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STEPS Safety Presentation Ref-Chem, L.P.
S.C. “Trey” Myers February 10, 2009
Ref-Chem, L.P. is a 2.2MM man hour per year company associated with Construction, Engineering, Plant Maintenance and Field Services.
Blood in the anterior chamber of the eye (hyphaema) as a complication of blunt trauma. Eyes with hyphaema may show other signs of damage
Challenges Faced Disconnect between planning & work
Short time to make a difference Who can make the biggest difference? Cell phones; Texting Boom/ Bust Declining workforce Mean age of skilled labor Policy enforcement Keeping up with training requirements & refresher Walk the talk
New Processes Short Service Employee Program (SSE)
Hazard Identification Feedback Safety reports directly to the President Intranet Reporting & Database HSE Observation Program Behavior Based Safety Planning Cards Tap Root Immediate stand down Recognition – Private & Public
Short Service Employee Policy
PURPOSE The Ref-Chem, L.P. (RCLP) Short Service Employee (SSE) program applies to employees & subcontractors who have less than six months total service with the company and or less than one year in the same industry. The purpose of the program is to ensure that these employees have an initial orientation of safety requirements prior to performing work at client/owner locations and to provide SSE direct on-site supervision by a designated employee who also serves as a mentor/trainer.
Short Service Employee Policy
RESPONSIBILITIES A. REF-CHEM Management is committed to the health, safety and welfare of its employees and co-workers and therefore responsible for assuring program implementation. B. The Site Supervisor is responsible for identification and documentation of all SSE employees and reporting of such to RCLP corporate safety, and to the client/owner (as needed). The site supervisor shall assign mentors to SSE’s. The site supervisor shall maintain proper ratio of experience personnel per crew/gang. C. SSE Mentor shall be responsible for overseeing site; Orientation, Training and Observation of SSE. The Mentor will coach and supervise work. The SSE’s safety will be of highest priority while learning the new job and unfamiliar tasks. D. SSE shall Consult with and listen to Mentor, and will be responsible for performing work as directed, but always has the responsibility to speak up and or stop the job when work is deemed unsafe.
Severe alkali burn causing opacification of the cornea
Short Service Employee Policy
Policy Guideline The “Short Service Employee (SSE) Program” outlines minimum requirements of RCLP & its subcontractor companies using employees with less than six months total service with the company and or less than one year in the same industry. The requirements are as follows: A. Verification of experience e.g. application, certification, license, etc. B. An initial employee orientation is required that includes; i. A review of Management Safety Commitment Statement ii. General Safety Rules iii. General requirements for Personal Protective Equipment iv. Injury reporting and medical follow up procedures v. Required participation in safety meetings, pre-job planning and STA/JSA process Vi. And, site specific orientation e.g. emergency action plan, facility sign- in, etc. C. SSE’s with less than 1 year in the industry shall be kept to a minimum on a work location. i. Ratio of 1:2 for Alliance Field Services LCC ii. Ref-Chem Construction Sites, no more than 30% iii. Ref-Chem Maintenance Sites, no more than 30%
Short Service Employee Policy
Policy Guideline Continue D. SSE’s with less than 1 years experience in the industry may only work under the direct on-site supervision of a RCLP or subcontractor employee, as designated by their site superintendent, who as one of his or her duties, serves as a mentor/trainer in safety for the SSE. An exception may be granted for a supervisor with a high level of previous work experience in the same job family. Any exception request must be submitted in writing and approved by the Department Manager. A signed copy of any exception must be attached to a copy of this policy and on file for inspection at the filed office. E. The RCLP site supervisor must provide written notification of all SSE’s working on RCLP client/owner sites to the corporate safety department upon rollout and implementation of this policy. Following implementation, the sites are required to report SSE’s upon time of employment. F. SSE’s should be easily identifiable while on RCLP work locations. i. Can be accomplished by using green colored hard hats, green hard hat stickers or taped green bands, as accepted by the client and as noted in the SSSP.
Short Service Employee Policy
Documentation Requirement A. Completed Short Service Employee Notification forms must be sent to RCLP corporate safety department and a copy shall be retained on site in a separate properly labeled file folder for RCLP and all its subcontractors. B. Document Retention i. The job site shall retain completed forms until completion of job ii. Corporate shall retain on file a minimum of six months after completion of job C. Short Service Employee Tracking Log - The jobsite shall maintain a Short Service Employee Tracking Log and keep it current for audit. This form is to be submitted on a monthly basis to the corporate safety department for review. (Standard Form provided )
Hazard Identification Feedback
Intranet Reporting & Database
HSE Observation Program
Peer to peer method of coaching, counseling, and encouraging all employees to reinforce safe behavior. Safety Observation Cycle: 1. Observe people 2. Analyze their work practices by focusing on safe and unsafe behaviors 3. Talk with them about safety 4. Actively correct and prevent unsafe acts and conditions 5. Reinforce safe behavior 6. Report your observations
Behavior Based Safety Basics
#1 message: All employees have the obligation to stop work that is unsafe. Train employees and subcontractors in program and document training. Gather and trend data on a regular basis. Use the data to understand types of at risk behaviors, develop performance targets and to address behaviors targeted for improvement. Use trended data to develop action plans and upgrade/ customize training. Share observations, trended data and performance targets with employees.
Behavior Based Safety The following slides provide an example of Ref-Chem’s basic Behavior Based HSE Observation Program. This Behavior Based Safety program is intended to enable Ref-Chem employees to report and record safety observations, most importantly, stopping work that is unsafe.
Behavior Based Safety Basics
The name of the person being stopped should not be included, except for positive recognition. The proper response to being stopped is “Thank You”. Observations should be kept positive, not a “Gotcha”. Incentives work well for building an in depth safety program. Examples include: Best Observation, Most Quality Observations, etc. “What happened and what did you do about it?” is a simple criteria for a quality HSE Observation. Once the written program is in place, continue to build upon it in the spirit of continual improvement.
Behavior Based Safety Basics
Benefits of BBS to Our Company: Enhanced Reporting Increased Hazard Recognition Easily Share Recognized Hazards Data gathered is used to recognize trends. Trended data used to enhance program. Employees have greater sense of ownership of the HSE program. Incentives may be tied to best quality observations. Increased Employee Retention
Data can easily be gathered and trended.
Behavior-Based Observation Card Data can easily be gathered and trended.
Blood in the anterior chamber of the eye (hyphaema) as a complication of blunt trauma. Eyes with hyphaema may show other signs of damage
Start Your Day the Ref-Chem Way! Ask yourself these questions:
Do I understand my job task? Is this task on my STA? Am I aware of the hazards involved in this task? Do I understand the proper PPE required & know how to use it? Can I accomplish this task safely? If you can not answer YES to all these questions, STOP and contact your supervisor. It’s the RIGHT thing to do!
Tap Root RCLP Root Cause Analysis Tool We investigate ALL incidence
RCA is conducted on: Recordable Injuries LT Injuries All Serious incidents
Minimum Acceptable Practices
Lessons Learned Deterioration of policy
Changing people’s behaviors & culture does not come easy Employees lack of focus on task at hand Maintain focus when performing routine activities Enforcement of the Minimal Acceptable Practices produces results
Conclusions SSEP is working
Beginning to close the disconnect between planning & work Feedback to the front line Graphic safety leaves an impression Everyone assumes it will never happen to them! Demand high standards from all employees
How do you… Help Keep Everyone’s Safe?
Have a Policy Know the Policy Enforce the Policy Support the policy
Challenge Best Practices Opinions on graphic tools in safety
Refining Excellence in Engineering, Construction and Maintenance
Ref-Chem, L.P. Refining Excellence in Engineering, Construction and Maintenance
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