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Disposable Syringes and Needles Construction of an Evaluation Tool for Field Assessments Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre SIGN meeting, New Delhi, India,

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Presentation on theme: "Disposable Syringes and Needles Construction of an Evaluation Tool for Field Assessments Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre SIGN meeting, New Delhi, India,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disposable Syringes and Needles Construction of an Evaluation Tool for Field Assessments Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre SIGN meeting, New Delhi, India, 2001

2 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 Introduction Cairo SIGN conference: Many different new products on the market e.g. AD syringes with complete range of size for treatment injection. Agreement of SIGN participants on encouraging rigorous evaluation of safer injection equipements Agreement on WHO to prepare « statisticaly sound framework » for evaluation of syringes on the fields

3 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 Objective To design a tool (questionnaire) to assess disposable syringes and needles in field conditions

4 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 Application and constraints Application fields Any uses Any settings Any kind of disposable devices Constraints Field testing Questionnaire (users or observers) Qualitative and quantitative information

5 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 Different disposable devices Classical needles and syringes Auto-disable needles and syringes Fixed or separate needles and syringes Different uses Treatment, immunisation Different settings OPD and IPD in hospitals Health centres Extended (or national) Programme of Immunisation National Immunisation Days Mass vaccination campaign

6 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 Domains to explore Protection and sterility of the device Preparation of the device Injection Recipient perception Destruction

7 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 Practical use of the questionnaire Filled after one day observation By one person (user or observer) For one type of use For one type of syringe and needle Measure of subjective appreciation Several questions per domain Likert scale : ease of use or frequence level Ponderation of item (determined by expert) Calculation of Score By question By domain Global

8 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 Exploitation of information Centralisation of filled questionnaires Database: one record per questionnaire One day of observation One user or observer One type of use One device (syringe and needle) Analysis of Likert score will allow to Describe devices by question or domain Point out advantages of each device Compare devices according to type and place of use

9 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 Method of questionnaire validation Relevance of questions Feasibility Duration of administration Percentage of correct filling Reliability Reproductibility intra-observer Reproductibility inter-observer Discriminating power between different situations

10 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 Comments Tool construction in process => Need of expert advice Domain Questions selection Questions formulation Type of questionnaire administration (users or observer) ? Type of forms ? Elaboration of a guideline to use the questionnaire ? Creation of a network of partners for field validation

11 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 First proposal of questionnaire

12 Bernadette Gergonne, Epicentre, SIGN Meeting, New Delhi, India, August 2001 First proposal of questionnaire

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