –djatoka

13 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Part 6: JPIP Protocol and API for transmitting JP2 Designed for HTTP, but not restricted to that carrier –Don’t need a browser Implementations are available, use is infrequent –HiRISE camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

14 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Current use of JP2 in BHL Serve 85% (lossy).jp2 LizardTech decoder –Tiled on the fly –Cached for performance GSIV browser-based client viewer

15 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 LizardTech ExpressServer Browser GSIV.js Internet Archive /page/1274907 pageid: 1274907 BHLdb A user requests Mushrooms of America, edible and poisonousMushrooms of America, edible and poisonous, Plate X: locate:

16 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008




20 The Future: djatoka Developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Research Library Use of the ISO-standardized JPEG 2000 format [6] as the service format;6 Java-based open source solution built around the Kakudu JPEG 2000 library;Kakudu Geared towards reuse through URI-addressability of all image disseminations including regions, rotations, and format transformations; Provision of a consistent, guessable URI pattern for image disseminations based on the ANSI/NISO OpenURL standard [7];7 Provision of an extensible service framework for image disseminations enabled by OCLC's Java OpenURL package;OCLC's Java OpenURL package Availability of image disseminations in a range of image formats; Availability of image disseminations for locally stored JPEG 2000 files, as well as for Web-accessible images in a variety of formats; Configurable server-side, file-based caching; Ajax-based client reference implementation, based on IIPImage JavaScript Viewer, which allows panning, zooming, and selecting the URI of the current view.IIPImage JavaScript Viewer

21 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 References djatoka – HUL: Page Image Compression for Mass Digitization – JP2 in Libraries and Archives – JPEG 2000 - a Practical Digital Preservation Standard? – JPEG2000 site –

22 Freeland, TDWG 2008. 24 Oct 2008 Contact Chris Freeland Missouri Botanical Garden 4344 Shaw Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63110

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