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Pandemic Influenza Response Planning on College Campuses Felix Sarubbi, MD Division of Infectious Diseases James H. Quillen College of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Pandemic Influenza Response Planning on College Campuses Felix Sarubbi, MD Division of Infectious Diseases James H. Quillen College of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pandemic Influenza Response Planning on College Campuses Felix Sarubbi, MD Division of Infectious Diseases James H. Quillen College of Medicine

2 Guidance offered by US Department of Health and Human Services State Health Departments American College Health Association Pandemic Influenza Planning Colleges and Universities

3 Develop PIPP consistent with national and state guidelines. TDH plan available in July, 2006. Consider developing an Alert Matrix that includes three levels of response corresponding to pandemic flu : Anywhere outside North America Anywhere within North America On Campus

4 Pandemic Influenza Planning Colleges and Universities Essential Components Emergency Response Team – upper management, student health, local health dept, health sciences, etc Possible separate Workgroup – housing, human resources, security, public relations, etc. High level communication with local/regional health dept, local health care facilities

5 Pandemic Influenza Planning Colleges and Universities Internal Coordination Guided by Emergency Preparedness Plan Defined Emergency Command Center Clear Chain of Command External Coordination State Health Department Local and regional health departments Hospital systems Emergency management agencies

6 Communication Capabilities Computer based, Telephone, Radio, Postings Internal - Emergency Response Team members, faculty, staff, students (web site, email, posted notices) External – TDH, local/regional health departments, police, EMA’s, media organizations, parents Pandemic Influenza Planning Colleges and Universities

7 Business Continuity (expect absenteeism) Define critical operations and services Define critical staff Characterize distant work functions (work at home) and distant education (web-based education) Legal issues – liberal sick leave,etc.

8 Pandemic Influenza Planning Colleges and Universities Develop Communicable Disease Control Measures Prepare informational postings and brochures – describe pandemic influenza (clinical/epidemiol) Outline mechanisms of infection transmission and appropriate personal hygiene methods as well as social distancing, environmental cleaning, etc. Describe circumstances that would result in cancellation of classes, closure of residence halls, school closure,etc. Provide information about vaccine distribution and antiviral medications according to health dept guidelines.

9 Pandemic Influenza Planning Colleges and Universities Campus Related Healthcare Needs Collaborate with community partners (health dept, hospitals) to define triage strategy and referral guidelines Can the TBR site provide a range of healthcare needs for students/staff remaining on campus? If so, identify sites and staff to provide the services, establish broad communication lines, stockpile equipment (masks, sanitizers, etc.) and address possible mortuary concerns.

10 Pandemic Influenza Planning Colleges and Universities Address Needs of Students Remaining on Campus Identify housing and residence hall options for well and ill persons Consistently and accurately communicate with students and parents by email, phone, etc. Provide essential services for each housing unit (food, utilities, security) Monitor student census and health in each unit and specify how student health services will be provided (SHS, community clinics, etc.)

11 Other PIPP Components Develop travel recommendations consistent with CDC guidelines SHS can develop syndromic or case surveillance on campus Identify legal authority to address extraordinary circumstances Implement an exercise or drill to test the plan and develop a recovery plan Consider potential role of campus staff in overall community response Pandemic Influenza Planning Colleges and Universities

12 Summary PIPP guideline handout is a template – individualize your plan to your setting and your community Fully engage community partners Seek advice and guidance from local/regional and state health departments

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