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On the Complexity of Join Predicates Jeff Naughton with Jin-Yi Cai, Venkatesan Chakaravarthy,Raghav Kaushik, Jignesh Patel, Karthikeyan Ramasamy.

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Presentation on theme: "On the Complexity of Join Predicates Jeff Naughton with Jin-Yi Cai, Venkatesan Chakaravarthy,Raghav Kaushik, Jignesh Patel, Karthikeyan Ramasamy."— Presentation transcript:

1 On the Complexity of Join Predicates Jeff Naughton with Jin-Yi Cai, Venkatesan Chakaravarthy,Raghav Kaushik, Jignesh Patel, Karthikeyan Ramasamy

2 Outline What are joins and join predicates? What issues arise with respect to joins in the presence of new data types? Theoretical discussion of “difficulty” of join predicates.

3 Join: Useful Combination R join_{pred} S is defined to be: form cross product of R and S apply selection (using pred) to the result The “workhorse” operator of relational systems, used in every non-trivial query.

4 Example of a Join Suppose we have two tables: Students(sid, name, …) Grades(courseId, sid, grade) and we want a list of student names and grades, then we do: Students join_{sid=sid} Grades This is an equijoin, since pred is =.

5 In SQL... SELECT * FROM Students, Grades WHERE Students.sid = Grades.sid

6 Example Studentssidname 1Garcia 2Naughton Grades cid sidgrade 245 1 A 245 2 C 311 1 A Resultsid namecid grade 1Garcia245A 2Naughton235C 1Garcia345A

7 How should we evaluate joins? 200+ citations in DBLP bibliography Most obvious (and slow!) algorithm: nested loops join. for each tuple r in R for each tuple s in S if join-pred(r,s) then output (r,s)

8 In the beginning... Goal was: find a better algorithm than nested loops for equijoins. Two early contenders [BE77]: sort-merge join index nested-loops join Both much better than nested loops, but not as good as partition-based joins.

9 Intuition behind partition joins R S vs. R1 R2 S1 S2 vs. R1 R2 R3 R4 S1 S2 S3 S4

10 New Topic: Adding Types to DBMS What types do Relational DBMS handle? Tables, Rows, Attributes Attributes drawn from very restricted domains: essentially numeric string

11 Object/Relational DBMS A lot of hype a few years ago, marketing lingo was “universal server.” Beyond the hype, all major relational systems are incorporating some O/R features. What does O/R add? Of interest today: new domains (types) set-valued attributes

12 Some examples... Spatial attributes landUse(id: integer, outline: polygon); county(name: string, boundary: polygon); Set-valued attributes students(id:int, coursesTaken: set of courseId); courses(id: courseId, preReqs: set of courseId);

13 What does this have to do with joins? The following is a “join” query: For each county, list the types of land use that exist within the county. Here the “join predicate” is polygon overlap. In extended SQL, we have: Select * From county, landUse Where county.boundary overlaps landUse.outline

14 Another example: For each student, list the courses she is eligible to take. Here, the join predicate is set containment: Select * From student, course Where course.preReqs subsetof student.coursesTaken.

15 Learning from equijions.. The best general equijoin algorithms work by partitioning input relations. Can we find good partitioning-based algorithms for spatial joins and set containment joins?

16 Spatial Joins… DBLP bibliography lists 50 references for spatial join algorithms. Best in absence of index is some flavor of partition-based join. Not as clean as equijoin algorithms. Involve replication of data and/or duplication of computation. Seems to be tougher than equijoins.

17 Set-Containment Joins Much less work to date. Two main approaches: signature nested loops [HM96,HM97] partition-based algorithms [HM97, RPNK00] Signature-based approach: nested loops, but reduces the cost of the comparisons. Partition based - complex, huge design space.

18 Replication vs. Extra Joins Students(23, {1, 4, 5}) Courses(245, {1, 4}) Courses(311, {4,5}) C2 S1 C1 S2 Then we need to join (C1, S1) and (C2, S1). Students(23, {1, 4, 5}) Then we have avoided joining (C2, S1), but at the expense of replicating Students(23, {1, 3, 5}).

19 Can we prove that joins over these domains are hard? Big problem: everything is in P in fact, in quadratic time. How can we distinguish between them? Our initial progress: combinatorial complexity difficulty of finding “optimal” algorithm.

20 Abstracting Join Algorithms Represent join by a bipartite graph. One node per tuple of R One node per tuple of S an edge from node r to node s if the tuple r joins with the tuple s.

21 Pebbling Game Represent computation by a pebbling game two pebbles, one for R, one for S place tuples on both ends of an edge, remove it goal: remove all edges.

22 The pebbling game: R (join) S

23 Our use of the pebble game To attempt to capture relative difficulty of different join problems. Intuition: at some point any join algorithm must consider each edge of the join graph. That moment is captured by placing pebbles on that edge. Length of pebbling sequence an indication of how efficiently these moments can be ordered.

24 Metric: # pebble moves.  (G)  (required pebble moves)  (#connected components in G) Intuition: any pebbling scheme must pay “startup cost” of one pebble move per component. Want to factor this out.

25 Easy bounds on  (G) Theorem: for a graph with m edges, m - 1   (G) < 2m Why? at best, each pebble move removes an edge; at worst, each pair of pebble moves remove an edge.

26 Tighter bound on  (G) Theorem: for a connected m edge graph, we have that  (G)   1.25m   1. Proof idea: find a partition of the edge set E1, E2, …, Ek, where at most one of the Ei has |Ei| <= 4. each of the Ei can be pebbled in |Ei| moves. Uses DFS tree embedded in graph and repeatedly eliminates components “at the fringe.”

27 Lower bound on worst case Theorem: there is a family of graphs for which  (G) = 1.25m. G3 G4 G5

28 Status check... Worst case join graphs require about 1.25m Best case join graphs can be pebbled in m. Not much “wiggle room” between the two.

29 Equijoins Equijoin: can show  (G) = m. Why? For equijoins, join graph is a union of complete components. So, by this metric, no join predicate is easier than equality.

30 Spatial and Set-Containment Joins Can show that  (G) can reach 1.25m. So by this metric no join is harder than these joins. Proof idea: show that these join predicates are “universal”: for any bipartite graph G, there is an instance of a {set, overlap} join J such that G is the join graph for J

31 Next Topic: Finding Pebblings Recall that for equijoins,  (G) = m. So, given an arbitrary equijion graph, how hard is it to find a pebbling sequence of cost m? Answer: Can do this in linear time.

32 What about set containment joins and spatial overlap joins? Recall that for these joins,  (G) can range from m to 1.25m. Can you find the best pebbling efficiently? Unlikely! Theorem: for set containment joins and spatial overlap joins, finding optimal pebbling sequence is NP-Complete. (Follows from [MKY81,NW97].)

33 So how about approximating? Theorem: for any join graph of m edges, can find a pebbling of cost 1.25m in linear time. Raises question: can you find a polynomial time approximation scheme?

34 Answer appears to be “no” Theorem: The pebbling problem for set containment and spatial overlap joins is MAX-SNP-Complete. Proof idea: Has a constant factor approx. algorithm (so in MAX-SNP). MAX-SNP-Complete by L-reduction from TSP-3(1,2), which in turn is MAX-SNP- Complete by reduction from TSP-4(1,2).

35 Conclusion: In this model... equality easiest join predicate can be pebbled in m moves pebbling can be found in linear time polygon overlap, set containment hardest. Exist instances that take 1.25m moves Finding pebbling is NP-complete and MAX- SNP-Complete

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