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Healthy Sporting Environments Demonstration Project Kerryn O’Rourke, VicHealth Linda Connor, Leisure Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Sporting Environments Demonstration Project Kerryn O’Rourke, VicHealth Linda Connor, Leisure Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Sporting Environments Demonstration Project Kerryn O’Rourke, VicHealth Linda Connor, Leisure Networks

2 Aims to reduce future burden of preventable disease ◦ by addressing a range of health risk factors in a single, large geographic area in Victoria (G21) ◦ via 100 sports clubs

3  Healthy eating  Reduced tobacco use  Responsible alcohol use  UV protection  Injury prevention and management  Safety, support and inclusion for women and girls, Indigenous people and those from culturally diverse backgrounds

4  VicHealth  Leisure Networks, Regional Sports Assembly  Program partners  Reference group

5  Reach into the community  Behaviour and environment focus  Evidence building

6 To determine what factors are required to instigate and sustain healthy behaviour change within sporting environments To determine what barriers impact on sporting environments’ capacity to instigate and sustain behavioural change, and strategies to overcome them To make recommendations to inform future investments

7  Healthy eating  Reduced tobacco use  Responsible alcohol use  UV protection  Injury prevention and management  Safety, support and inclusion for women and girls, Indigenous people and those from culturally diverse backgrounds

8  Achieve Good Sports level 2 accreditation  Not sell or provide alcohol before midday on match days  Display health promotion messaging of equal weighting to branding and messaging provided by alcohol industry sponsors  One of the following strategies: ◦ sell spirits at an additional 20% premium on 2009 prices, and full-strength beer at an additional 10% premium on 2009 prices, or ◦ only serve beer and spirits with an alcohol content of not more than 3.5%, and serve wine in 100ml glasses.

9  Clubs selected using a number of different criteria, including: - Those which have both senior and junior members - Those who hold their own canteen or bar licence  The all of club response to standards will help to re-enforce and internalise messaging to young people about healthy activities  Primary prevention approach

10  Planning & Establishment Phase (Aug 2010-March 2011) — Reference groups with reps from G21 LGAs, partners and stakeholders — Briefing sessions with clubs (Aug-Oct) — Summer Testing (6 clubs involved)  Implementation Phase (March 2011-March 2013) — 50 winter clubs/50 summer clubs

11  Range of resources and support mechanisms  Dedicated staff team ― 1 F/T Project Manager ― 2 P/T Project Workers ― 1 F/T Social Inclusion officer ― 1 P/T Sponsorship Officer ― Evaluation/resources/training/manual  Training from key partners - e.g. Violence Against Women, Racial discrimination  Online resource manual  Ongoing partnerships - e.g. Quit, ADF, Heart Foundation  Organisational support - Leisure Networks and Vic Health

12  Mindful of... — Volunteer-based — Resource poor — Changing membership — Established cultures based on exclusion and inclusion — Evaluation/resources/training/manual  Behaviour change takes time — 2- year period (2011-2013) gives clubs supported time for implementation

13  Evaluation process - Throughout the life of the project - Clubs will participate in focus groups, individual interviews and surveys - Information will provide an evidence base around the barriers, enablers and strategies that make healthy sporting environments

14 Linda Connor Manager, Healthy Sporting Environments Demonstration Project  Ph: 5224 9932  E:

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